
gǔ běn
  • equity;stock;capital stock;stake;money invested
股本 [gǔ běn]
  • [money invested;capital stock] 股份公司的资本,以发行股票的形式筹得。有时也指其他合资经营的工商企业中的资本或资金

股本[gǔ běn]
  1. 留存收益账户和股本账户都属于所有者权益账户。

    Both the Retained Earnings account and the Capital Stock account are Owners'Equity accounts .

  2. 公司股本的所有权通常包括以下基本权利

    The ownership of capital stock in a corporation usually carries the following basic rights

  3. 康柏公司两年后上市时,他们的股本为3,800万美元。

    Two years later , when Compaq went public , their stock was valued at $ 38 million

  4. 本文作者是英国第四频道(channel4)董事长,并经营着私人股本集团riskcapitalpartners

    The writer is chairman of channel 4 and runs risk capital partners , a private equity firm

  5. 本文作者管理着私人股本公司RiskCapitalPartners,并担任StartUpBritain主席。

    The writer runs Risk Capital Partners , a private equity firm , and is chairman of StartUp Britain .

  6. 中国交通银行(bankofcommunications)将推出一只美元私人股本基金,这是表明中国对此类资产类别兴趣日渐上升的最新迹象。

    Bank of communications is to launch a US dollar private equity fund in the latest sign of mounting Chinese interest in the asset class .

  7. 根据这项中英生物医药产业双向合作计划(ProjectDynasty),一家总部设在英国、由私人股本资助的临床研究机构将利用英国专家资源,在英国研发药物并开始试验。

    Under the Sino-British plan , project Dynasty , a UK-based clinical research organisation with private equity backing would tap British specialists to develop and begin testing medicines in the UK .

  8. 根据已发行股本,可以折算出Facebook总估值约750亿美元。

    Based on the number of shares outstanding , that works out to a valuation of approximately $ 75 billion .

  9. 本周,美国私人股本基金凯雷集团(carlylegroup)收购重庆商业银行(chongqingcommercialbank)8%股权的交易,未能获得监管机构的批准。

    This week Carlyle Group , the US private equity fund , failed to secure approval to buy an 8 per cent stake in Chongqing Commercial Bank .

  10. 他表示,吉利“对汽车行业理解深刻”,在投资回报方面比私人股本公司(pe)更有耐心。

    He said Geely had a " deep understanding of the auto industry " and more patience about return on investment than private equity owners .

  11. 潜在的私人股本竞购者包括CVC和马来西亚的NavisCapital。

    Potential private equity bidders include CVC and Navis Capital , the Malaysia-based group .

  12. 针对在欧洲运营的对冲基金和私人股本基金的新规定虽存在争议,但赢得了昨日在布鲁塞尔举行会议的欧盟(EU)各国财长的支持。

    Controversial new rules for hedge funds and private equity funds operating in Europe won the backing of European Union finance ministers meeting in Brussels yesterday .

  13. 私募股本集团DLJMerchantBankingPartners是瑞士信贷2000年收购Donaldson,Lufkin&Jenrette公司的遗产。

    The buyer is coller capital , a private equity firm focused on secondary transactions .

  14. 该行将为这家名为RealEstateInvestments的坏银行提供50亿至75亿美元的股本,并为剩余部分提供融资。

    The bank will contribute $ 5bn - $ 7.5bn of equity to the bad bank , to be called Real Estate Investments , and provide financing for the remaining amount .

  15. 十多年来,为私人股本所有的美国企业都和美国上市公司一样,必须向美国证券交易委员会(securitiesandexchangecommission)提交收益报表。

    For a decade and more , US companies owned by private equity have had to file earnings reports with the securities and Exchange Commission just like their public counterparts .

  16. 这使得提高利润率成为银行业提高股本回报率(ROE)的主要机会。

    That leaves better margins as banks ' main chance of raising return on equity .

  17. 《巴塞尔协议iii》要求银行股本可以低至其未经风险加权的总资产的3%,这一比例很低,是非常危险的。

    Basel III allows the equity of banks to be as low as 3 per cent of their total , non-risk-weighted assets , which is dangerously low .

  18. 当英国私人股本公司3i主动联系小肥羊(littlesheep)时,它发现,自己并不是第一个与这家中国连锁餐厅接洽的潜在投资者。

    When 3I , the UK private equity firm , cold-called little sheep , it discovered it was not the first potential investor to contact the Chinese restaurant chain .

  19. 摩根大通还控股另类投资管理公司Highbridge,其名下管理资产约有210亿美元,以及私人股本集团OneEquityPartners。

    JPMorgan also controls Highbridge , the alternative investment manager with about $ 21bn in assets under management , and One Equity Partners , a private equity group .

  20. 由于等待首次公开发行(ipo)的中国企业如此之多,因此,私人股本将成为中国许多增长型企业的另一个选择。

    Because the pipeline for initial public offerings in China is so full , private equity will become the route of choice for many growing companies .

  21. 在金融市场动荡以及经济形势疲弱的背景下,全球私人股本业(pe)管理的资产价值去年继续增长,达到创纪录的3万亿美元。

    The value of assets managed by the private equity industry globally continued to rise last year , hitting a record $ 3tn despite financial market turmoil and sluggish economic conditions .

  22. 第三,银行必须大量增加股本,这也和libor丑闻有关。

    Third , banks need far more equity . This , too , is relevant to the LIBOR scandal .

  23. 实际上,所有认真的竞购都来自海外公司,包括美国的卡特彼勒(caterpillar)及数家私人股本集团。

    Indeed , all the serious bids came from overseas companies , including caterpillar of the US and several private equity groups .

  24. 麦格理分析师rachelli表示,中国内地最大券商中信证券(citicsecurities)今年上半年的股本回报率仅为5.3%。

    CITIC Securities , the largest mainland broker , reported first-half return on equity of only 5.3 per cent , according to Rachel Li , a Macquarie analyst .

  25. 云峰基金是由互联网公司阿里巴巴(alibaba)创始人马云(jackma)参与出资的私人股本基金。

    Carlyle was joined in the investment by Yunfeng , a Chinese private equity fund backed by Jack Ma , the founder of Alibaba , the Internet company .

  26. 有人认为,股市正重返繁荣时期,他们或许应该考虑一下股本回报率(ROE)。

    Those who think equity markets are heading back to the glory days might want to ponder returns on equity .

  27. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)在华关键投行业务合伙人即将辞去其在双方合资公司里的全职职务,以便将主要精力放在成立一只中国国内私人股本基金方面。

    Goldman Sachs ' key banking partner in China is to relinquish his full-time duties at their joint venture to focus on establishing a domestic private equity fund .

  28. 2002年又被转手卖给一批私人股本投资者:德克萨斯太平洋集团(tpg),贝恩资本和高盛。

    In 2002 it was sold to a group of private-equity investors : TPG , Bain Capital and Goldman Sachs .

  29. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)已向大型私人股本集团和半导体企业发函,邀请它们竞购三洋的半导体业务。预计这项业务的售价将高达数十亿美元。

    Goldman Sachs has sent letters to large private equity groups and semiconductor companies , inviting them to bid for Sanyo 's business , which could fetch billion dollars .

  30. 据知情人士透露,自退出高盛(GoldmanSachs)的经营管理以来,这家美国公司的中国合作伙伴已敲定了他的第一笔私人股本交易。

    Goldman Sachs ' Chinese partner has secured his first private equity deal since stepping back from the US firm 's operations , people familiar with the deal said .