
  1. 那些不喜欢以主要由债券和高股息股票组成的平庸投资组合开启2012年投资之路的人,可以考虑一些逆势操作。

    For those who dislike the idea of starting 2012 with a bland portfolio dominated by bonds and high-yielding stocks , there is room for a few contrarian bets .

  2. 没错,净债务已增长55%,至132亿美元,以支持资本支出、收购、股息和股票回购,但它仍低于一倍的年度ebitda。

    True , net debt rose 55 per cent to $ 13.2bn to fund capex , acquisitions , the dividend and share buybacks , but it is still below 1 times annualised EBITDA .

  3. 保证持股人优先领取股息的股票。

    Stock whose holders are guaranteed priority in the payment of dividends .

  4. 这最终会影响到股东,因为它会令股息与股票回购承受压力。

    It matters to the shareholder ultimately as it puts dividends and share buybacks under pressure .

  5. 这就带来了发放特别股息、股票回购或企业并购活动再度涌现的可能性。

    This raises the possibility of special dividends , share buy-backs , or renewed corporate activity .

  6. 不包括股息的股票价格。

    A stock price ex dividend .

  7. 股份资本:即以支付股东股息的股票为计算基础的公司资本。

    Equity capital : capital of a company in the form of shares which pay dividends to their owners .

  8. 因此,机构纷纷涌向支付股息的股票,并努力向散户投资者兜售这种策略。

    So institutions are flocking towards stocks that pay a yield and attempting to sell retail investors on the idea .

  9. 因此,当购买仍在派发股息的股票时,投资者最好仔细考虑一下公司不会削减派息的几率。

    Investors are best advised , when buying a dividend-paying stock , to weigh the odds it won 't ax the payout .

  10. 所以,购买高股息率股票的风险就是资本损失,也就是股价下跌。

    The risk of buying a share that offers a high dividend yield is therefore capital loss , i.e.the share price falls .

  11. 近期刚刚转向黄金投资的人可能会失去耐心,并将目光转移至别处,比如某些支付股息的股票。

    Recent converts to gold investing may lose patience and cast their eyes elsewhere – to something that pays a dividend , for example .

  12. 他发出迄今最强烈的信号,暗示将派发更多资金,超出苹果已经承诺的450亿美元股息和股票回购操作。

    He gave the strongest signal yet that more money could be paid out , beyond the $ 45bn in ­ dividends and share buybacks to which Apple is already ­ committed .

  13. 他们回避所有看似有风险的股票,例如失宠的价值型股票,而急切地追求收益,会购买所有发放现金股息的股票。

    They shun anything that looks risky , such as an out of favour value stock , and are so desperate for yield that they will pay up for anyone offering cold hard cash .

  14. 在这21家企业中,10例(46.7%)使用股票增值权,6例(28.6%)使用股票期权,5例(23.8%)使用限定股来激励高管们连续不断地增加利润,股息和股票价格。

    Out of these 21 companies , 10 ( 46.7 % ) use stock appreciation rights , 6 ( 28.6 % ) use stock options , and 5 ( 23.8 % ) use restricted stock to motivate their executives to increase profits , dividends and share prices continuously .

  15. 美联储批准了许多美国大型银行一系列上调股息和回购股票的方案,同时促使包括美国银行(bankofamerica)在内的一些银行认识到,它们必须重新提交被美联储否决的资本方案。

    The Fed signed off on a series of dividend increases and stock buybacks from many of the biggest US banks , while prompting others including Bank of America to acknowledge they would have to resubmit capital plans rejected by the regulator .

  16. 部分金融类股投资者主张,本次信贷危机的赢家,如摩根大通(jpmorganchase)和高盛(goldmansachs),业务有盈利,资产负债表强劲,它们应考虑提高股息或回购股票。

    Some investors in financial stocks argue that winners of the credit crisis such as JPMorgan Chase and Goldman Sachs have profitable businesses and strong balance sheets and should consider raising dividends or buying back stocks .

  17. 在投资、股息派发、股票回购和收购之后,AT&T近来运行着规模可观的赤字。

    After investments , dividends , buybacks and acquisitions , AT & T has run a fair-sized deficit recently .

  18. 您能提供我们过去两年股息支付和股票分割的资料吗?

    Could you give us information on dividends paid and stock splits that have occurred in the last two years ?

  19. 三星电子拒绝谈论任何具体的股息派发、股票回购或收购计划。

    The company declined to comment on any specific dividend payout , share buyback or acquisition plans in the future .

  20. 许多投资书都建议退休人士或仰赖固定收益的人购买高股息率的股票。

    Most investment books recommend stocks with a high dividend yield for investors who are retired or need a steady stream of income .

  21. 在测试前,一些华尔街分析家预测,花旗今年将被允许提高股息和回购股票。

    Several Wall Street analysts predicted before the tests that Citi should get the green light for a dividend hike and stock buyback program this year .

  22. 该公司承诺致力于盈利而非产量增长,目标是在2014年和2015年通过股息发放和股票回购向投资者提供300亿美元的回报。

    It has promised to pursue profits over production growth and aims to deliver $ 30bn to investors through dividends and share buybacks over 2014 and 2015 .

  23. 预期美联储官员将于3月份完成测试,为首批企业在第二季度增加股息和回购股票铺平道路。

    Officials are expected to complete the tests by March , paving the way for the first batch of dividend rises and share buy-backs in the second quarter .

  24. 美国大型金融机构面临新一轮压力测试,此次测试将决定哪些机构如今已足够健康,可以增加股息和回购股票。

    Large US financial groups are bracing for a new battery of stress tests that will determine which institutions are now healthy enough to raise dividends and buy back shares .

  25. 在那两年,经济预测似乎都是悲观的,但股票随后带来了非常具有吸引力的回报,在接下来的5年提高了一倍多(包括把股息重新投入股票)。

    On both occasions , the economic prognosis appeared bleak , but equities subsequently demonstrated very attractive returns , more than doubling in the following five years , with reinvested dividends .

  26. 它还宣布,计划在今后两年半内拿出1000亿美元现金,提高股息、加速股票回购计划,以回馈股东。

    It also announced a plan to return $ 100 billion in cash to shareholders over the next two and a half years in the form of higher dividends and an accelerated stock repurchase plan .

  27. 美国监管机构正敦促各银行不要增加股息或回购股票,直到围绕该行业的政治和经济不确定性消失为止。此举将使各银行向股东返还资本的时机延后数月。

    US regulators are urging banks not to increase dividends or buy back shares until political and economic uncertainty surrounding the industry dissipates , in a move that will delay by months the return of capital to shareholders .

  28. 更大的问题(利普顿也曾提到)不是应该由管理者还是股东做出决定,而是短线投资者向企业施压、要求派发股息或进行股票回购的行为,是否有损长期股东的利益。

    The bigger question , to which Mr Lipton alludes , is not whether the managers or the shareholders should decide . It is whether short-term investors that pressure companies for dividends or share buybacks are behaving against the interests of the long-term shareholders .

  29. 汇丰银行(HSBC)英国股市策略师罗伯特•帕克斯(RobertParkes)表示:如果你正考虑竞争性资产的收入,那么即使考虑了有可能削减股息的因素,股票仍是价格低廉和具有吸引力的。

    Robert Parkes , UK equity strategist at HSBC , says : If you 're looking at income on competing assets , then equities are cheap and attractive , even accounting for likely dividend cuts .

  30. 股息率为购买股票提供了理由。

    Dividend yields offer a case for buying stocks .