
sù qīng
  • eliminate;clean up;mop up;eradicate;root out;get rid of;peace and tranquility;desolate
肃清 [sù qīng]
  • (1) [get rid of;eradicate]∶完全清除

  • 肃清贪污

  • (2) [peace and tranquility]∶清平;太平

  • 八方肃清,上下无事

  • (3) [desolate]∶冷清

  • 冬夜肃清

肃清[sù qīng]
  1. 论继续肃清封建主义残余思想与加强党的建设

    By Continues to Eliminate the Feudalism Remaining Thought and the Enhancement Party 's Construction

  2. 由于要肃清封建主义残余影响,就认为可以去宣扬资本主义的思想,也是完全错误的。

    It is also absolutely wrong to think that in trying to eliminate surviving feudal influences we may spread capitalist ideology .

  3. 政府试图肃清反叛运动,结果失败了。

    The government tried to liquidate the rebel movement and failed .

  4. 他最近肃清了军队中的异己分子,让数百名军官退休。

    He recently purged the armed forces , sending hundreds of officers into retirement

  5. 陆军各师肃清了残余的抵抗据点。

    The infantry divisions mopped up remaining centres of resistance

  6. 革命者肃清了国内敌对势力。

    The revolutionaries expunged domestic opposition

  7. 他们英勇作战以肃清土匪。

    They fought bravely to clean up the bandits .

  8. 我们必须尽快肃清这个地区的敌兵。

    We must clear the area of enemy soldiers as soon as possible .

  9. 新上任的市长答应肃清市政府中的不良分子。

    The new mayor promised to clean the crooks out of the city government .

  10. (三)ab团肃清,根据地人民全部拥护红军。

    The A-B Group had been cleaned up , and the entire population of the base area supported the Red Army .

  11. 由于各国政府和私营部门试图肃清恶意的网络攻击比如7月导致美国和韩国政府网站瘫痪的攻击行为narus等公司正大力兜售自己拦截来自可疑地址的定向网络流量的能力。

    As governments and the private sector look to weed out malicious cyber-attacks , such as those that brought down us and South Korean government sites this month , narus and others are touting their ability to block designated Internet traffic from suspect addresses .

  12. 现在我们大概已经肃清到犹他的道路了。

    We should have a pretty clear path to Utah now .

  13. 必须马上肃清党内不忠分子。

    The party must be purged of disloyal members at once .

  14. 我们会肃清这个充满可悲生物的宇宙。

    We shall cleanse the universe of their pathetic existence .

  15. 我必须将本镇的敌兵肃清。

    We must rout the last enemy soldier out of the town .

  16. 那我们最好去肃清走道。

    Then I guess we better clear the halls .

  17. 在人民的帮助下,这个区域的魔法才得意肃清。

    With the people 's help , magic was driven from the realm .

  18. 新的海南法规可能只是官僚主义作风大肃清的一部分。

    And the new Hainan rules might be part of some bureaucratic housecleaning-exercise .

  19. 这一事件是新中国肃清帝国主义在华特权的重要步骤。

    The incident was an important step in eliminating the imperialistic privileges in China .

  20. 市长已答应肃清市政府的不良分子。

    The mayor has promised to clean the crooks out of the city government .

  21. 坚决执行命令,肃清一切右倾的观点!

    You must carry out all orders with firmness and purge all rightist views !

  22. 留下两个连守卫收复的土地,并肃清这个地区的残敌。

    Two companies were left behind to guard and mop up the recaptured territory .

  23. 革命后的政治肃清开始了。

    Political purge took place after the revolution .

  24. 肃清帝国主义在华经济势力

    Sweeping up the imperialistic economic influences from China

  25. 对犯错误的同志第一是要斗争,要把错误思想彻底肃清。

    We should first wage a struggle to rid him of his wrong ideas .

  26. 搞特权,这是封建主义残余影响尚未肃清的表现。

    The appetite for personal privilege shows that there are still lingering feudal influences .

  27. 当你肃清一地之后,别忘了提醒敌人这一点。

    When you have secured an area don 't forget to tell the enemy .

  28. 我们终于肃清了最后几股敌军。

    At last , we have mopped up the last few groups of the enemy .

  29. 市长正致力于肃清本市的警察腐败。

    The mayor is working to put an end to police corruption in this city .

  30. 封建主义的思想必须彻底肃清。

    Feudal ideas must be eradicated .