
  • 网络power;Position power
  1. 职位权力直接与你在公司组织结构中的地位有关。

    Position power is directly related to where you reside on your company 's organizational chart .

  2. 公司业主、总裁和首席执行官,有很大的职位权力,而接待员、办事员或勤杂人员一般没有什么职位权力。

    Owners , presidents , and CEOs have plenty of position power , while receptionists , clerks , and laborers typically have little or none .

  3. 中小学校长权力不同于校长职责、学校权利和校长权利,它是一种公共权力、委托权力、制度权力和职位权力,这一性质是确定校长权力边界的主要依据。

    It is a kind of public right , commission right , institutional right and position right , and such property is the main basis for determining the boundary of schoolmasters right .

  4. 授予某人官阶、职位或权力

    Confer a rank , an office or power on sb

  5. 低级的在衔位、职位或权力上比别人低的。

    Below another in rank , position , or authority .

  6. 4.adj.教皇的,教皇职位或权力的,罗马教廷的,教皇任期的支持或和教皇至上教义有关的

    relating to or supporting the doctrine of papal supremacy

  7. 大学教师的流动形式多种多样,大学教师流动的原因不乏金钱、职位、权力的诱惑。

    There are many kinds of moving of university teachers within the higher education system .

  8. 被从职位或权力上转移:被免职的水手长成为哈得逊不共戴天的敌仇。

    Removed from office or power : the deposed boatswain became Hudson 's sworn enemy .

  9. 这些纲领性的原则即明确规定了本职位的权力,又给予其极大的采取行动的自由。

    These guidelines both define the powers of the office and grant it considerable scope for action .

  10. 授予某人爵位的行为。授予某人官阶、职位或权力

    The act of raising someone to the nobility . Confer a rank , an office or power on sb

  11. 也许你为了得到想要的职位和权力愿意接受报酬少一点。

    Perhaps you 'd be willing to take less money as long as you got the title and authority you wanted .

  12. 今天,美国最高法院削减了总统在参议院休会期间暂时填补政府高级职位的权力。

    US Supreme Court today cut back on the power of the President to temporarily filll senior government 's position while the senate is in recess .

  13. 几年来,中国对外国投资者的抵触情绪不断增大。起因在于一些强硬派的马克思主义者、学者和官员出于自身利益,担心经济进一步开放将威胁到他们的职位和权力。

    Antagonism towards foreign investors has been growing in China for several years , fomented for self-serving reasons by a congeries of hardline Marxists , academics and bureaucrats who fear greater economic openness will threaten their jobs and power .

  14. 获取这种帮助跟你的正式职位和权力无多大关系,倒更与你的策略和方法密切相关。策略和方法多种多样,从请人帮个小忙到说服他人像对待自己的事那样优先处理你的事。

    Getting this help may have less to do with your formal position and authority and more to do with your strategy and approach , which can range from a simple favor1 to convincing others to accept a priority2 of yours as if it were their own .

  15. 在权力影响力的产生中,领导者必须具有一定的职位以及行使权力的能力。

    During the production of power influence force , leaders must have a definite position and ability of using the power .

  16. 最后,作者归纳并深入分析了权力资本的五种主要表现形式:经营型权力资本,信息型权力资本,信用型权力资本,征敛型权力资本,职位效应型权力资本。

    Finally , 5 main forms of power capital are summed up : operational , informational , credit , collective and postition power capital .

  17. 文章通过研究行政体系的职位竞争中权力寻租的形成机理,分析信息在寻租形成过程中的意义。

    By exploring the mechanism of power seeking-rent of position competition of ( administrative ) system , this study analyzes the significance of information during the seeking-rent forming .

  18. 理论上来说,职位转换意味着权力的降级。

    On paper , the job shift suggest a big demotion in power .

  19. 信息非对称是行政体系的职位竞争中形成权力寻租的主要原因。

    Information asymmetry is the main reason for power seeking-rent of position competition of ( administrative ) system .

  20. 而且,因为身处公司最高职位,他们有权力建立贯穿所有层级的企业文化。

    And , because they have reached the top , they have the power to set culture through the ranks .

  21. 为了防止这样的敌人获得过多的权力,丹瑞精心挑选助手和参谋人员担任关键职位,仅仅将权力移交给他最信任的盟友。

    To protect against such enemies gaining too much power , he has handpicked former aides and staff officers to serve in key positions , and will only hand power over to his most trusted allies .