
  • 网络tinnitus and deafness
  1. 骨或软骨片修复上鼓室外壁治疗耳鸣耳聋人工耳蜗植入术后改良耳蜗位平片的探讨

    Bone or Cartilage Slice Blanket Graft to Reconstruct Lateral Attic Wall for Tinnitus and Deafness Modified cochlear view in cochlear implantation

  2. 除耳鸣耳聋的主症外,无其它的兼症可辩,不具备以上中医辨证标准中的典型征候,或属证型兼夹者;

    Except the capital symptoms tinnitus and deafness the case which have neither other signs nor the typical diagnosis of TCM ;

  3. CKD患者耳鸣耳聋的患病率在不同病理诊断中分布无差异。

    The morbidity of CKD patients with tinnitus deafness has no difference in different pathological diagnosis . 7 .

  4. 耳鸣耳聋患者的纯音听阈与微量元素

    The Relation Between the Pure-tone Auditory Threshold and the Trace Element

  5. 隔苇管器灸治耳鸣耳聋的临床观察

    Observation on Deafness and Tinnitus Treated with Reed Separated Moxibustion

  6. 纯音测听在耳鸣耳聋中医辨证中的作用

    Application of Pure - tone Test in the Syndrome Differentiation of Tinnitus and Hearing Loss

  7. 肾虚及肝火型耳鸣耳聋的临床听力学特征探讨

    Discuss about the Clinical Audiology Character of Kidney Deficiency and Live-fire of Tinnitus and Deafness

  8. 耳为之听与脏腑关系及在耳鸣耳聋治疗中的应用

    Relations of the Hearing and Five Zang-Viscera and It 's Application on Hearing Loss and Tinnitus

  9. 耳鸣耳聋患者的辨证施护

    Sympton-based Nursing Care for Patients with Tinnitus and Deafness According to Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  10. 从脾胃论治耳鸣耳聋的辩证规律探讨

    The Discussion into Dialectical Rule of Tinnitus and Deafness on the Governance of the Spleen and Stomach

  11. 辨证论治是中医的优势与精华,耳鸣耳聋同样也离不开中医的灵魂一辨证论治。

    The superiority and soul of TCM are diagnosis and treatment , so are the tinnitus and deafness .

  12. 排除标准:属外耳、中耳或证实为中枢病变引起的耳鸣耳聋;

    Elimination criteria : The case which belong to tinnitus and deafness due to the diseases of external ear or middle ear or center lesion .

  13. 其主要临床表现为眩晕,头痛,心烦易怒,耳鸣耳聋,失眠多梦等症状。

    The clinical manifestations involve vertigo , headache , vexation , querulous , tinnitus and deafness , insomnia and dreamful sleep , and so on .

  14. 135例老年人性激素及甲状腺素水平与耳鸣耳聋的关系

    An investigation on the relation of sexual and thyroid hormone levels in serum with the occurrence of hearing loss and tinnitus in 135 cases of aged person

  15. 在临床研究中也发现,许多慢性肾脏病患者有或曾出现过明显的耳鸣耳聋症状,其中很多患者甚至是青年或中年人。

    Moreover , in the clinical study , researchers have found that many chronic kidney patients are suffering or once suffered obvious tinnitus deafness symptoms , in which includes middle-aged patients or even younger ones .

  16. 用于热病神昏、癫痫、神经官能症、耳鸣耳聋、胸闷腹胀和食欲不振等的治疗,外治痈疽疮癣。

    Irkutsk Anemone Rhizome is used for the treatment for fever , faint , epilepsy , neural function disorder , tinnitus deafness , bosom frowsty abdominal distension , loss of appetite , and the treatment for the ulcer sores tinea .

  17. 症状频次依次是头晕、头痛、耳鸣耳聋、失眠、心悸等,以红舌、暗舌、淡舌、腻苔、白苔、黄苔及弦、细、滑、数脉为常见。

    The symptom sequence was : dizziness , headache , tinnitus , deafness , insomnia and palpitation . Common tongue was red , dark or pale with a slimy , white or yellow fur , while pulse was stringlike , fine , slippery or rapid .

  18. 两组治疗前后肝肾阴虚证症状积分比较:脑力宝组患者的多梦、耳鸣耳聋改善情况优于脑复康组,差异有显著性意义(P<0.05~0.01)。

    Comparison of integrals before and after treatment for yin deficiency of liver and kidney of two groups : The improvement of dream-disturbed sleep , tinnitus and deafness in experimental group was superior to that in the control , indicating significant difference ( P < 0.05-0.01 ) .

  19. 主治肺热咳嗽,头目眩晕,耳鸣,耳聋,目赤羞明,肝炎,风湿痹痛,跌打损伤,蛇头疔,无名肿毒。

    It is used to cure hyperactivity cough , vertigo , tinnitus , deafness , hepatitis , rheumatism , bruises , boils , swollen unknown poison .

  20. 目的:观察耳鸣、耳聋的传统中药方剂耳聋左慈丸加减味对庆大霉素耳毒性的防治作用,并探讨其作用机制。

    AIM : To observe the preventive effects of the traditional Chinese medicine modified erlong zuoci wan for treating tinnitus and deafness on gentamicin ototoxicity , and explore its action mechanism .

  21. 结果:发生于颅底及颈部的脊索瘤临床表现复杂,首发症状以鼻塞、颈部包块、视力下降、耳鸣、耳聋及脑神经受损症状为主。

    Result : The clinical manifestations of chordoma in the neck or skull base were complex . The first symptoms included the mass in the neck , rhinocleisis , visuognosis fall , tinnitus , hearing loss , and damages of brain nerves .

  22. 长期处于高噪声环境下,不仅会导致工作人员噪声性耳鸣或者耳聋,还会诱发消化系统、神经系统、心血管系统等多方面的疾病,严重时甚至会有生命危险。

    If staffs are in a high-noise environment for a long time , not only lead to the noise tinnitus or deafness , but also induce a wide range of diseases of the cardiovascular system , nervous system , digestive system , there will be serious life-threatening .