
  • 网络pug nose;turn-up nose
  1. 但这位研究人员提醒道,在韦恩鲁尼为这一赞美沾沾自喜之前,他要知道,长有短平翘鼻的人通常被视为不够成熟。

    Before Rooney lets the compliment go to his head , however , he should know that those with snub noses are often viewed as lacking in maturity , warns the researcher .

  2. 研究人员认为,朝天鼻和翘鼻子类型都是最受欢迎的。翘鼻类型的人群占5%,代表人物为韦恩鲁尼。

    These , the professor believes , are most attractive along with the snub noses found on5 per cent , and seen on Wayne Rooney .