
  1. 兴起了几十亿元的美容产业

    spawned a multi-billion pound beauty industry .

  2. 但是能够改变整个美容产业的并不是这些满地岩石的、爱尔兰式的景色。

    But it is not the rugged Irish scenery that has changed the face of the beauty industry .

  3. 医疗美容产业的形成是医疗美容事业在市场经济条件下发展的必然,是医疗美容事业的经济属性和产业化属性的体现。

    The forming of the medical cosmetic industry is the inevitable direction of the medical cosmetic undertaking development under the conditions of market economy , it is the embodiment of the economic attribute and industrialization attribute of the medical cosmetic undertaking .

  4. 我并非不知道男士美容的产业联盟。

    It isn 't that I am unaware of the guy-beauty industrial complex .

  5. 并在此基础上,提出加强汽车美容虚拟产业集群管理的具体措施。

    The thesis farther put forward the concrete measure reinforcing Virtual Industry Clusters management of car beauty industry .

  6. 医疗美容经济发展应选择人本化模式,其基本要求是:增强医疗美容产业的人本意识;

    The development of the medical cosmetic economy should choose the anthropocentric mode originally , the basic demand of this mode is : Strengthening the " anthropocentric consciousness " of the medical cosmetic industry ;