
  • 网络West Coast;USWC
  1. 三薄市是美国西岸著名的港口城市。

    San Francisco is a famous port city on the west coast of the States .

  2. 好啦,我比较希望你去读美国西岸的学校。

    Anyway , I would prefer it if you went to a school on the west coast of America .

  3. C:我听说最近从美国西岸调过来的几个同事在要求什么“businesscasual”,什么是“businesscasual”啊?

    A : Business casual is the term given to dressing down at work .

  4. 在美国西岸的旧金山大桥是其一。

    And on the east coast , there is the famous Brooklyn Bridge .

  5. 在美国西岸自由派占优势的俄勒冈州,巴拉克.奥巴马得到了教育程度较高的选民的拥护。

    Barack Obama scored well among educated voters to win the primary in the more liberal West Coast state of Oregon .

  6. 潜在市场包括以色列、丹麦、美国西岸、澳洲、日本,以及加拿大安大略省等都市。

    Potential markets include Israel , Denmark , the U.S.West Coast , Australia , Japan and the Canadian city of Ontario .

  7. 雷诺和尼桑计划在摩洛哥建厂,丹吉尔外的货柜港口的规模很快就要超过美国西岸的长滩。

    Or the new container port outside Tangiers that will soon be bigger than Long Beach , on America 's west coast .

  8. 针对海港城市的空气清洁问题,美国西岸的加利福尼亚州制订了全国最严格的环保法规。

    In the United States , the western state of California has the nation 's toughest environmental regulations when it comes to air quality at the ports .

  9. 但他们的铺货是平均分散到整下美国西岸,最多也只有百分之五是销售到你们南加州的市场中。

    However , they increased distribution throughout the west coast , and only about five percent , at most , is getting to your market in southern California .

  10. 从美国的西岸到东岸的距离是很长的。

    It is a very long way from the West Coast to the East of America .

  11. 从美国东岸到西岸。

    Between the East and the west coast of the United states .

  12. 国外直接代理优势航线:美国东岸、西岸,欧洲基本港,东南亚地区。

    Foreign direct agent superior airlines : American East and West Bank , European basic ports , and South-East Asia .

  13. 在上海可供我使用的场地,是莎朗·约翰斯顿(SharonJohnston)和马克·李(MarkLee)的美国建筑事务所为西岸2013建筑与当代艺术双年展设计的。

    The space available in Shanghai was designed by the American architecture firm of Sharon Johnston and Mark Lee for the 2013 West Bund Architecture and Contemporary Art Biennale .