- 名American Basketball Association;ABA

Then along came Jeremy Lin , a Taiwanese-American phenomenon who has been the story of the season in the National Basketball Association ( NBA ) .
Russia 's richest man is buying a controlling stake in the New Jersey Nets in a move that instantly turns one of the National Basketball Association 's most troubled franchises into a team with the cash to build a long-promised arena in Brooklyn , N.Y.
The teams of the National Basketball Association or NBA are becoming household names .
While even bench warmers in the National Basketball Association make more than $ 500,000 a year , the same is not true of professional gamers .
Remember , the National Basketball Players Association was so irked by Jackson 's comments that it called on NBA commissioner Adam Silver to step in .
The National Basketball Association ( NBA ) Global Games is to feature two pre-season games in China between the Golden State Warriors and the Minnesota Timberwolves , the NBA announced .
The Milwaukee Bucks staged an unprecedented boycott of the NBA playoffs on Wednesday , forcing the league to postpone three games following outrage over the latest shooting of an unarmed black man by US police .
1946-National Basketball Association is founded in the United States .
The number of foreign-born players in America 's professional National Basketball Association has tripled in the past two decades .
NBA Commissioner David Stern said the league was proud he has assumed the leadership mantle on this very important issue .
The NBA is investigating a recording supposedly of Los Angeles ' Clippers ' owner Donald Sterling making a racist comment to his mixed-race girlfriend .
Jason Collins , a National Basketball Association player has become the first active player in a major professional U.S. team sport to reveal he is homosexual .
Unlike Major League Baseball , salaries in the National Basketball Association and some other leagues are capped .
Analysts had estimated net income would be Rmb6.26bn , according to a Reuters poll but performance was weighed down by the costs of content deals with the likes of HBO and the US National Basketball Association .