
  • 网络America's Sweetheart;Americas Sweethearts;American Honey;American Sweethearts
  1. 后来又嫁给美国甜心黛比雷诺。

    Then married to america 's sweetheart Debbie reynoids .

  2. 大家喜欢看象美国甜心的女主角演的电影。

    People love to watch movies where the actress looks like America 's sweetheart .

  3. 大家都让一让美国甜心来啦TaylorSwift也跟我一起哦

    Out of the way everyone.American sweetheart is coming through and Taylor Swift is with me

  4. 《美国甜心》的导演安德里亚·阿诺德将导演这七集。

    American Honey 's Andrea Arnold is set to direct all seven episodes .

  5. 与美国甜心不同,艾伦绝对是特立独行。

    Unlike so many American sweeties , Ellen is absolutely an unordinary actress .

  6. 她曾在《美国甜心》中与我合作,那时候我总冲她吼。

    She 's my former co-star in America Sweethearts where I got to yell at her .

  7. 在即将上映的童话电影中美国甜心演绎了她内在的坏女孩一面,这给大家钟爱的童话故事蒙上了一层阴影。

    America 's Sweetheart embraces her inner bad girl in the upcoming still-untitled fantasy , which puts a dark twist on the beloved fairy tale .

  8. 2012年9月9日:美国甜心布莱克·莱弗利和加拿大演员瑞安·雷诺兹在南卡罗来纳州的布恩大厅种植园喜结连理。

    September 9 , 2012 : Actor Ryan Reynolds and actress Blake Lively were married in a ceremony held at Boone Hall Plantation in Mt. Pleasant , South Carolina .

  9. 20岁时,这位美国甜心便有了176部电影作品,碧克馥由此推掉了多部电影,转而开始写作,制片以及争取演员的权利。

    By the age of 20 , America 's Sweetheart had acted in 176 films and she thereafter cut back her schedule drastically . She traded acting for writing and producing films and lobbied for actors ' rights in contracting .

  10. 美国新一代甜心,莎莉肯杜!

    America 's newest sweetheart , Sally kendoo !