
  • 网络american women;american woman
  1. 据葡萄牙媒体报道,克里斯蒂亚诺•罗纳尔多(C罗)于上月喜得贵子,孩子的母亲是一名美国女人。

    Cristiano Ronaldo 's baby son was born to an American woman in June , according to reports in Portugal .

  2. 你在这段YouTube视频中看到的莎莉·里德,她是第一位进入太空的美国女人,终身获此殊荣。

    Sally Ride , whom you are about to see in this YouTube clip , and the first American woman in space , was honored posthumously .

  3. 这位悉尼母亲是一份网上请愿书的第56个签名者。这份请愿书,由一个名叫伊西斯·马丁内斯的美国女人发起,恳请媒体不要将伊西斯(ISIS)作为这个组织的代号。

    They Sydney mother was the 56th signatory to an online petition started by a U.S. woman , Isis Martinez , imploring the media to stop using the acronym ISIS for the group .

  4. 但是近些年,美国女人(以及美国化妆品公司)对韩国的兴趣被BB霜勾了起来,开始更密切地关注韩式多步护肤法,她们对其护肤效果也感到满意。

    But in recent years , American women ( and beauty companies ) , their interest piqued by the BB cream , began to look more closely at Korean multistep skin-care regimens , and they liked what they saw .

  5. 半个世纪以来,美国女人经历了角色的转变,夫妻之间的关系更像是克林顿夫妇,或者也更像伊万卡·特朗普与她丈夫贾里德·库什纳(JaredKushner),而不是像特朗普坚持的那种女人和家庭的传统观点;

    In the past half-century , American women have undergone a transformation in roles , and married couples now look a lot more like the Clintons - or Ivanka Trump and her husband , Jared Kushner - than whatever traditional view of women and home life that Mr. Trump holds : Most women work outside the home full time ,

  6. 那是你屋子里的美国女人,爸爸。

    That 's the American woman in our house , dad .

  7. 平均每个美国女人有8条甚至更多的牛仔裤。

    The average American woman owns 8 pairs or more .

  8. 我说的不是所有的美国女人,但确实有非常多。

    Not all American women , but a lot .

  9. 有些美国女人喜欢日光浴,皮肤晒成棕褐色。

    Some American women love sunbathing ; they become as brown as berries .

  10. 美国女人对男人则是一边爱他,一边看着他如何回报。

    American women love men and at the same time wait for responses .

  11. 我也和像你这样的美国女人约会过。

    I dated American women , like you .

  12. 他和那位年长的美国女人在一起。

    He is with the old American woman .

  13. 中国女人比美国女人更具宽容心,特别是对待丈夫。

    Chinese women are more tolerant to their husbans compared with their Ameircan counterparts .

  14. 美国女人怎么了?

    What happens to the American Female ?

  15. 一半的美国女人都染头发,男人也在创下历史记录。

    Half of all American women color their hair and men are joining in record numbers .

  16. 美国女人对男人则是抱着一种欣赏的态度。

    while American women admire men .

  17. 我着手写这篇文章意在阐述为什么许多美国女人轻视亚洲女孩。

    I began this story to comment aboard why a lot of American women disdain Asian girls .

  18. 中国女人很美丽,美国女人也很美丽,天下的女人都是美丽的。

    Chinese women are beautiful . So are American ones . Actually , all women are beautiful .

  19. 中国女人比美国女人更相信命运。

    Chinese women believe more in fate than American women , especially when their husbands cheat on them .

  20. 她是个身体纤弱,非常美丽的女人。她更像美国女人而不大像意大利女人,很容易受惊。

    She was a delicate , very pretty woman , more American than Italian , and very scared .

  21. 无论是从事体力劳动,还是脑力劳动,中国女人远比美国女人更能吃苦,具有更坚忍的毅力。

    Chinese women work far more toughly than American women and they show a stronger power of will .

  22. 据葡萄牙媒体报道,克里斯蒂亚诺罗纳尔多(C罗)于上月喜得贵子,孩子的母亲是一名美国女人。

    Cristiano Ronaldos baby son was born to an American woman in June , according to reports in Portugal .

  23. 1982年,一个美国女人将我拉到一旁,对我说我长得太年轻了,应当永远不要穿裤子。

    In 1982 , an American woman had taken me to one side and told me that I looked too young and should never wear pants .

  24. 在亚洲俱乐部,美国女人也是受欢迎的,在亚洲俱乐部,我从来没有见过一个美国女人被亚洲女孩恐吓的现象。

    At an Asian club , American women are welcome . I have never seen an American lady being threatened by Asians in a typical Asian club .

  25. 虽然美国女人不大可能花30分钟时间往脸上抹五种面霜,但她们愿意尝试新产品。

    Even if American women aren 't likely to massage five different creams into their faces for 30 minutes , they are willing to try new products .

  26. 我是一个32岁的美国女人,大约5年前搬到意大利,后来在意大利的一所大学申请攻读硕士。

    I 'm a 32-year-old American woman ; I moved to Italy about five years ago and later applied for a master 's programme at an Italian university .

  27. 一个美国女人放在盥洗室里的东西的件数平均为437件,其中大多数的东西男人们都不知道是用来做什么的。

    The average number of items in a typical American women 's bathroom is 437 . A man would not be able to identify most of these items .

  28. 而美国女人首先想到的是去找个好律师,力争多分些财产,并不会有自己命不好的想法。

    The Americans first prefer to find a good lawyer , who can bring them more possession in the divorce , with the slightest idea of complaining their poor destiny .

  29. 这些美国女人为什么不呆在自己的国家?她们总是对我们说美国是女人的天堂。伯登勋爵说。

    ' Why can 't these American women stay in their own country ? They 're always telling us that it 's a paradise for women , 'said Lord Burdon .

  30. 他一度用意大利语告诉我,尽管本意是恭维:“就美国女人而言,你不太胖。”

    At one point he says to me in Italian , meaning to be complimentary , of course , " You 're not too fat , for an American woman . "