
  1. 这次胜利勾起了他对往昔那些夺冠岁月的美好回忆。

    The win revived glorious memories of his championship-winning days

  2. 花园风格是下一季第四个也是最后一个流行趋势,华伦天奴(Valentino)的V681S和MuiMui的VMU07M采用质朴的绿色和充满活力的粉红色框架,唤起人们对春日树叶的美好回忆。

    In the fourth and final look for the upcoming season , earthy greens and vibrant pinks , demonstrated by Valentino ( V681S ) and Mui Mui ( VMU07M ), are evocative of spring foliage .

  3. 拜访一位老友,勾起美好回忆。

    Visiting an old friend of yours and remembering great memories .

  4. 你可能需要好好的给你的美好回忆找个框架了。

    You might want to find a frame for your memories .

  5. 我有拜访府上时的美好回忆((上次登门拜访让我留下了美好的回忆))。

    I have happy recollections of my visit to your house .

  6. 回去会带给你洪水般多的美好回忆。

    Going back would bring forth a flood of happy memories .

  7. 记住那些让你拥有美好回忆的日子

    Please remember the days , bringing you so many beautiful memorize

  8. 这张照片勾起了他对过去的美好回忆。

    The picture brought his fond memory of the past to mind .

  9. 这对我来说是无法忘怀的美好回忆。

    That 's the fond memory I can 't forget .

  10. 它总是让我想起有关宽阔大街的美好回忆。

    For me it always raises fond memories of broad main streets .

  11. 我有很多关于我们一起度过的时光的美好回忆。

    I have many pleasant recollections of the time we spent together .

  12. 徐悲鸿对印度的美好回忆

    Xu Beihong 's Happy Memories of His Days in India

  13. 我的少女时代充满了对这座城市的美好回忆。

    I had wonderful memories of the city as a young girl .

  14. 他只是想和你再现当年的美好回忆

    And he just wants to recreate them with you .

  15. 我有那么多关于中国的美好回忆。

    I have so many good memories of China .

  16. 当我拿着圣诞老人时,美好回忆的潮水席卷而来。

    When I held the Santa , a flood of wonderful memories returned .

  17. 总会看到过去美好回忆。

    We just see the nice memories of bygone .

  18. 我有许多童子军年代的美好回忆。

    I have fond memories of my scouting days .

  19. 记载美好回忆的照片都散落在地板上。

    Picture perfect memories scattered all around the floor .

  20. 他留给我的最美好回忆是他时不时地尝试和我们接触。

    My best memories of him were from his episodic attempts at engagement .

  21. 你觉得我会把这些美好回忆扔掉吗,我的夫人?

    You really think I 'd throw away all those beautiful memories milady ?

  22. 她有对你的美好回忆。

    She gets to keep her memory of you .

  23. 再没有爱,仅存美好回忆。

    There 's no love anymore but sweet memory .

  24. 在脑海中或者书面地记录一些美好回忆,时常拿出回味。

    Keep a mental or literal file of good memories and visit them often .

  25. 上大学要打造一生的美好回忆。

    Make Memories that will last a Lifetime .

  26. 节目虽然录制完了,但你给我们留下的美好回忆将永在。

    After the program , you left us a wonderful memory which would maintain forever .

  27. 您来上海参观的美好回忆会永远驻留我心间!

    The nice memory of your visit to Shanghai will remain in my mind forever !

  28. 只有让你的脑中充满美好回忆,才会使事情变更简单易行。

    Let the good memories flow through your mind instead and let things become easier .

  29. 但她拥有了那些在篮球赛中精彩演出的美好回忆。

    But she will take away some happy memories of performing in the basketball league .

  30. 尤文与那不勒斯的对抗,是我所拥有的关于他的最美好回忆。

    The best memory I have of his was the rivalry between Juventus and Napoli .