
  • 网络Npr
  1. 周末,我在听金钱星球(PlanetMoney)节目[译者注:该节目由美国全国公共广播电台(NPR)制作]中有关阿里巴巴在线批发市场的有趣讲解,其中便提到了阿里巴巴的主导地位。

    I was reminded of this over the weekend while listening to Planet Money 's entertaining explainer of the Alibaba wholesale market .

  2. 处理这起事件的确是BP的责任,我们正在处理之中,他对美国全国公共广播电台(NPR)说。

    It is indeed BP 's responsibility to deal with this , and we are dealing with it , he told National Public Radio .

  3. 那周,美国全国公共广播电台(NPR)采访俄罗斯的一位安全官员,他认为,斯诺登可能——很可能——肯定是在与俄罗斯情报机构合作。

    That week , NPR ran an interview with a Russian security official who posited that Snowden is maybe , probably , most definitely cooperating with Russian intelligence .

  4. 2010年,该公司推出了一个项目,让驾车者能够通过语音来操控一系列移动应用,如今这些应用包括Pandora电台、Scout导航与美国全国公共广播电台(NPR)新闻等。

    In 2010 , the company launched a program that provides voice command and control of a series of mobile apps that now include Pandora radio , Scout navigation and NPR news .

  5. 她曾在美国全国公共广播电台等一些新闻机构工作,她在德黑兰从事研究工作的时候曾写过关于伊朗文化的书。

    She is a for National Public Radio and other news organizations and she was writing a book about Iranian culture while doing some of her research in Tehran .

  6. 美国全国公共广播电台评论说,《碟中谍5》延续了该系列“优雅、智慧和真枪实弹的特效”,这也让这部电影成为目前最靠谱的大片。

    According to NPR , this latest installment continues the " elegance , wit and harrowing flesh-and-blood stunt work " that have made Mission : Impossible " the most reliable blockbuster series going . "