
  • 网络the american people
  1. 这是美国人民的胜利。

    It 's a triumph for the American people .

  2. 他向美国人民坦白了他在这个事件中所扮演的角色。

    He has leveled with the American people about his role in the affair .

  3. 他保证始终把美国人民的利益放在第一位。

    He pledged that he would always put the interest of the American people first .

  4. JOHNBOEHNER:“我认为,这会使美国人民贷款更加困难,很显然,对企业来说则更困难。”

    JOHN BOEHNER : " I think it 's going to make credit harder for the American people to get , clearly harder for businesses to get . "

  5. 今年,在白热化的大选季我们再次聚首,Axelrod(奥巴马的顾问)说我不应该错过任何重新向美国人民介绍自己的机会。

    Now , this year , we gather in the midst of a heated election season . And Axelrod tells me I should never miss a chance to re introduce myself to the American people .

  6. 盖特纳在向众议院监察委员会作证时表示,对AIG这家保险集团的救助完全出于对美国人民最佳利益的考虑,并且他并没有干涉哪些细节应该公诸于众。

    In testimony to the House oversight committee , Mr Geithner said the rescue of the insurance group was motivated solely by what we believed to be in the best interests of the American people and he had not intervened on which details should be made public .

  7. 我也自豪地带来美国人民的友好情谊,带来我国穆斯林民众的平安问候:“Assalaamualaykum.”(“愿你平安。”)

    And I 'm also proud to carry with me the goodwill of the American people , and a greeting of peace from Muslim communities in my country : Assalaamu alaykum .

  8. 但是他欠长期受苦、现在仍在受苦的美国人民更多。

    But he owes the long-suffering , still-suffering , country more .

  9. 对美国人民而言,这些事件有着特殊意义。

    To the American people , these events have particular resonance .

  10. 这对美国人民来说可不是一件好事。

    It is not a good deal for the American people .

  11. “我所说的”美国人民“也指美国领导人。”

    " By American people I also mean American leaders . "

  12. 美国人民对军事开支的支持取决于他们所感受到的威胁程度。

    Americans'support for defense spending depends on how threatened they feel .

  13. 毫无疑问将导致更多美国人民的死亡。

    Unquestionably lead to the loss of many more American lives .

  14. 我代表美国人民呼吁,回来吧。

    I say on behalf of the American people , come home .

  15. 最重要的是,我要感谢美国人民。

    Most of all , I want to thank the American people .

  16. 但他们不会明白地告诉美国人民:往后的日子会变得很苦。

    But Americans will not be told how painful things must become .

  17. 所以现在我要向大家求助,向美国人民求助。

    So now I 'm turning to you , the American people .

  18. 所有的美国人民都会要求我们进行反击。

    The American people are demanding that we strike back .

  19. 尼克松从未让美国人民了解水门事件的真相。

    Nixon has never give the American people the lowdown on Watergate .

  20. 他说,美国人民将无法容忍这样的事情。

    The American people will not put up with it .

  21. 我相信这也是美国人民想要前进的方向。

    I believe it 's where the American people want to go .

  22. 因为美国人民已经用行动作了回答。

    It has already been delivered by the American people .

  23. 美国人民发来贺电!

    The people of the United States of congratulation !

  24. 我们采取了一切适当的安全措施,来保障美国人民的安全。

    We have taken all appropriate security precautions to protect the American people .

  25. 我想我们这场论辩的真正赢者是美国人民。

    I think the real winners of the debates were the American people .

  26. 被美国人民选上我们法律中最高职位

    Elected by the American people to the highest office known to our laws

  27. 重要的是美国人民的希望和梦想,而不是我们的个人得失。

    The American peoples hopes and dreams are what matters , not ours .

  28. 这才是美国人民选出的巴拉克奥巴马。

    That was the Barack Obama the country elected .

  29. 美国人民赋予我们的是分权政府。

    The American people have given us divided government .

  30. 法国将自由女神像赠送给美国人民

    The French gave America the Statue of Liberty .