
  • 网络rossini;Gioacchino Rossini;Rohini;Gioachino Rossini
  1. 这部歌剧是罗西尼的最佳代表作。

    The opera is vintage Rossini .

  2. 尤金当时正在用香槟和覆盆子酱调配罗西尼鸡尾酒。

    Eugene was concocting Rossini Cocktails from champagne and pureed raspberries .

  3. 罗西尼还介绍了拉丁美洲的旅游业。

    Rossini also touches on the tourism industry in Latin America .

  4. 析杰出的意大利歌剧大师罗西尼

    On rossini , an outstanding operatic master of Italy

  5. 恩尼斯在隔壁厨房整理东西,口里吹着口哨,赛蒙听出那是罗西尼序曲的一小段。

    Ernest was clattering next door in the kitchen , whistling a few bars of music that Simon recognized as part of a Rossini overture .

  6. 第三位是露西娅•罗西尼,她在接受《共和报》采访时称,尽管没有拿到报酬,也没有得到候选资格,但自己也参加了去年11月4日的派对。

    A third woman , Lucia Rossini , told Repubblica she also attended the Nov 4 party , though she wasn 't paid or offered a candidacy .

  7. 贝利尼是19世纪上半叶最具有代表性、影响最大的歌剧作曲家之一,与同时期的罗西尼、多尼采蒂被称为十九世纪意大利歌剧三大巨头。

    Bellini is one of the most influential representative opera composer in the first half of 19th century , who , along with Rossini 、 Donizetti , is regarded as the three opera magnates of Italy .

  8. 每星期有一两次我和她坐在沙发上,一边喝着她母亲端来的红茶,一边听罗西尼的序曲集、贝多芬的田园交响曲和《培尔·金特》送走一个下午。

    Once or twice a week , she and I would sit on the sofa , drinking the tea her mother made for us , and spend the afternoon listening to Rossini overtures , Beethoven 's Pastorale , and the Peer Gynt Suite .

  9. 歌剧作曲家罗西尼(GioacchinoRossini)是19世纪上半叶意大利歌剧复兴的奠基人,他给人类歌剧史留下了宝贵的财富,但他又是一个具有传奇人生经历和多重性格的人物。

    Rossini , the outstanding opera_composer , was the founder of Italian operatic Renaissance in the first half of the 19th century who has left a great fortune to the operatic history of human being , whereas he was a person of legendary life experience and multiple personality .

  10. 我指着韦伯、罗西尼、莫扎特、贝多芬、海顿、梅衣比尔。海罗尔、瓦格纳、奥比、古诺以及其他许多人的乐谱说,这些乐谱杂乱地放在一座大型钢琴上面,钢琴占着客厅的一方格的地位。

    I said , pointing to sheet music by Weber , Rossini , Mozart , Beethoven , Haydn , Meyerbeer , Herold , Wagner , Auber , Gounod , Victor Masse , and a number of others scattered over a full size piano-organ , which occupied one of the wall panels in this lounge .