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luó zhì
  • enlist the services of;secure sb. in one's employment;collect;gather together;gather up;round up
罗致 [luó zhì]
  • [enlist the services of;collect;gather up;round up] 延聘、搜罗;招致

  • 闻佳名竞喜,挥金帛以罗致。--林希逸《孔雀赋》

  • 罗致人材

罗致[luó zhì]
  1. 我本希望罗致一些新人,但是我所得到的尽是一些老人。

    I 'd like to have some new faces here , but all I get is the same old names .

  2. 如何广泛罗致和培养名记者,关系新世纪媒体的生存和发展。

    How to widely recruit and cultivate celebrated correspondents is about the existence and development of media in the new century .

  3. 古巴国营电视台宣读了卡斯特罗致古巴人民的一封信。他在信中说他的身体状况使他不能胜任国务委员会主席的职务。

    Cuban state television read a letter from Mr. Castro in which he said he is physically unable to fulfill the duties of president .