
  • 网络network finance;e-Finance;Internet Finance
  1. 据中国银行网络金融部副总经理董俊峰表示,仅60%销售点终端拥有NFC技术。

    Only about 60 percent of point-of-sale terminals have this near-field communication technology , according to Dong Junfeng , a vice manager of Bank of China 's Internet finance department .

  2. 更重要的是,网络金融的出现促使电子商务企业的商业模式创新,使其走向了新的发展道路。

    Most importantly , internet finance has brought about a new business model for e-commerce companies .

  3. 通过Web统计信息挖掘研究股市反应是网络金融课题,属于典型的计算机和金融的交叉学科。

    The study of stock volatility based on Web statistic information mining is a typical computer science and finance interdisciplinary subject .

  4. 网上证券交易是网络金融的一个重要组成部分。

    Securities transaction on internet is an important sector of network finance .

  5. 网络金融是互联网环境下金融创新的产物。

    Network finance is the product of financial innovation under Internet environment .

  6. 网络金融服务的正外部性和规模经济

    Exact external feature of network financial service and large - scale economy

  7. 论网络金融犯罪及侦查对策

    Study on Financial Crimes in Network and Countermeasures in Investigation

  8. 基于网络金融理论的网上银行发展与对策研究

    The Study on Internet Banking Development and Solution Based on Network Financial Theory

  9. 网络金融活动中的外部性及其引发的政策思考

    Externalities of Network Finance and Related Refletions on Policy

  10. 由于网络金融环境(市场)尚处于其发展的初期,即使在金融发展水平较高的欧美国家,在其发展的过程中也不是一帆风顺,会遇到这样那样的阻碍。

    The Network Finance circumstance ( market ) is in the initial stage .

  11. 引入效用分析的网络金融创新产品扩散模型的实证研究

    Empirical Study on the Utility per Unit Feedback model for e-Financial Innovation Diffusion

  12. 可以说,正是在这一时代背景之下,网络金融得以产生。

    In other words , network finance is just formed under this background .

  13. 因特网及网络金融的服务定价问题

    Price determination of internet service and internet financial service

  14. 网络金融侵财型犯罪及应对机制研究

    Research into network financial crimes and their countermeasures

  15. 随之,网络金融的信息服务也应运而生。

    Then , the network financial information service also arises at the historic moment .

  16. 网络金融服务正逐渐取代传统金融服务,成为金融服务新的方式。

    The network financial service is substituting the traditional one and becoming a new form .

  17. 因特网的服务定价和网络金融服务的定价问题,既是网络金融中的极具理论价值的问题,又是一个重要的实践问题。

    The price determination of the internet service and the internet financial service is facing difficulties .

  18. 农行湖南省分行网络金融的服务营销策略研究

    The Research on Network Financial Service Marketing Strategy in Hunan Branch of Agricultural Bank of China

  19. 外部性存在于网络金融活动中,包括直接外部性和间接外部性。

    The externalities exits in the network financial activities , include direct externalities and indirect externalities .

  20. 网络金融研究

    The Study of E - Finance

  21. 网络金融外部性研究

    Research on Externality of Network Finance

  22. 网络金融创新产品的市场扩散&针对银行卡产品的实证研究

    Diffusion Model of E-finance Innovation Products

  23. 网络金融活动中的间接外部性属于金钱外部性,不影响社会福利;

    The indirect externalities of financial activities belong to pecuniary externalities , not affecting the social welfare ;

  24. 网络金融系统是金融系统的一个子系统,它具有系统的一般特征。

    Network financial system is a subsystem of financial system , which has normal system 's characteristics .

  25. 大陆影子银行与商业银行、民间金融、网络金融等功能交错,呈蓬勃发展之势。

    Mainland shadow banking penetrating with commercial banks , private finance and e-commerce finance , develops vigorously .

  26. 网络金融风险探析

    Probe into Network Financial Risks

  27. 同时,网上证券交易作为发展的最成熟的网络金融业务,其监管尤为紧迫。

    Meanwhile , online security transaction , as the most mature online financial service , needs urgent supervision .

  28. 网络金融业务在我国的发展已有数年,而对其的监管基本属于空白。

    Net-finance services have developed for several years in China while on which few supervision has been put .

  29. 网络金融犯罪产生的主要原因是金融监管不严和法律控制不力。

    The main reasons for the emergence of network financial crime are inadequate financial regulation laws and legal control .

  30. 马云声称,为满足中国在网络金融领域的新规定,他不得不这么做。

    Mr Ma claims he needed to do this in order to satisfy new Chinese regulations on online finance .