
  • 网络Online Voting;;
  1. 基于ASP的网络投票模型系统的实现

    Online Voting System on ASP

  2. 还有一个更深入的问题,那就是网络投票会如何影响公民的选择。

    A deeper question is how online voting affects the choices citizens make .

  3. 明年,挪威可能会在普选中实行网络投票。

    Norway may allow Internet voting in its general election next year .

  4. 网络投票系统的防注入数据技术探讨

    The Discussion of the Technology Against Injecting Data in the Network Voting System

  5. 股东大会网络投票制度研究

    A Study on the Network Voting System for Shareholders

  6. 这个以网络投票为基准的结果由网络使用者和评审团公布。

    The results were released based on votes by Internet users and judges'recommendations .

  7. 除了少数几个国家热衷于使用投票机,各国越来越关注网络投票。

    Amid patchy enthusiasm for machines , interest in Internet voting is soaring .

  8. 有人希望网络投票能鼓励更多的人参与投票。

    Some hope Internet voting could help to encourage more people to vote .

  9. 其中,电子表决又可以细分为网络投票和电子邮件形式。

    Among them , electronic voting and can be divided into network voting and email form .

  10. 近几届的奖项由网络投票得出,但对那些球迷人数少的球队来说也许不公平。

    Recent awards have been determined by an Internet vote which may not fairly and accurately represent fan demographics .

  11. 薄先生在一家官方网站的网络投票中,当选“2009年最鼓舞人心的声音”。

    An online poll by an official website chose Mr Bo as the " most inspiring voice " of2009 .

  12. 随着股东大会投票制度的发展,网络投票制度的产生与盛行实属必然。

    With the development of voting system for shareholders ' meeting , network voting system inevitably appears and prevails .

  13. 但在发达国家中,它们已经逐渐落伍,现在发展的趋势是网络投票。

    But they are falling out of fashion in the rich world , where Internet voting is a growing trend .

  14. 但从网上图书的销售数据以及网络投票来看,图书仍是消费大众的首选。

    But the sales data from online books and network is still the first choice to a lot of consumers .

  15. 在网络投票系统中,如何确保投票者的隐私以及确保投票有效是系统的关键。

    It was a key problem how to ensure the privacy of voter and the validity of voting in electronic voting .

  16. 但网络投票制度也有内在的缺陷,中小股东怠于行使表决权的状况在短期内很难因网络投票制度的引入而改变。

    But it exists inherent defects and it can 't bring out the change of minority stockholders ' negative attitude to exercise voting .

  17. 观众通过网络投票来选择自己最想看到的结局,而电视台也会播出得票最多的那版结局。

    Viewers voted online for the ending they wanted to see on TV , and the network broadcast the ending that received most votes .

  18. 从股东大会投票制度的演进论上市公司网络投票制度的推行

    A Study on Application of Network Voting System in the Listed Company in the Perspective of the Evolution of Voting System for Shareholders ' Meeting

  19. 对远程网络投票协议的抗拒绝服务攻击性的自动化证明方法进行了研究,提出一个基于定理证明的抗拒绝服务攻击性自动化证明模型。

    The automatic proof method for the DoS-resistance of remote Internet voting protocol has been researched . A model based on theorem proof for DoS-resistance is proposed .

  20. 在网络投票制度的推行中应理性定位其价值目标、合理设计其具体制度以及加强配套制度建设。

    So when we adapt network voting system , we should rationally determine its worth target , design its concrete system and strength construction of the supporting system .

  21. 为了解决投票系统数据注入问题,使投票系统更可靠,数据更真实,本文将要讨论网络投票系统存在的一些技术漏洞和改进的方法。

    We will discuss the technique leak and put forward improved method to solve injecting data in this system and increase the reality and available of the data .

  22. 在反复的策划批改,激烈的网络投票竞争以及辛苦的社区实践之后,公益策划大赛终于迎来了激动人心的决赛。

    After the repeated planning and marking , fierce Internet voting competition and a hard practice in community , the Commonweal Planning Competition is coming to an exciting final .

  23. 第三部分,从股东表决权集体行使机制&股东会会议制度入手,分析股东传统表决方式的不足,提出引进网络投票的必要性并且对网络投票进行模式设计。

    In part III , the dissertation begins from the conference system , analyses the deficiencies of traditional voting mode and proposes a new voting mode " network voting " .

  24. 第四部分是本文核心,着重说明了股东网络投票的制度补全、理论创新、制度修缮和操作建议。

    The fourth part is the core of this article , and highlights the shareholder vote via communication net system complement , theoretical innovation , system repair and operational recommendations .

  25. 她希望有一天能推动天人合一水立方项目发展到她认为自然的结局:水立方的灯光展示由市民来掌控,也许是通过网络投票的方式。

    She hopes to one day take ' Rhapsody of Light ' to what she sees as its natural conclusion : a Water Cube display directly controlled by citizens , perhaps via online voting .

  26. 她希望有一天能推动“天人合一水立方”项目发展到她认为自然的结局:水立方的灯光展示由市民来掌控,也许是通过网络投票的方式。

    She hopes to one day take ' Rhapsody of Light ' to what she sees as its natural conclusion : a Water Cube display directly controlled by citizens , perhaps via online voting . '

  27. 网络投票系统作为一种大众投票系统,正在被广泛的使用,如果设计不合格的话,投票系统变的形同虚设,投票数据的真实性会大打折扣。

    Network voting system as a popular voting system has been widely used , but if it is not availably designed , it makes the system be useless and could reduce the authenticity of the data .

  28. 26岁的王菊在5月29日迎来了自己的高光时刻,当天她在网络投票环节中位列第一,击败了其他在传统意义上更为“迷人”的选手。

    Wang , 26 , had her moment of glory on May 29 when she ranked No 1 in an internet voting round , defeating her fellow contestants who could be considered more traditionally " attractive . "

  29. 其意义在于,通过规范股东网络投票,强化网络投票的公信力,发挥网络技术特有的优势,节约公司治理的成本,保障股东,特别是中小股东合法权益。

    Its significance lies in through regulated the shareholder vote via communication net , to strengthen the credibility of the shareholder vote via communication net , and to play the advantages that save the cost of corporate governance , and protect middle or small shareholders legitimate rights .

  30. 网络机器投票系统实现和安全性研究

    Realization of Network Machine Voting System and Study of Its Safeness