
  • 网络Wire section;wire part
  1. 生产表明,改性聚乙烯亚胺定着剂能够稳定提高网部留着率,减少纤维流失和化学品的流失,降低生产能耗,改善抄纸系统清洁度,减轻废水排放负荷。

    The results show that the modified PEI can increase the furnish retention on wire section , reduce the losses of fiber and chemicals , lower energy consumption , make the paper making system cleaner and reduce the load of waste water .

  2. 纸机的清洗包括流送部、网部、压榨部、施胶部、干燥部等部分。

    The cleaning of papermachine include all the sections such as approach system , wire section , press section , sizing section and drying section .

  3. Duoshake无反力作用网部摇振器是Voith公司新开发的网部振动系统。

    Duoshake & a non-reaction force shaking system in wire part is a newly developed wire part vibrating system by Voith company .

  4. 纸机网部细料固体的保留

    Retention of Fine solids on the Forming Section of a Paper Machine

  5. 克服网部顶浆的主要措施

    The Main Measures to Overcome Piled Stock Problem at the Wire Part

  6. 圆网纸机网部掉浆的原因和处理方法

    The Reason about Mould Machine Falling Pulp and The Means of Treatment

  7. 用于制浆造纸行业对纸机网部湿损纸的碎解。

    Used in paper industry for breaking wet broke from paper machine wire section .

  8. 2362mm纸机网部采用陶瓷脱水元件改造

    Modify the Wire Section of Paper Machine

  9. 涂布白纸板机网部负荷分配智能化设计及实现

    Intelligent Design and Implementation Means of Load Distribution in the Wire Part of White Board Machine

  10. 助留剂、消泡剂、网部树脂控制剂、毛布树脂控制剂、防腐剂、粘泥控制剂、清洗剂。

    Retention aid , Defoamer , Deposit Controller , Felt Controller , Preservative , Slime Controller , System Cleaner .

  11. 高速纸机网部轴承使用集中稀油润滑的特性与措施

    The characteristics and counter measures in centralized oil lubrication for bearings of wire part of high speed paper machines

  12. 它在网部之后,作用是把刚成形的纸内水份压出,然后往烘缸部烘干。

    Its function is to press the water out of the newly formed paper before it is passed on to the drying cylinders .

  13. 诱导后晚期的模型眼前房角胶原增生,结构破坏。结论复方卡波姆诱导的兔眼慢性高眼压模型房水流出受阻的主要部位在小梁内皮网部。

    Conclusions The obstruction of aqueous humor outflow induced by compound Carbomer in rabbit high IOP model is caused mainly by the changes in trabecular endothelial cells .

  14. 应用方面出现新的发展趋势:追求性价比更高的助留剂产品及系统、助留剂系统组份增多、助留系统化学品分别采购、加入点向网部移动等。

    New trend of development appears in the application : seeking for higher performance-price ratio retention aid product and system , increase in compositions in retention aid system , separate purchasing of retention system chemicals and shift of the addition points to the wire part .

  15. 去哪网旅游部CEO高兴表示:“从上周开始,'七夕'和'浪漫'成为了去哪网搜索量最高的两个词,这一势头甚至一直保持了两到四天之久”

    Starting last week , " Qixi " and " romance " have become top key search words on qunar.com . Trips lasting for two to four days make up their highest sales , said Gao Xing , CEO of the holiday department of the website .

  16. 新浪网运营部技术总监王涂勇说出双方合作的意图。

    The intent that sina net carries king of battalion headquarters CTO besmears brave speaks bilateral collaboration .

  17. 采用无网格局部径向点插值法来分析功能梯度材料问题。

    A meshless local radial point interpolation method for the analysis of functionally graded materials is presented in this paper .

  18. 用无网格局部径向点插值法分析了非均质中厚板的弯曲问题。

    A meshless local radial point interpolation method ( LRPIM ) for the bending analysis of a nonhomogeneous moderately thick plate is presented in this paper .

  19. 算例表明了基于无网格局部径向点插值法进行结构拓扑优化设计是可行的和有效的;而且,选取节点的相对密度为设计变量可有效地克服有限元法拓扑优化中的棋盘格现象。

    Numerical examples show that the proposed approach is feasible and efficient for the topology optimization of the continuum structure , and can effectively overcome the checkerboard phenomenon .

  20. 与无网格伽辽金法相比,无网格局部径向点插值法是一种不需要背景积分网格的真正的无网格方法。

    Compared with element-free Galerkin method , the presented method was one of the " truly meshless " methods since it did not require any background integration cells .

  21. 早在2011年,百度就因侵犯了起点中文网五部小说的版权,而被判向后者赔偿55万元(折合84000美元)。

    In 2011 , Baidu was found guilty of copyright infringement in a lawsuit filed by literary website qidian.com and was ordered to pay the plaintiff about 550000 yuan ( $ 84000 ) for infringing copyrights for five novels .

  22. 时代华纳公司(TimeWarnerInc.)旗下卡通电视网亚洲制作部的制作人YoshiyaAyugai表示,日本的小孩更易于认同与自己有关联的角色。

    Japanese kids can more easily identify with characters they can relate to , ' says Yoshiya Ayugai , a producer for Time Warner Inc. 's Cartoon Network Productions Japan , who helped re-create the Powerpuff Girls .

  23. 沈阳铁路局地处东北地区,位于全国铁路网的东北部。

    The Shenyang Railway Bureau is located in the northeast of China .

  24. 基于校园网系、部办公自动化系统的应用

    Application of Office Automation System Based on Campus Network

  25. 真皮下血管网皮瓣蒂部的作用

    Experimental study on the role of the pedicle of the subdermal vascular network skin flap

  26. 颜筱是中国最大的在线旅游机构携程旅行网公共事务部高级经理。

    Yan Xiao is the public affairs manager at China 's largest online travel agency Ctrip .

  27. 目的:1、研究前臂掌侧浅静脉网、手部掌浅弓、指总动脉及指固有动脉的解剖学特点。

    Objective : 1 . To study anatomical characterstics of the forearm superficial palmar vein net , superficial palmar arch , arteria digitalis communis and proper palmar digital arteries ; 2 .

  28. 这些物质在生产过程中会形成胶粘物沉积到成形网、压榨部、烘缸表面以及纸张表面上,大大影响纸机运行性和纸品质量。

    These contaminants could form the deposits on the wire , press section and dryers or the surface of paper sheets and would be harmful to the runnability of paper machine and product quality .

  29. 本文第四章介绍了水压人工肌肉的设计制作过程,包括人工肌肉关键部件橡胶管、编织网和端部接头的材料选择,编织网参数的选择以及制作工艺。

    The forth chapter describes the design process of the water hydraulic artificial muscles , including the material selection of the key components of the artificial muscles , for example , the rubber hose , braid and end fitting and the choice of network parameters and the production process .

  30. 携程旅行网的度假部主任唐一波说:“香港之所以受到青睐,是因为香港是东西方文化的交汇地,那里不仅节日气氛浓厚、购物和娱乐设施齐全,还有很多岁末大打折活动。”

    Tang Yibo , director of Ctrip . com 's holiday department , said : " Embodying both Eastern and Western cultures , Hong Kong stands out because it has not only a vibrant Christmas atmosphere , but also offers lots of shopping and entertainment facilities , and big discounts at this time of year . "