
  1. 同时,本文还提出组合式就业和网络就业等促进残疾人就业的创新模式。

    At the same time , this article also mentions that " Combined Employment " and " Network Employment " and other innovative models to promote employment of disabled persons .

  2. 近几年来,网络就业市场以其速度快、效率高、成本低、覆盖面广等特点逐渐受到我国企业和应聘者的关注。

    In recent years , the market of E-Recruitment has been focused by increasing companies and candidates with the distinguishing features as fast , efficient , low cost and ide coverage .

  3. 求职者的社会网络与就业保留工资&以下岗职工再就业过程为例在职务的要求中有过失。

    Personal Network and the Reservation Wages of Job Seekers : Based on the job searching of Chinese laid-off workers failing in what duty requires .

  4. 充分发挥二者的主体作用、进行动态化网络化就业率统计,是解决问题的主要措施。

    The major solution to the problems lies in bringing into full play the subject role of the two and making use of the web-based statices .

  5. 信息·系统·网络高校毕业生就业网信息组织调查

    Information · System · Network Investigation of the Information Organization of Graduates Employment Websites

  6. 网络经济与就业的二元化变迁

    Net Economy and Dualistic Change of Employment

  7. 大学生焦虑心理情绪的主要诱因有网络依赖、就业与考试、情感、社会交往等。

    The lending causes for psychological anxieties among the college students are from the dependence on internet , employment , examination , feelings , and social activities .

  8. 学院应当从加强就业渠道网络建设、就业信息采集和分析及讲授咨询服务三个方面加强高职毕业生就业工作。

    Our college should strengthen high vocational education graduate employment from three aspects which are strengthening employment net construction , employment information collecting and analyzing and consultation service .

  9. 从宏观上看,网络经济对就业和产出产生重大影响,改变传统菲利普斯曲线的形态,拉动了国民经济的持续增长。

    From the Macro-economy , the network economy have greatly affected the employment and overall production and resulted in the continuous development of national economy , as well as changed the appearance of traditional Phillips curve .

  10. 基于反馈神经网络的高校毕业生就业区域流向分类研究

    Classification Research on the Regional Flows of University Graduates ' Employment Based on Recurrent Neural Network

  11. 通过这一过程,本文证实了受教育程度在非农就业中的正向作用而职业培训并没有发挥重要影响,并发现社会网络资源与非农就业显著的正向相关性。

    Through the process , this part of the research proved that peasants ' education level played a positive role in their non-agricultural employment and vocational training did not have an important influence on their non-agricultural employment .