
suō yìn
  • Reduction printing;reprint books in a reduced format
缩印 [suō yìn]
  • [reprint books in a reduced format] 把书画、文件等用照相的办法缩小,再制版印刷

缩印[suō yìn]
  1. 《汉英词典》修订缩印本文化内涵词释义问题

    On Explanation Problems of the Cultural Connotation Words in Chinese-English Dictionary

  2. 钢模缩小机(印花雕刻用)糟了!复印机设定在缩印了。

    Shit ! the copier is set for reducing .

  3. 你知道怎么将复印机设定在缩印(放大)模式上吗?

    Do you know how to set the copycat on zoom in model ?