
  • 网络Transcoding;convert;encoding;to Unicode;UTF
  1. 频繁地在XMLCh和char之间进行编码转换会严重影响性能,因此在可能的情况下尽量使用一种格式处理数据。

    Frequently transcoding from XMLCh to char and vice versa can have a significant impact on performance , so wherever possible , try to process the data in one format .

  2. 恒定速率视频编码转换码率控制策略

    Rate Control Strategy in CBR Video Transcoding

  3. GoogleMaps将公开能够检索给定位置的地理编码转换的API。

    Google Maps exposes an API that provides the ability to retrieve a geo-coded rendition of a given location .

  4. 基于DICOM传输语法的编码转换

    The Exchanging Transmission Syntax Code of DICOM

  5. 多亏有了这个转换器,流得到了完全的处理,其内容也通过使用与HTTP交换相关的编码转换为字符串。

    Thanks to it , the stream gets fully consumed and its content is transformed to a string , using the encoding relevant to the HTTP exchange .

  6. 结合人类视觉系统的特性,计算视觉掩蔽函数值,将经JPEG位流编码转换的水印图像加密后自适应地嵌入到小波的中频和低频系数中,保证水印有较好的不可见性和鲁棒性。

    Embed the encrypting watermark image transformed by the JPEG encodes to significant coefficient . So the watermark is invisibility and robustness .

  7. 60路ADPCM编码转换设备性能测试与结果分析

    60-Channel ADPCM Transcoder Prototype Equipment Testing and Results Analysis

  8. 60路ADPCM编码转换设备总体设计

    Overall Design of the 60-Channel ADPCM Transcoder Equipment

  9. GB18030与Unicode编码转换算法用迭代的方法计算出发电机负载不同转速时的输出电流。

    Research on Code Transformation Algorithm between GB 18030 and Unicode The output current of the alternator at different speed is computed by an iteration method .

  10. 介绍了位置检测传感器&绝对值编码器的原理及特点,并介绍了一种在PLC控制系统中,将编码器的格雷编码转换为二进制编码的一种运算方法及其在位置检测中的应用。

    This paper introduces the sensor of position examination-the principle and property of absolute encoder and shows an operational method involving the conversion of the Gray code to Binary code in PLC control system and the application in the position examination .

  11. 比如视频编辑工具、转换不同图片格式的程序或者音频编码转换程序(如将mp3转换为ogg)等。

    Examples include movie editing tools , and programs to convert between different image types or between different sound encoding , such as mp3 to ogg .

  12. 从这可以看出,跨平台汉字编码转换引擎的可移植性非常好,对于以后移植到Symbian、Linux、Palm等智能手机平台奠定了基础。

    We can find out that the engine has a good portability . It has laid a good foundation for transplanting to smart phone platform such as Symbian , Linux and Palm , etc. in the future .

  13. 文章详细地介绍了60路ADPCM编码转换设备模拟口和数字口特性的测试方法。

    The testing method for 60-Channel ADPCM Transcoder Equipment has been discussed in detail . The testing results of a prototype equipment are reported as well .

  14. 如果属性文件包含了非ASCII字符(产品名或者about文本),需要使用转义Unicode把文件从原生编码转换成ASCII。

    If the properties file contains non-ASCII characters , such as the product name or about text , you need to convert the file from native encodings to ASCII with escaped Unicode .

  15. 使用XMLString::compareIStringASCII()避免了调用编码转换服务执行比较。

    Using XMLString : : compareIStringASCII () avoids calling out to the transcoding services to do the comparison .

  16. 海洋气象资料编码转换初探

    First exploration of code translation of maritime meteorological observation data

  17. 基于最佳量化的序列图像编码转换码率控制策略

    Rate control strategy in sequence image transcoding based on the quantizer optimization

  18. 介绍了视频编码转换中的各种转换模型。

    ( 2 ) Various transcoding models in video transcoding are analysed .

  19. 把信息从一种编码转换到另一种编码的装置。

    Device for changing information from one code to another .

  20. 规则与统计相结合的蒙古文编码转换的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Mongolian Coding Conversion Based on Rules and Statistics

  21. 不同操作平台上相同字符的编码转换

    How to change different codes of the same characters

  22. 降低空间分辨率视频编码转换方法

    Method for Reduced Spatial Resolution Video Transcoding

  23. 通过开关霍尔可以把这种二进制编码转换成磁极的排列,实现起来很方便。

    By using switch hall , the successive displacement binary code was converted into magnetic-pole arrangement .

  24. ES1022B系统软件功能的扩充:编码转换

    The code conversion : extension of the function of system software on computer es 1022 B

  25. 通过使用常量字符串,可以避免分配内存、复制字符串和编码转换过程。

    By using a constant string , you avoid allocating memory , copying the string , and the transcoding process .

  26. 相对于现有的编码转换系统,此种技术符合单值对应法则。

    Compared with the existing code conversion scheme , the proposed technique was in accordance with the single value correspondence principle .

  27. 视频编码转换既可以在像素域中进行,也可以在变换域&DCT域中进行。

    Video transcoding can be carried out not only in pixel domain but also in transform domain , namely DCT domain .

  28. 汉字编码转换引擎是一个输入法的核心,它一定程度上决定了输入法的输入方式和输入效率。

    The Conversion engine of Chinese character coding is the kernel of input method and decides the efficiency of input on certain level .

  29. 后面讨论了笔画输入和音形输入无缝结合,这是对汉字编码转换引擎的改进。

    The Combination of strokes input and shape input is discussed later . It is the improvement for the conversion engine of Chinese character coding .

  30. 所谓数字电视技术,是将传统的模拟电视信号经过抽样、量化和编码转换成用二进制数代表的数字式信号,然后进行各种功能的处理、传输、存储和记录的技术。

    In digital TV , the analog signal is sampled , quantified and coded into digital signal . Digital signal is easier to process , transmit and store .