
  • 网络Green innovation
  1. 这是一个IBM的绿色创新数据中心绍斯伯里,康涅狄格州,在那里蓝色巨人的内部IT人员推绿色信封的一半。

    This is one half of IBM 's Green Innovations Data Center in Southbury , Conn. , where Big Blue 's internal IT staff pushes the green envelope .

  2. 环境问题的最终解决需要绿色创新。

    The final solution of environmental problems was depended on the green innovations .

  3. 随后本文将模糊数学的基本方法和DEA方法结合对制造业绿色创新体系进行评价。

    This article will combine fuzzy mathematics methods with DEA to evaluate manufacturing green innovation system .

  4. 绿色创新数据中心(GreenInnovationDataCenter,GIDC)的关键特性是:它能够跨三个相互分离的资源池控制服务器“实例”。

    The key feature of Green Innovation Data Center ( GIDC ) cloud is the fact that it is able to control server " instances " across three discrete resource pools .

  5. 本文以此为背景,运用复杂适应系统(CAS)的思想方法,对绿色创新系统进行了理论建构,进而对其演化机理及策略进行了探索性研究。

    The paper uses the ideas and means of CAS ( complex adaptive system ), and carries on the exploring research of the mechanism and evolution strategy of green innovation system .

  6. 绿色创新&建材企业的技术创新之路

    Green Innovation & The Way of Building Material Enterprises ' Technology Innovation

  7. 尤其是企业本身在绿色创新方面意识的落后。

    The backwardness in green innovative respect consciousness of especially the enterprise .

  8. 绿色创新是西部区域创新的战略选择

    Green Innovation is the Strategic Choice of the Regional Innovation for Western Area

  9. 对绿色创新的系统分析

    Systematic Analysis of Green Innovation

  10. 首先,对制造业绿色创新系统运行机制进行了一个全面的介绍。

    First , it is an introduction to the operating mechanism of the green manufacturing innovation system .

  11. 绿色创新系统的制度创新能够使创新系统向进化方向发展。

    The innovation of green innovation system structure can make the innovation system develop towards the evolution .

  12. 绿色创新系统的形成既可以从单一主体开始,也可以从多个主体开始。

    The evolution of the system can either begin with the single agent or the multiple agents .

  13. 绿色创新及其激励机制

    Green Innovations and Its Motivation

  14. 中国西部生态旅游产品绿色创新的理论范式与路径选择模式

    A Research on the Theoretical Mode and Path-Choosing Model of Green Innovation on Eco-tourism Products in Western China

  15. 第五,绿色创新系统的成长机理,是通过系统的受限生成过程来实现的。

    Fifthly , the growth mechanism of green innovation system is realized by the restricted creation process of the system .

  16. 种子绿色创新奖旨在支持哪些创造性的、小范围的地方驱动的企业家,将其自身业务与社会和环境的利益融入在一起。

    The SEED Initiative supports innovative , small-scale and locally driven entrepreneurs who integrate social and environmental benefits into their businesses .

  17. 在功能要素方面,包括绿色创新体系的技术创新功能、制度创新功能、管理创新功能。

    Functional elements , namely , the technical innovation function , Institutional innovation function and managing innovation function of green innovation system .

  18. 因此,绿色创新系统的结构由促进经济可持续发展子系统、促进社会可持续发展子系统和促进生态环境可持续发展子系统构成。

    So the system function structure is made up of economy sustainable development promotion sub-system , society sustainable development promotion sub-system and ecology sustainable development promotion sub-system .

  19. 第六,绿色创新主体联盟的形成和有效管理,是促进绿色创新系统发展的重要策略之一。

    Sixthly , the formation and effective management of green innovation agent union is one of the important strategies to drive the evolution of green innovation system .

  20. 开展面向可持续发展的科学技术研究,培育绿色创新能力,是近几年国内外学术界探讨的一个热门话题。

    The research of science and technology facing sustainable development and the cultivation of the ability of green innovation are the hot topics in the academic field recently .

  21. 在企业有限资源制约下,那么如何综合评价绿色创新产品以及从中选择出优秀的方案就成为关键。

    In conditions of limited resource constraints , so the key is how to comprehensively evaluate green innovative product and select the excellent projects from many available projects .

  22. 中国制造业绿色创新的环境效益向企业经济效益转换的制度条件初探

    A study on institutional conditions of the benefits transfering : from environmental benefits to enterprise 's profits of an enterprise 's green innovation process in the Chinese manufacturing industries

  23. 经过分析,我们可以得出,利用神经网络进行企业绿色创新战略选择的结果是比较准确的。

    Finally , it gives an example and conducts a substantial evidence research and we can conclude that it is suitable to use BP neutral net model to select strategy .

  24. 从创新的技术来源看,云南建材工业应采取合作创新战略;从创新的内容来看,云南建材工业应采取绿色创新战略。

    The cooperative innovation strategy should be taken from the perspective of technological sources and green innovation strategy from the innovative content for the building materials industry in Yunnan Province .

  25. 第七,绿色创新系统的制度是信息、标识和积木的重要载体之一,由基础制度、核心制度和保障制度构成。

    Seventhly , the institution of green innovation system is one of the important carriers of information , tagging and building blocks , and made up of basic institution , core institution and safeguard institution .

  26. 生态化自主创新要求构建创新系统的仿生化和共生关系,并面向环境友好、资源节约等要求,实现生态创新或绿色创新。

    The ecological independent innovation is the requirements to build the bionic and the symbiotic relationship of the innovation system , and for environment-friendly , conservation of natural resources etc. , to achieve ecological innovation or green innovation .

  27. 这种系统结构和绿色创新系统的知识活动过程、投入&产出的运行过程,是以整体嵌入和部分渗透的方式复合在一起,共同满足其功能要求。

    By the means of whole embedding and part infiltration , the system structure above couples with the system structure that compartmentalized by " knowledge innovation " and " function process " , and then fulfill the aim together .

  28. 一次产品创新可能带动了企业的工艺创新、管理创新、组织创新和营销策略等一项或多项创新,多次产品的多种绿色创新构成了企业的产品绿色持续创新活动。

    May be a product innovation driven business process innovation , management innovation , organizational innovation and marketing strategies for one or more innovation , many innovative products in a variety of green products that constitute a green sustainable business innovation .

  29. 首先,本文认为,绿色创新系统是一个复杂适应系统,具有复杂适应系统的内涵、特征和机制,它的目标应满足可持续发展的要求。

    The main thoughts and conclusions are as below . First , green innovation system is a complex adaptive system and has the traits , mechanism and connotation of CAS . The goal of the system should face the requirement of sustainable development .

  30. 先从基础理论内涵入手,逐渐渗透了绿色创新系统运行机制的特征与功能,并对运行机制的系统构成要素进行了界定。

    And then that define the gradual infiltration of the characteristics and functions of the operating mechanism of green innovation system , operational mechanism of the system elements . Secondly , it analyze the operating mechanism to achieve the structural model of the operating mechanism constitutes .