
  • 网络vic;Vick;Wick;Vik;Vík
  1. 迈克尔-维克(MichaelVick)周四晚参加了赛季前热身赛,重返比赛场地。以变化无常著称的费城老鹰球迷们站起来喝彩表示欢迎。

    Michael Vick returned to the playing field Thursday night for a preseason game . And the famously fans welcomed him with a standing ovation .

  2. 维克上周由于涉嫌违反联盟的新个人行为准则而被NFL总裁罗杰。古德尔禁止参加训练营。

    Vick , indicted last week , was barred from training camp by NFL commissioner Roger Goodell while the league looks into possible violations of its new personal conduct policy .

  3. 维克受到父亲的欺压和姊妹们的纠缠。

    Vic was bullied by his father and persecuted by his sisters .

  4. 伤者被空运送往普雷斯特维克的医院。

    The injured were airlifted to hospital in Prestwick

  5. 维克拉姆·塞思的《如意郎君》在畅销书排行榜中排名第二。

    Vikram Seth 's ' A Suitable Boy ' is number two in the best-seller lists .

  6. 而且,在维克森林大学(WakeForestUniversity),它甚至确实就是在一台正在开动的电梯里举行。

    At Wake Forest University , it even takes place in an actual moving elevator .

  7. 维克森林大学医学院(WakeForestUniversitySchoolofMedicine)的研究人员检测了海马体的神经元。海马体是大脑里与记忆的编码、储存相关的区域。

    Researchers at Wake Forest University School of Medicine examined nerve cells in the hippocampus , a region of the brain associated with memory coding and storing .

  8. 埃塞俄比亚航空公司CEO戈马-维克表示,该公司飞机从未因维修或飞行员失误而坠毁。

    Ethiopian Airlines CEO Wake says the carrier has never suffered a crash because of maintenance or pilot error .

  9. Android的总设计师安迪•鲁宾也好,谷歌的副总裁维克•贡多特拉也好,埃里克•施密特也好,他们仨都是卑鄙无耻、说话不算话的伪君子。

    Andy Rubin , Vic Gundotra , Eric Schmidt : shameless , lying hypocrites , all of them .

  10. 埃塞俄比亚航空公司CEO戈马-维克(GirmaWake)在亚的斯亚贝巴的新闻发布会上对部分搜救工作作出了解释。

    Speaking in Addis Ababa , Ethiopian Airlines chief executive Girma Wake explained part of the efforts during a news conference .

  11. 这意味着有些人,像雷孟夫【现为维克森林大学(WakeForestUniversity)商学院院长】,只睡6小时确实也可以。

    That means that some people , like Reinemund ( now dean at the Wake Forest University Schools of Business ) , can do fine on just six hours .

  12. Idea银行董事会成员多米尼克•法步兹维克兹说:“企业家亲自把钱存到银行或固定的自动存款机,是在浪费他们的时间和金钱。

    Dominik Fajbusiewicz , a board member of Idea Bank , said : ' Entrepreneurs who personally deliver their income to the bank or a stationary CDM waste both their time and money .

  13. 这种假体是由南加州大学(UniversityofSouthernCalifornia)和美国维克森林浸信会医学中心(WakeForestBaptistMedicalCentre)历时10年之久合作开发出来的,它包含若干植入大脑的电极。

    The prosthetic , developed at the University of Southern California and Wake Forest Baptist Medical Centre in a decade-long collaboration , includes a small array of electrodes implanted into the brain .

  14. Bart不肯投资维克多拉,但事实是今晚我已经包下那里了。

    Bart didn 't go for Victrola but truth is I bought the house out already for tonight ,

  15. 32岁的挪威人布里维克(AndersBehringBreivik)已经宣布承担责任。

    Thirty-two-year-old Norwegian Anders Behring Breivik has ted responsibility .

  16. 当Sink在维克森林大学的同事发现药物可以保护大鼠免受辐射造成的脑损伤后,她决定研究有中枢作用的血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂类药物对痴呆症风险的影响。

    Sink decided to investigate the effect of centrally acting ACE inhibitors on dementia risk after her Wake Forest colleagues found the drugs protected rats from brain injury due to radiation .

  17. 该党领导人西夫延森(sivjensen)表示,她对布雷维克曾经是该党的一名党员表示震惊。

    Its leader , SIV Jensen , said she was shocked when Mr Breivik turned out to be a former members .

  18. SpikeAerospace首席执行官维克•凯乔里亚(VikKachoria)相信,他所谓的“多重数字化机舱”会因为好处众多而赢得乘客。

    Vik Kachoria , president of Spike Aerospace , believes the benefits of what he calls the " multiplex digital cabin " will help win over passengers .

  19. 查尔斯•亚科武(CharlesIacovou)表示,在今年早些时候出任维克森林大学商学院(WakeForestUniversitySchoolofBusiness)院长的时候,他“为了解当前我们身边情况和形势……进行了深入调研”。

    When he took over as dean of Wake Forest University School of Business earlier this year , Charles Iacovou says he did a " deep dive   .   .   .   to understand our current situation and the landscape around us . "

  20. 在今年夏天,陈安道与阿兰·诺曼(AlanNaumann)在圣荷塞共进午餐。诺曼的儿子布拉德利(Bradley)是维克森林大学的一名大二学生。

    This summer , Chan had lunch in San Jose with Alan Naumann , whose son , Bradley , is a sophomore at Wake Forest .

  21. 一个名叫朱迪·邓奇(JudiDench)的女演员在老维克剧团首演,出演奥菲莉亚一角。

    A young actress named Judi Dench makes her debut as Ophelia at the Old Vic .

  22. 其他受到邀请的名人包括杜兰杜兰乐队(DuranDuranband)成员约翰·泰勒(JohnTaylor)、H&M公司首席执行官卡尔・约翰・佩尔松(Karl-JohanPersson)以及高尔夫球员杰斯佩-帕尼维克(JesperParnevik)。

    Other well-known invitees were Duran Duran band member John Taylor , the CEO of fashion retailer H & M , Karl-Johan Persson , and golfer Jesper Parnevik .

  23. 该项研究的联合负责人、维克森林大学(WakeForestUniversity)商学院会计学副教授杨亚文(音译)表示:我们发现,董事会越多元化,公司愿意冒险的可能性就越低。

    We found that the more diverse the board , the less likely [ a company is willing ] to take risk , said Ya Wen Yang , assistant professor of accounting at the Wake Forest University school of business and a co-author of the study in question .

  24. 与亚利桑那州立大学(ArizonaStateUniversity)合并后,雷鸟国际管理学院(Thunderbird)将不再教授MBA学生,而维克森林大学(WakeForest)最近宣布将完全转为在职MBA教育项目。雇主们日益对在职MBA和全日制MBA一视同仁。

    Following its merger with Arizona State University , Thunderbird will no longer teach MBA students and Wake Forest recently announced it would move to all part-time MBA programmes , which employers increasingly view as on a par with the full-time MBA .

  25. 用维克森林大学校长内森·哈奇(NathanHatch)的话来说,许多年来,在管理优先次序上,大多数文理学院似乎都把就业服务办公室的重要性放在停车位之后的位置。

    For years , most liberal-arts schools seemed to put career-services offices somewhere just below parking as a matter of administrative priority , in the words of Wake Forest 's president , Nathan Hatch .

  26. 还有一次,赫勒和威拉德邀请到了一位维克森林大学的女校友,她是历史专业毕业的,现在在本地的富国银行(WellsFargo)分行工作,他们与她一起讨论学术经历如何对她的职业生涯起到帮助。

    On a separate occasion , Hellyer and Willard brought inan alumna of Wake Forest , a history major , who was working locally at Wells Fargo , to discuss how her academic experience had helped her professionally .

  27. 这款游戏的创意来自TravelPod网站创始人、加拿大程序员卢克•莱维克(LucLevesque)玩的一种游戏。

    Traveler IQ Challenge was inspired by games played by Luc Levesque , a Canadian programmer and traveler who founded TravelPod .

  28. 用维克森林大学校长内森·哈奇(NathanHatch)的话来说,许多年来,在管理优先次序上,大多数文理学院似乎都把就业服务办公室的重要性放在“停车位之后的位置”。

    For years , most liberal-arts schools seemed to put career-services offices " somewhere just below parking " as a matter of administrative priority , in the words of Wake Forest 's president , Nathan Hatch .

  29. Bart不肯投资维克多拉,already:已经tonight:今晚但事实是,今晚我已经包下那里了。如果没有你们和其他人,还叫什么派对。

    Bart didn 't go for Victrola , but truth is I bought the house out already for tonight , and it 's not a partay without my people or any people .

  30. 与他人合作创立投行艾维克合伙人公司(EvercorePartners)并曾担任财政部副部长的罗杰•阿尔特曼也是乌伊梅基金资助项目的受益者。同样的还有雷•达里奥,他创办了资产管理巨头桥水联合基金(BridgewaterAssociates)。

    Roger Altman , co-founder of investment bank Evercore Partners ( EVR ) and a former deputy Treasury secretary , was aOuimet Fund scholar , as was Ray Dalio , founder of money-management powerhouse Bridgewater Associates .