
shéng lún
  • rope sheave;rope wheel
绳轮[shéng lún]
  1. 绳轮铸件周缘有一圈梯形槽,铸件脱模时需进行侧向分型和抽芯。

    When the casting is unloaded , side parting and core pulling are required as a circle dovetail groove is around the rope sheave .

  2. 蜗轮箱内蜗轮轴上装有收绳轮和计数器,计算绳索的长度。

    Worm shaft of worm-gear box fixes collecting rope wheel and counter so that count rope length .

  3. MC尼龙绳轮性能试验

    Performance test of MC nylon sheaves

  4. 绳轮材料对钢丝绳使用寿命影响的试验研究

    Test and Research for Effect of Different Rope Pulleys Material on Rope Life

  5. 通过蜗杆、蜗轮驱动收绳轮来卷绕绳索。

    It winds rope through worm and collecting rope wheel of worm device .

  6. 辐条式绳轮强度的研究

    Research on the Strength of Spoked Sheave

  7. 绳轮材料对钢丝绳磨损的影响

    Influence of pulley material on rope wear

  8. 起重绳轮失效分析

    Failure analysis of a crane sheave

  9. 绳轮材料对石油用钢丝绳接触应力的影响

    Effect of the sheave material on the contact stress between the sheave and the wire rope

  10. 结果表明,绳轮发生分离是由塞焊金属断裂引起的,而其断裂的原因则是焊接质量不良。

    The examination indicated that the sheave had been failed by plug weld fracture , which was attributed to poor weld quality .

  11. 动滑轮组放大回绳轮行程满足钢丝绳使用初期伸长的需要。

    Move a pulley set enlarge to return to rope round the route of travel satisfies a steel wire rope to use early elongation of demand .

  12. 结果表明,绳轮材料的弹性模量和摩擦系数分子分量,对钢丝绳耐磨性能有很大影响。

    It shows that the elastic modulus and the molecular component of friction coefficient of the pulley material have great influence on the wear resistance of wire rope .

  13. 在三种试验工况下,尼龙绳轮的工作温度变化较小,升温不超过10℃,不会导致绳轮强度的大幅度下降。

    The temperature of the nylon sheave experiences only a small change under various working conditions , and a temperature rise of not more than 10 ℃ will not result in significant reduction of the sheave 's strength .

  14. 本文针对JKMD型(4.5米4多绳摩擦轮)提升机,对其制动系统进行设计。

    In this paper , the braking system for JKMD type ( 4.5 meters over four-rope friction round ) hoist have been designed .

  15. 多绳摩擦轮提升机主绳与罐道绳更换的实践

    Practice of Replacing Main Rope and Cage Guide Rope for Multirope Friction Winder

  16. 多绳摩擦轮提升机首绳快速更换装置的研究

    The automatic renewal of wire - rope device in multi-rope friction drive hoist

  17. 单绳双摩擦轮提升中的几个问题

    On the certain problems in the case of rope double friction wheel hoist

  18. 本文第2、3部分介绍了驱动机的分类、张力比、钢丝绳、驱动轮直径和功率;对货车的类型、承载能力和斗箱容积进行论述。

    Chapters 2 and 3 introduce respectively the driver classification , tension ratio , steel cables , and driving wheel 's diameter and power capacity , and discuss carriage 's types , bearing capacity , and volumn .

  19. 基于ANSYS的水下金刚石绳锯机导向轮弹性轴的优化设计

    ANSYS-Based Optimal Design of the Elastic Axis of the Under-water Diamond-Wire Saw

  20. 岸桥钢丝绳张紧机构轮绳径比的优化选择

    Optimum Selection on Diameter Ratio of Wheel to Rope in Tension Gear of Steel Wire Rope on Quayside Container Gantry Crane

  21. 钢丝绳绕经驱动轮时部分成圆周缠绕,一部分是直线缠绕。

    When the steel wire rope is winded by the drive wheel some winded along the circumference , others winded along the straight line .

  22. 石油矿场机械设备用于支承钢丝绳的钢制绳轮,采用低弹性模量的材料制作,可大幅度地延长钢丝绳的使用寿命。

    The service life of the oilfield wire rope can be greatly extended by using sheaves made of material with low elastic modulus .

  23. 本文建立了同时考虑钢丝绳长度差及绳轮半差时的弹性衬垫磨损的微分方程式;

    The paper establishes the general differential equations about elastic liner wear problem of mult-rope friction hoist considering the differences of rope 's length and rope grooves .