
  • 网络Statistical Processing;Statistical Arrangement
  1. 收集资料历时3个月,获得了大量的一手资料,笔者将这些资料进行了分类、统计整理。

    It takes three months to collect materials that are all plentiful primary date . Classification and statistical processing of data are all made by the author .

  2. 之后,本文又统计整理了上市公司的财务数据,通过实证分析论证了EVA的确与企业价值更具有相关性,EVA较传统财务指标更能解释企业的价值增值与否。

    Then , we counted and reorganized the accountant numbers of listed enterprises , and proved that EVA has more value relevance compared with traditional accountant index by empirical analysis .

  3. 从评价指标的选择、调查表格的设计及统计整理等方面对采用AHP法进行主导产业的选择进行了探讨,并以娄底市为例进行了论证。

    This paper takes Loudi as an example and explores the choice of a leading industry based on AHP law from such aspects as evaluation index , design of findings report , and statistics .

  4. 对几十万档元器件进行统计整理,并对其进行汇总分析。

    To take an hundreds of thousands the components into consideration , and discussing it for collection accordingly .

  5. 通过频率统计整理出古体诗和律诗采用的平仄句型以及他们的数量。

    On the other hand , we drew the tonal patterns of ancient-verse and regular-verse by frequency statistics .

  6. 探讨了区域物性参数统计整理方法,把概率论运用于物性参数统计中,提出参数幅度特征的概念,论述了多元物性参数的组合分析方法。

    The regional physical property parameter statistics method of rocks ( ores ) is discussed in this paper .

  7. 获得大量的一手资料,笔者将这些资料进行了系统的分类和统计整理。

    Access to a large number of first-hand information , the author ordered these data and made statistical classification .

  8. 本文旨在通过了解文史关系的渊源,发展历程,并以此统计整理出历史教学中大量语文知识的结合点。

    This thesis attempts to explore the origin and development of the relations between Chinese and history , in order to examine and use a great deal of Chinese knowledge in history teaching .

  9. 近十年来无锡利用外资的数据资料统计整理,揭出外商投资变量与无锡国内生产总值之间的相关关系,定量析出外商投资对无锡经济增长的贡献。

    The paper delineates the correlation between foreign investment and GDP based on Wuxi 's data of foreign investment from 1990 to 1999 . It makes a quantitative analyse of the contribution of foreign investment to Wuxi economic growth .

  10. 通过统计整理1980年以来100名优秀十项全能运动员的成绩进展情况,找出各单项水平的年龄特征,提出训练建议。

    The progress of 100 excellent ( decathlon ) athletes ' development level since 1980 was summed up and sorted out in order to find out the age feature of the level of the items to provide reference for the training .

  11. 最后,对数据进行归一化分析,统计整理改变参数对玻璃面板表面最大应力、拉索最大应力以及结构顺风向最大位移改变的影响程度。

    Finally , the data normalization analysis , statistics finishing change parameters on the surface of glass panel maximum stress , the maximum stress lasso and structure to the maximal displacement of a ( deflection ) change the size of the effect .

  12. 接着,本文用SPSS统计软件整理调查收集到的数据,通过相关分析和方差分析来验证前文提出的假设,完善模型。

    Then , this article reorganizes the data collected in the survey with the statistical software SPSS , confirms the supposition preamble proposed through the correlation analysis and the variance analysis perfects model .

  13. 利用spss软件对问卷调查收集到的数据进行了信度校验,并对数据进行了统计和整理,得到了地面和空中服务两个客户满意度指标的数值,并对观测变量的结果进行了归纳总结。

    The writer use Spss to check on the survey collected data reliability and compiling statistics to get score of customer satisfaction on ground and in air service . The writer summarized the results of sum on values of observation variables .

  14. 论文进行了矿山基础代码整理、统计口径整理和矿山指标体系设计,着重进行了关键绩效指标(KPI)的设计;最终使矿山数据达到指标规范、口径一致、数据字典标准。

    So basic-code and statistic caliber are sorted out and mine index system , especially Key Performance Indicators ( KPI ) is designed . A normative data index , consistent statistic caliber and standard data dictionary will be the final pattern of the mine data .

  15. 统计和整理每月采购资料,并做出相关的统计分析报告。

    Statistic monthly information of purchasing and make a analysis report .

  16. 本文还将通过对介词词频的统计,整理出常用介词。

    The most frequently-used prepositions were also picked out after statistical work .

  17. 汇总被广泛应用于数据分析,是一种对原始数据进行统计加工整理的过程。

    In data analysis , congregate is a process of large amount original data .

  18. 经统计处理整理成同时同地龙眼树的冻害级别与百叶箱中的最低气温资料;

    The freezing damage grades of Longan trees and the coinstantaneous lowest temperature data in wooden screen were statistically analyzed .

  19. 英国高等教育统计局整理的数据同时显示了非欧盟学生来英国上大学人数减少了1%。

    The Hesa figures also show a one per cent decline in non-EU students coming to the UK to study .

  20. 本文以西方经济学、投资学、开放经济学和应用统计学为基础,采用理论阐述和实证分析相结合,定性分析与定量分析相结合方法,进行模型设计以及数据的收集、统计、整理和论证。

    Based on the western economics , open economics and statistics the analysis tools of quantitative and qualitative methods are used in the dissertation .

  21. 通过对金融从业人员和金融业增加值等统计资料整理,发现北京和上海相较于其它城市有一定程度的金融集聚,表现出较强的集聚力。

    Beijing and Shanghai have a certain degree of financial agglomeration compared to other cities from the number of financial professionals and financial added value .

  22. 通过调查问卷设计和统计数据整理,旨在与消费者零距离接触,更好的掌握顾客的消费需求。

    Pass to investigate a questionnaire design and covariance data a sorting , aim at with consumer zero distance contact , better control the consumption need of customer .

  23. 通过对川西南地区常规钻井井斜资料的统计和整理,探索出本地区倾斜地层中钻井的地层自然造斜规律。

    With the help of statistically arranging the well deflection data from conventional drilling in Southwest Sichuan , the natural deflecting rule of drilling inclined stratum in this district has been stud - ied .

  24. 由英国高等教育统计局整理的数据,可以作为去年上大学人数减少迹象的官方确认。

    The figures , collated by the Higher Education Statistics Agency ( Hesa ), are official confirmation of other indications that there was a fall in the number of people going to university last year .

  25. 本文在铜川市县(区)地质灾害调查的基础上,经统计、整理分析,论述了铜川市地质灾害的特征,并对地质灾害防治工作提出了防治对策。

    Basing on geo-hazard investigation and regional division , through statistics and analyzing , this paper described the distributing characteristic of TongChuan City and gave the control countermeasure for the geo-hazard prevention work of this city .

  26. 通过对辽吉地区早元古代硼矿床资料的统计、整理,建立了辽吉地区早元古代遂安石-硼镁石型硼矿床的描述性矿床模型和品位-吨位模型。

    Abstract Both deposit and grade-tonnage descriptive models for the suanite-szaibelyite tyep boron depositS of Early Proterozoic age occurring over Liaoning-Jilin region are established according to statistical data about most of the Early Proterozoic borate mineralizations in the region .

  27. 结合唐山地震灾区社会恢复与社会行为问题研究,对将近2000份有关地震社会问题的问卷进行了重新统计、整理,归纳提炼出了与地震灾害心理伤害相关的内容。

    With the research on the social recovery and social behaviour in Tangshan earthquake area , the authors make a statistic arrangement to the 2000 questionnaires on seismically social problems and sort out the relevant contents about earthquake-caused psychological traumas .

  28. 本文结合太原市Y社区的区域特征,采用访谈研究法,结合问卷调查、统计数据整理等方法,针对太原市Y社区流动人口职业流动的概况、特点进行分析。

    In this paper , integrating the regional characteristics of Taiyuan Y community , we use interview method , questionnaires method , and statistical method to analyzing the general causes of the problem to Taiyuan Y Community for characteristic of mobile population to occupational mobility .

  29. 依据模型提出了符合管理咨询企业特点的三级指标体系。采用问卷的形式进行数据收集并进行统计、整理、量化,然后利用层次分析法和模糊综合评价法相结合计算顾客满意度指数。

    Based on model presented in line with management consulting firm characteristics of three indicators used in the form of questionnaires and statistical data collection , organize , quantify , and then using analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of the Combination of Customer Satisfaction Index calculation .

  30. 通过2002年甲A女排联赛的统计数据整理,对发球、扣球、拦网三项主动得分手段进行比较分析,指出我国女排队伍目前主动得分的实力状况,为提高主动得分能力的训练提供参考依据。

    By study the technical statistical data at the 2002 Grade A women league volleyball tournament , we analyzed three initiative skills are service , spike and block . By this way , we pointed the situation and provide reference materials to the ability training of these skills .