
  • 网络insulation cover
  1. TL系列异型并沟线夹适用于架空电力线路中导线的非承受力接续与分支,与绝缘罩配套使用起防护绝缘作用。

    JBL , JBT , JB-TL Specific forms parallel groove clamp is suitable for unendure force splicing and branch on the aerial wire , being used with insulation cover . It 's action is insulation protection .

  2. 本实用新型用绝缘罩把所有端子同时罩住,可以使端子上面、侧面都与端盖绝缘。

    The insulation device covers all the terminals with the insulation hood , insulting the upper surfaces and the side surfaces of the terminals with the end closure .

  3. 标有温度的示温蜡纸贴在支柱绝缘保护罩上。

    A wax paper marked with temperature scales is pasted on the pillar insulated shield .

  4. 在感应接线端安装有瓷瓶感应器,在瓷瓶感应器接线处套接支柱绝缘保护罩;

    A porcelain inductor is arranged at the induction wiring terminal and a pillar insulated shield is sleeved at the wiring section of the porcelain inductor .