
jué jīnɡ hòu qī
  • postmenopause
  1. 老年期和绝经后期子宫体恶性肿瘤患病率明显增高(P001)。

    Incidence of uterine malignant tumor was markedly higher in senium and postmenopause than that in perimenopause ( P0.1 ) .

  2. 随着我国人口结构不断的老龄化,该病有发病年龄提早、发病率上升的趋势,严重的影响了占妇女一生中1/3时间的围绝经期及绝经后期的健康问题和生活质量。

    With the aging of population structure in china , the age of onset shifts to an earlier time and the disease incidence is ascendant , which severely influence the health and quality of life during perimenopausal period and postmenopause occupying one third lifetime .

  3. 血浆性激素水平与乳腺癌发生的相关性:乳腺癌患者三个时期内的雌二醇水平、黄体期的孕酮水平和绝经后期的睾酮水平均显著高于健康对照组(P0.05)。

    We observed that levels of estrodiol in three periods , progesterone in the luteal phase , testosterone in the postmenopausal women were significantly higher than the respective healthy controls ( P 0.05 ) .

  4. LNG-IUD治疗围绝经后期子宫腺肌病92例临床分析

    Treatment of 92 Cases of Adenomyosis in Perimenopausal Period with Levonorgestrel-releasing Intrauterine Device

  5. 结论使用PVA行UAE后子宫血流动力学经过少血期和恢复期变化,于术后12~18个月基本恢复术前水平。经阴道彩色多普勒超声对绝经后期子宫血流动力学的研究

    Conclusions Hemodynamic changes after PVA-UAE would take 12 ~ 18 months to return the nomal level , and have no influence upon patients ' reproductive function . Study of uterine blood flow hemodynamics by transvaginal color Doppler ultrasonography in postmenopausal women

  6. 基于经验辨证的更年期综合征围绝经期和绝经后期常见证候及证候要素分布用Kupperman评分评估围绝经期双侧卵巢切除对围绝经期症状的影响

    Distribution characteristics of common syndrome types and syndrome elements extracted by experts ' experience in perimenopausal and postmenopausal women An Evaluation of the Modified Kupperman Index on Climacteric Symptoms in Perimenopausal Women Underwent Bilateral Ovariectomy

  7. 进一步分析发现,MUFA、n-6PUFA摄入量及膳食n-6/n-3比能显著影响乳腺癌的发生,而该类因素仅在绝经后期与乳腺良性疾病的发生呈显著相关。

    Further analysis indicated that MUFA , n-6 PUFA intake and ratio of n-6 / n-3 could significantly influence the incidence of breast cancer . While the MUFA , n-6 PUFA intake and ratio of n-6 / n-3 had significant correlation with breast benign disease only in the postmenopausal women .

  8. 体育锻炼对其骨质量峰值期和衰老下降期的影响及运动负荷与骨质量的关系,发现女性在绝经后期骨质量快速下降。

    The physical exercise influenced the periods of peak value and decline of bone quality .

  9. 结果表明绝经后期更年期综合征患者的生存质量显著降低。

    The results show that the living quality obviously steps down in the post-menopausal patients .

  10. 结论绝经后期的子宫血流灌注减少,且随着绝经后时间的延长而更为明显。

    Conclusions The blood flow perfusion of postmenopausal uterus was gradnally decreased with increasing years of postmenopause .