
  • 网络menopausal syndrome
  1. KI量表总分及各条目比较,显示两组女性的各绝经前后诸证症状的严重程度均有明显差异。

    KI Scale total score and each item comparison show the severity of menopause symptoms from two groups of women obviously different .

  2. 围绝经期子宫切除术后绝经前后诸证辨证分析

    The Dialectical Analysis of Menopause Syndrome on Post-hysterectomy in Perimenopause

  3. 围绝经期综合征属中医绝经前后诸证范畴。

    Conclusions 1 . Climacteric syndrome corresponds to syndromes around menopause in TCM .

  4. 绝经前后诸证心肾病机探析

    Heart-Kidney Pathogenesis of Syndrome Before and After Menopause

  5. 绝经前后诸证,现称为“围绝经期综合征”,即“更年期综合征”。

    The syndrome before and after menopause is now called " peri menopausal period syndrome " or " climacteric syndrome " .

  6. 而当生活事件发生,不良的心理应激会大大加重绝经前后诸证的心理症状。

    When life events occur of , the bad psychosocial stress will greatly increase the psychological symptoms of menopause syndrome . 4 .

  7. 情志因素是绝经前后诸证发病的重要诱因,社会心理因素在发病中起着越来越明显的作用。

    Emotional factors were important cause of perimenopause , the social and psychological factors in the pathogenesis were playing an increasingly significant role .

  8. 结论:1.福州地区部分农村女性绝经前后诸证的主要病位在肾、肝,亦累及胞宫、筋骨。

    The main location perimenopausal syndrome among some rural women in Fuzhou are liver , kidney , uterus , bones and muscles . 2 .

  9. 肾阴虚、心肾不交、阴虚火旺型是绝经前后诸证的最常见证型。

    Kidney yin deficiency , heart and kidney do not pay , asthenic yin causing excessive pyrexia were the common menopause witness various card types .

  10. 结论:六味地黄丸、逍遥丸合生脉散治疗绝经前后诸证有较好疗效,且无毒副作用。

    Conclusions : Liuwei Dihuang Pill , Xiaoyao Pill with Shengmai Powder have good therapeutic effects on peri-menopause syndrome , and have no side effects .

  11. 目的:观察益肾宁心针法治疗心肾不交型绝经前后诸证的临床疗效。

    Objective : To observe the curative effect of tonifiy the kidney and tranquilize the mind acupuncture treatment on disharmony between heart and kidney of the Menopausal disorders .

  12. 绝经前后诸证多个中医证型里,显示肾虚肝郁证的负性生活事件数、消极情绪、消极应对方式明显高于其他证型。

    Menopausal syndrome with multiple syndromes of traditional Chinese medicine , kidney deficiency and liver stagnation showed that negative life events , negative emotion and negative coping were significantly higher than that of the other TCM syndromes .