- 名absolute value

One is whether to focus on relative or absolute value .
Unfortunately , absolute value theories don 't work very well in economics , he wrote recently .
" Assuming ongoing economic expansion , Daimler and BMW look very attractive in absolute terms , with robust fundamentals and very low valuations ," Sanford Bernstein analyst Max Warburton said .
In absolute terms , the new GDP series is slightly higher than the old series .
In absolute terms the largest exposure is by banks from Austria , Germany , Italy and France .
Nye concedes that the Chinese economy will also probably surpass that of the US in absolute terms during the next decade .
This is the absolute value of human emotion - joyful events can sometimes register on the Richter scale as pure trauma ;
Since unmovable cultural resources are of strong externality , we have taken some methods of resource economics to calculate their absolute value .
They can be divided into 2 categories : absolute value or internal value-based ethical vindications and relative value or tool value-based ethical vindications .
Like all other religious beliefs , Christianity has always attached importance to the absolute and independent value as well as supremacy of religious belief .
Absolute value idea is regarded as the existent way of human beings and its possibility is demonstrated in the practical pursuit of social history .
The theory of presentation and content were used to further prove that , as he viewed that absolute value idea was presented by emotional intentionality .
Religion , for instance , has an absolute value of its own ; yet at the same time other ends flourish and succeed in its train .
Taking the theory of intentionality as a basic line , they explored from different perspectives the problem of how relative emotion makes the absolute value idea possible .
Note that that the price-to-wage ratio , which measures median housing prices in a given city against median disposable incomes , reflects affordability rather than absolute property value .
The former includes historical cost method , replacement cost method and opportunity cost method . The latter includes future earnings or wages discount method and random reward method .
Fig2 shows absolute values of surface energy for solid materials and the surface tension of many plastics including polyethylene and polypropylene is often insufficient for bonding or printing .
Since mid-19th century , the exploration of the axiology has been highlighted in the field of philosophy , with the pursuit of absolute value idea as its main concern .
When the materials are thoroughly studied they will help to clarify many difficult problems and serve as standard of definite value by which others may be compared and judged .
This is the absolute value of human emotion & joyful events can sometimes register on the Richter scale as pure trauma ; dreadful grief makes us some-times burst out laughing .
Auction is a quite suitable trading way of the goods that has no easily measured value , so it plays a decisive role in the trading of modern Chinese traditional paintings .
It is not surprising that we find in his guidance a large number of hadiths that speak about the importance of being truthful and emphasize the absolute importance of refraining from lying .
Absolute value as objectivity is a problem of fact , meanwhile the meaning or value of existence of thing determines the fact of categorical essence of thing as well as the relation as Li among things .
In the final part of moral instruction children must be led to understand the unconditional value of morality , and thus , as it were , reestablish their habits of right action on the correct foundation .
In the level of life-practice , how was the absolute value idea possible ? Absolute value idea is regarded as the existent way of human beings and its possibility is demonstrated in the practical pursuit of social history .
The basic features of the medieval taste awareness were as follows : the beauty was combined with the personal noble value or the absolute value ; without noble value or absolute value , beauty was of no significance .
It has caused the covering and overturning of absolute value . Its historical consequence is shown as follows : obstacle of human communication , decline of social integration level , spiritual anxiety , fragility of moral sense of people .
Dostoevsky 's view on morality was built on the negation of Western rationality and science but on the positive of Russia 's Eastern Orthodox Church . It was a kind of religious ethic and it pursued an ultimate value .
According to my analyzing , I also indicate that the ethical judgment which is absolute proposition in view of Wittgenstein is relative actually , and not only the ethics can be expressed , but also each speech belongs to ethics if they are applied correctly to the appropriate situation .
Still , only victory is the absolute value .