
jié yuán
  • become attached to;form ties;form ties (of affection, friendship);take a fancy to
结缘 [jié yuán]
  • [become attached to;form ties (of affection, friendship,etc.)] 佛教徒指与佛结下缘分。泛指结下缘分

  • 他和音乐结了缘

结缘[jié yuán]
  1. 与你结缘,因你是心中遴选出来的惇美,教至情至圣至义福泽人间。

    I form ties with you because you are pure and sweet carefully selected from that in heart , which bless the human world with the best sentiments , most holy and righteousness .

  2. 本文从思维方式和物质生活条件两方面探讨了中国何以未曾与机械论思维方式结缘的原因。

    This thesis discusses the reason why China has not become attached to mechanism 's mode of thinking from the two respects , which is mode of thinking and material living condition .

  3. 善待,每一个和我们结缘的人;

    Be good to everyone who becomes attached to us ;

  4. 珍惜,我们身边的每一个朋友;爱,生命中,每一个和我们结缘的人。

    cherish every friend who is by our side ; love everyone who walks into our life .

  5. Villajoyosa,Spain西班牙城市Villajoyosa西班牙城市Villajoyosa早在18世纪就与巧克力结缘,当时它开始从委内瑞拉和厄瓜多尔进口可可豆。

    Villajoyosa 's chocolate history began in the 18th century when it began importing cocoa beans from Venezuela and Ecuador .

  6. RAM为什么选择张洹作为重新开馆后的首个展览?与张洹如何结缘?

    Why choosing Zhang Huan for RAM 's reopening exhibit ? How did the collaboration between RAM and Zhang Huang start ?

  7. 无论是本来就有关联还是因此结缘,贝克碰巧得到了金币销售公司Goldline的大力资助(之前在福克斯新闻频道以及如今在他的互联网公司都是如此)。

    Whether by correlation or causation , Beck also happens to be heavily sponsored ( both in his Fox News days and now in his Internet enterprise ) by Goldline , a company selling gold coins .

  8. 他一生有60多年的岁月与编辑工作结缘。

    More than 60 years of his life was tied with editing .

  9. 第一章讲述王蒙与老子的结缘。

    The first chapter describes the affinity between Lao Tzu and Wang Meng .

  10. 他们因网而生、以网结缘;

    They live and communicate with others through network .

  11. 与狗结缘。应是从很小很小就开始吧!

    I began to be close with dogs when I was a child .

  12. 与陈医师结缘还得从他为我做手术说起。

    Knowing Mr Chen was due to an operation he did for me .

  13. 希腊神话中的女性往往与灾难、万恶结缘。

    In the Greek myths females are often connected with disasters or evils .

  14. 数万人得以与师父结缘。

    Several thousand people came to learn about master .

  15. 我们是如何和您结缘的?

    How are we all related to you ?

  16. 你是怎么与个人计算机结缘的?

    So , how did you get involved , uh , with personal computers ?

  17. 我与中国结缘颇深。

    I am deeply attached to China .

  18. 中国传统孝的本质是子孙之德,经历两大演变后与宗法政治结缘。

    The essence of the Chinese traditional piety is the virtue of children and grandchildren .

  19. 论艺术与仿生学的结缘

    On the combination of art and bionics

  20. 这就是白娘子与许仙相遇结缘的那个地方。

    This is where the two met and immediately had a crush on each other .

  21. 愿祝福萦绕着你在你缤纷的人生之旅,在你永远与春天结缘的梦幻里!

    Best wishes to you on you journey of life and in your dream of spring !

  22. 给人利用也是一种结缘,帮助别人就是帮助自己。

    Being used by others is a kind of affinity . Helping others is helping self .

  23. 我是怎么跟这些福分结缘的你还没读完这本书就可能找到答案了。

    How do I know these things You should have the answer before you finish this book .

  24. 从与政治的结缘的角度来看,林语堂不仅扮演着激进主义知识分子的角色,而且还扮演着保守主义知识分子的角色。

    From political angle , the thesis displays that Lin played both radicalism and conservatism intellectual roles .

  25. 作为你忠实的朋友,卡迪链业所有员工,真诚地欢迎你与卡迪结缘

    As your faithful friend , Cady chain industry for all staff , sincerely welcome you and Cady á

  26. 略论资本市场与传媒产业结缘的机遇、操作方式与风险规避

    On the Opportunities , Operation and Evasion of Risks When Capital Market and Media Industry Coupling Each Other

  27. 屈原孤独情结缘于屈原遭贬并在长期的贬谪中生成。

    The loneliness complex formed in QU Yuans heart because he had been exiled for a long time .

  28. 两人因拍摄《史密斯夫妇》结缘,2005年初开始约会。

    The pair began dating in early 2005 after they met on the set of Mr. and Mrs. Smith .

  29. 但是中国普通老百姓还是不错的,和印度老百姓一样,与佛结缘历史悠久。

    But the average Chinese people are wonderful just like the average Indian people and have ancient ties from Buddhism .

  30. 北京高等师范学校(北高师)与杜威、孟禄的中国之行结缘甚深。

    Beijing Higher Normal School played an important role in John Dewey 's and Paul Monroe 's visit in China .