- 名economic union

Ministers have begun work on the vexed issue of economic union
Discussions between the EU and Eurasian Economic Union are unlikely as long as fighting continues in breakaway regions of eastern Ukraine .
Beyond that , china now competes with the US and Europe for economic alliances in africa .
When the presidents of Russia , Belarus and Kazakhstan gathered in May to sign the Eurasian Economic Union into existence , it was hailed as an epochal moment with geostrategic implications .
After World War II , Belgium joined NATO and , together with the Netherlands and Luxembourg , formed the Benelux group of nations .
Analysts say the battle for sway is likely to become more intense , as the Association of Southeast Asian Nations presses on with plans for closer economic union at the end of this year for its 10 countries and their combined population of more than half a billion .
Hatoyama To Promote Idea Of Asia Bloc At Summit When the leaders of Japan , China and South Korea meet for a trilateral summit in Beijing on Saturday , Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama will try to persuade his counterparts to share his vision that Asia needs its own economic bloc .
The scarcity of literature on Africa in China , especially in the area of accounting , encouraged me to make a contribution to the dissemination of the Western African accounting system ( Syscoa ) practiced in the West African Union Economic and Monetary Zone .
Some call this political , others economic union .
Will Europe choose stronger political and economic integration or will it choose disorderly Disintegration ?
Trade between the two is minimal , but Mr Zardari proposed creating an economic union .
The Strategic Foundation of Regional Economic Integration : the New Developing Path of Special Economic Zones in China
Kazakhstan has the right to leave the Eurasian Economic Union , he said in an interview with state television .
The only reason to accept such a loss of sovereignty would be the prize of an ever closer economic union .
Since then , the original core business of Fortis Benelux banking and insurance business with a listed company has been missed .
The end point for the eurozone looks likely to be a much tighter economic union but one falling short of political federalism .
The Eurasian Economic Union is viewed by some in the west as an attempt by Mr Putin to recreate the Soviet Union .
The ultimate goal of Euro-union is to realize the chain transfer from economic union to monetary union and in turn to social union .
The Eurasian Economic Union , which includes Russia , Belarus , Kazakhstan , Armenia and Kyrgyzstan , comes to existence on Jan. 1 .
The Eurasian Union , scheduled to be established on January 1 , 2015 , will help promote regional security and stability and deepen mutually beneficial cooperation .
The negotiations would take place as part of talks on a proposed EU treaty to deepen eurozone economic union , making a UK vote unlikely before 2017 .
For another , with the development of China-ASEAN Free Trade Area , the relationship between China and The Association of Southeast Asian Nation ( ASEAN ) has become increasingly close .
All this uncertainty confirms that a more concrete solution to the euro crisis is needed , one that involves a much tighter Economic Union & something that regrettably looks increasingly untenable .
There are many expressive forms of regionalism , for example , establishment of the free trade zones , tariff customs unions , common markets , economic unions and preferential trade , etc.
In the 1990s , he was one of the few French economists to oppose the single European currency , not per se but until Europe had become a stronger political and economic union .
The upper class use marriage to make political and economic coalition and so get the nobles linking with and relying on each other . Thus women with aristocratic parentage were able to control or even press the men .
The organisations warned of the deep crisis of confidence on international markets , and called for Europe to make a sustained contribution to restoring trust , including a new treaty as a step forward towards a closer political and economic union .
I used to believe that national current account deficits do not matter , but the crisis has demonstrated that political leaders treat the eurozone not as a true economic union but merely as a joint currency area that is comprised of sovereign states .
The theory of Optimum Currency Area ( OCA ) is one of the most important topics of international monetary economics .
Britain : Its Attitude and Conception towards European Economic and Monetary Union