
  • 网络Economic bubble;bubble economy
  1. 虚拟资本运行与经济泡沫形成

    The Operation of Fictitious Capital and the Formation of Economic Bubbles

  2. 去寄望于不存在的生产力,或甚至于负生产力当作真的生产力看待,乃是经济泡沫爆破的最终原因。

    To count on the non-existed productivity or even the negative productivity as the real one is the ultimate reason behind the burst of economic bubbles .

  3. 1月份,巴克莱(Barclays)发布了最新的摩天大楼指数(SkyscraperIndex)报告,解析过去140年来摩天大楼的兴建与经济泡沫破裂之间的关联。

    In January , Barclays published its latest skyscraper index report , which tracks links between the rise in construction of tall buildings and economic busts over the past 140 years .

  4. 新经济泡沫、复杂资产支持证券(abs)的销售、希腊债务的规模;这些问题之所以产生,不是因为消费者对这些产品缺乏足够的信心,而是因为他们怀有的信心太多了。

    The new economy bubble , the sale of complex asset backed securities , the scale of Greek debt ; these problems arose not because consumers did not have enough confidence in the products , but because they had too much .

  5. Arcus研究中心的PeterTasker著有数部关于日本经济泡沫破碎的书籍。他认为,首先破裂的将是心理“泡沫”,即信心。

    One of the first bubbles to pop , says Peter Tasker of Arcus Research , who has written several books on the bust , was a psychological one : confidence .

  6. 我不记得前苏联产生过经济泡沫。

    I do not recall bubbles emerging in the former Soviet Union .

  7. 经济泡沫向泡沫经济的演变机理

    The Mechanism of Evolution from Economic Bubble to Bubble Economy

  8. 全球信贷泡沫似乎造就了一个全球经济泡沫。

    The global credit bubble seems to have created a global economic bubble .

  9. 经济泡沫的存在性是泡沫研究的核心议题。

    The existence of economic bubble is the key issue in bubble study .

  10. 虚拟资本的发展有可能产生经济泡沫。

    And then economic bubbles might change into bubble economy in an extent .

  11. 我国房地产经济泡沫的形成机理与区域性特征

    Mechanism and Regional Characteristics of Economy Bubble in Real Estate Industry of China

  12. 当经济泡沫破裂时,它不能偿还债务

    And when the bubble burst , it couldn 't refinance its loans .

  13. 消极作用主要表现在加深了金融虚拟化程度,滋生了过度投机和经济泡沫。

    Negative effects are to speed finance virtualization , speculation and the bubble economy .

  14. 网络经济泡沫解析

    An Analysis of Economic Bubble of the Internet

  15. 按照这一理论,我认为,眼下的互联网泡沫属于经济泡沫。

    Adopting this dichotomy , I believe that the current Internet bubble is economic .

  16. 经济泡沫与泡沫经济的形成

    The Formation of Economic Foam and Foaming Economy

  17. 蕾茜认为有两种泡沫:经济泡沫和心理泡沫。

    Lacy argues that there are two types of bubbles : Economic and psychological .

  18. 正确认识美国当前的经济泡沫

    On Correct Understanding of Bubble Burst in US

  19. 经济泡沫是由我们自身引起的:我肆意透支财产,终至债务亏空。

    The bubble was caused by us , by people buying property , taking on debt .

  20. 您一定还记得大约三年前美国经济泡沫破裂时的情景吧?

    And you must remember what happened when the US economy went pop almost three years ago ?

  21. 自从网络经济泡沫破灭以后,小型股一直是股市的主导。

    Smaller shares have held sway ever since the bursting of the dotcom bubble [ 3 ] .

  22. 上市公司股权的虚拟性使其具有经济泡沫的成分。

    The fiction of the equity of listed companies causes the ingredients of economy bubbles of them .

  23. 经济泡沫是指一种资产的价格相对于其经济基础的非平稳偏离。

    Economic bubble is a sort of asset price that is departure from the its economic foundation .

  24. 因此,正如在新经济泡沫期间,普遍信念可能会与客观现实脱节。

    So , as during the New Economy bubble , common belief can become divorced from objective reality .

  25. 比特币将经历许多经济泡沫,但最终它将改善世界上每个人的生存境况。

    Bitcoin will experience many bubbles along its way to improving the lives of everyone on the planet .

  26. 记者:那是由于房产危机和经济泡沫的破灭而导致的。

    Reporter : Because of the housing crisis and the collapse of the bubble and all of that .

  27. 投机者和股票购买者受杠杆影响,股票市场供过于求,导致股票市场经济泡沫。

    Speculation and purchase of stocks by leverage , causing excess demand for stocks and bubble of stock prices .

  28. 1996年,我曾担心非理性繁荣,但网络经济泡沫又持续膨胀了4年。

    I feared irrational exuberance in 1996 , but the dotcom bubble proceeded to inflate for another four years .

  29. 不是我的泡沫,而是经济泡沫。

    The bubbles , not my bubbles , but the financial bubbles . That 's the dot com bubble .

  30. 在日本经济泡沫时期借了很重的债来投资房地产

    It borrowed very heavily during the bubble period of the Japanese economy , to invest in real estate .