
The numerical experiments show that doubled CO2 density may result the change of meridional distribution of not upward long wave radiation flux and thermal structure .
Longitudinal Distribution of Atmospheric Low-Frequency Oscillations in North Hemisphere and Its Abnormality Analysis
Longitudinal distribution characteristics of the conductivity within the earth 's crust and upper mantle
The backstream sources and radial distribution are investigated with a H-5 type diffusion pump .
The irradiance of solar energy impinging on the top of the atmosphere has a meridional distribution .
It decreased with latitude in lower Stratosphere , while its meridional distribution is relatively homogeneous in upper stratosphere ;
The results show that the influence of tropical disturbance can be global when basic flows behave meridionally or in a pattern of uniform westerly .
Three crystals are grown and the longitudinal distributions of conductivity are measured . LONGITUDINAL DISTRIBUTION CHARACTERISTICS OF THE CONDUCTIVITY WITHIN THE EARTH 'S CRUST AND UPPER MANTLE
The results show that ( 1 ) the barrier and passage effects of longitudinal range-gorge break the law of zonal distribution of air temperature in Yunnan , the law of longitudinal distribution of air temperature is obvious and the spatial distribution is very zonally asymmetry ;
Study of constitutive equation of granite rheological model with thermo-mechanical coupling effects
The radial and axial temperature profiles of a nonisothermal , nonadiabatic , single tube fixed bed catalytic reactor for benzene hydrogenation reaction were measured .
In the mid-upper layer of troposphere , the high meridional temperature gradients lies in the southern latitude while the low in the northern part during the frontal precipitation period .
Study on the Regional Mean Anomalous Meiyu Onset and Meridional Seesaw-Like Distribution of the Meiyu Rainfall ; Phase screen distribution for simulating laser propagation along an inhomogeneous atmospheric path