- latest frost

[latest frost] 入春后最晚出现的一次霜
Spatial Distribution of Beginning Date of 10 ℃ and Latest Frost and Their Impacts on the Cotton 's Seeding Time in Xinjiang
Conclusions are as follows : 1 . The date of the first and latest frost , the length of duration of frost-free period are close with geographical features and altitude .
The abnormal last frost could affect seedling in spring .
Forecast Method for End Frost in Yuncheng
Experimental Forecast Of Intial Frost And Final Frost Tendency In Guangxi By Using Step-by-step Discriminatory Method
Grey Prediction Model Research of the Last Frost Date Based on Time Series Residual Error Identification
Study on the characteristics of the Distribution of the first and late frost dates in Harbin region
The initial frost and the final frost forecast series are determined based upon analysis of its trend changes .
Using the model , the date of the end frost day in 1990-1992 in Yongning area have been forcast-ed of superlong period .
The initial frost and final frost forecast is performed on partial factors determined by discriminatory function got up with step-by-step discriminatory method .
The late frost had a great influence on agriculture production in North Xinjiang from April 18 , 2008 to April 21 , 2008 .
There were some differences among varieties in rate of yield reduction , which mainly associated with different bearing habit and prunning method of different varieties .
With the expansion of the greenhouse effect , the spring frost in Lianyungang City had the tendency that ends earlier and damages less , while the last frost date may still occur later .
When the unusual first or last frost appears , its lasting time of average values are 1 . 0 - 3 . 4 days and 1 . 0 - 1 . 3 days respectively .
According to frost index defined by the minimun temperature ≤ 0 ℃ of earth surface , the criterion for the unusual frost is quantitatively given and the climatic features of the unusual first or last frost in North China during 1953-1990 are studied .