
xì jūn rǎn sè tǐ
  • bacterial chromosome
  1. 方法细菌染色体DNA经分离纯化并变性后,直接非共价结合于固相微孔板中,与标有光标生物素的DNA探针进行杂交。

    Methods : The denatured bacterial chromosome DNA linked to microplate reacted to the probe which was labeled by photobiotin .

  2. 大肠杆菌中整合的F′质粒带动细菌染色体复制需要recA基因

    Dependence of the recA Gene for the Replication of the Bacterial Chromosome Initiated by the Integrated F ' Plasmid in Escherichia colt

  3. 一种从质粒DNA中去除细菌染色体DNA污染的方法

    A method of eliminating chromosomal DNA from contaminated plasmids DNA

  4. 荧光定量PCR检测细菌染色体上基因拷贝数

    The copy number of the gene in chromosome of strain detected by the real time quantitative PCR

  5. 目的建立一种以细菌染色体上1个已知拷贝管家基因作为基准、通过荧光定量PCR检测其他被检基因拷贝数的方法。

    To establish a real time quantitative PCR method for detecting gene copy numbers in chromosome DNA of bacteria .

  6. 本研究以细菌染色体之外的遗传因子&质粒为对象,研究La3+对质粒DNA复制拷贝数的影响。

    So the genetic factor-plasmid is used as experimental material to research the effect of La (ⅲ) on replication copy number of plasmid DNA .

  7. 本文研究了大豆异黄酮纯级分(SI-Ⅱ)的降血糖作用。nemuroensis,A.应用纯化提取的3种细菌染色体DNA进行体内抗肿瘤免疫实验。

    This paper was performed on hyperglycemia Lowering effect of a purified fraction of Soybean Isoflavone ( SI - ⅱ) in diabetic mice .

  8. 方法应用高分辨G带和人工细菌染色体(bacterialartificialchromosome,BAC)荧光原位杂交(flourescenceinsituhybridization,FISH)分析68例中国儿童孤独症患者的染色体改变。

    Methods Chromosome aberrations in 68 cases of infantile autism were analyzed by high-resolution G-banding and fluorescence in situ hybridization ( FISH ) with bacterial artificial chromosome ( BAC ) clones .

  9. 采用煮沸法制备细菌染色体DNA,PCR法检测环境水军团菌敏感性为280cfu/ml水,检查临床标本军团菌为560cfu/ml支气管灌洗液。

    Preparing bacterial genomic DNA by boiling method , the assay could detect 280cfu / ml water and 560 cfu / ml clinical bronchial fluid respectively .

  10. 结果细菌染色体DNA和质粒DNA扩增L1、L2酶基因阳性,其序列具有明显异质性,两种酶基因位于12kb大小的质粒上。

    Results L1 and L2 genes in chromosomes and plasmids were amplified , the gene sequences were apparently heterogeneous and the genes were located on 12-kb plasmid .

  11. 位于革兰氏阴性植物病原细菌染色体上的hrp基因簇决定其在非寄主植物上的过敏反应和在寄主植物上的致病性。

    The hrp ( hypersensitive response and pathogenicity ) gene clusters in Gram-negative phytopathogenic bacteria determine hypersensitive response ( HR ) in nonhost plants and pathogenicity in host plants of the bacteria .

  12. 试验菌对洗必泰的抗力不变,细菌染色体DNAXbaⅠPFGE酶切图谱不变。

    The resistance of the test bacteria to chlorhexidine did not change and the Xba ⅰ PFGE cleavage map of the bacterial chromosome DNA also did not change .

  13. 最后我们提出了一个在Deinococcus-Thermus门中细菌染色体的假定的进化过程。

    We propose a putative evolutionary process of bacterial chromosomes in phylum Deinococcus-Thermus .

  14. 结果,连续消毒50代后,试验菌对二氯异氰尿酸钠、碘伏、季铵盐的抗力增加,细菌染色体DNAXbaⅠPFGE酶切图谱均发生一定的改变;

    Results : After continuous disinfection for 50 generations , the resistance of the test bacteria to sodium dichloroisocyanurate , iodophor and quaternary ammonium salt increased and the Xba ⅰ PFGE cleavage map of the bacterial chromosome DNA presented certain changes .

  15. 表明分离菌株的耐药性主要是由于细菌染色体相关基因突变造成的。

    These results suggest that the drug resistance to these antibiotics mainly results from chromosomal mutation of Vp strains .

  16. 抗菌体的潜在形体,在这种形体中病毒基因和细菌染色体结合,而对细菌细胞不能造成分裂。

    The latent form of a bacteriophage in which the viral genes are incorporated into the bacterial chromosomes without causing disruption of the bacterial cell .

  17. 但是,病毒也会失手,因为细菌染色体内部会呈现尽管随机但大量的突变。

    However , things can go radically wrong for the virus because of random but abundant mutations that occur within the chromosome of the bacterium .

  18. 修改后的细菌染色体再从酵母中分离,进而移植入山羊支原体,一个与原细菌亲缘的菌种中,最终创造出新型的丝状支原体细胞。

    This modified bacterial chromosome was then isolated from yeast and transplanted into a related species of bacteria , Mycoplasma capricolum , to create a new type of M.mycoides cell .

  19. 毒素-抗毒素系统基因广泛存在于细菌染色体上,可能作为原核细胞的胁迫反应因子,参与或介导中度胁迫条件下细胞的生长抑制或死亡。

    Toxin-antitoxin gene systems ( TA systems ), widely distributed on the chromosome of free-living bacteria , are assumed to be involved in or mediate cell growth inhibition or cell death as a prokaryotic cell stress factor .

  20. 长片段小麦细菌人工染色体DNA亚克隆文库的构建

    Construction of Subclone Library for Wheat Megabase BAC DNA

  21. 利用Red系统快速改构含鼠β-酪蛋白基因的细菌人工染色体

    The Rapid Modification of a Bacterial Artificial Chromosome Containing Mouse β - casein Gene with Red System

  22. 关于细菌人工染色体(BAC)文库载体DNA制备的研究

    Research on the Preparation of Bacterial Artificial Chromosome ( BAC ) Vector DNA

  23. 细菌人工染色体(bacterialartificialchromosome,BAC)是第二代大片段DNA的克隆载体系统。

    Bacterial artificial chromosome ( BAC ) vectors are the secondary system for large DNA fragment cloning .

  24. 细菌的染色体和质粒DNA一般为环型结构,而在链霉菌等少数细菌中发现了线型染色体和线型质粒。

    Bacterial chromosomes and plasmids are commonly circular , however , linear chromosomes and plasmids were discovered among a few germ such as Streptomyces .

  25. 细菌人工染色体是一种新发展起来的DNA载体系统,它具有容量大、遗传特性稳定、易于操作等优点。

    As a new developmental vector system , the bacterial artificial chromosome ( BAC ) have several advantages : larger capacity , hereditary stability and easy handling , etc.

  26. 棉花品种细菌人工染色体(BAC)文库的构建

    Construction of a Bacterial Artificial Chromosome Library of Cotton Cultivars

  27. 用PFGE方法对细菌的染色体进行基因分型。Red重组技术研究进展

    Chromosomal gene patterns were typed by PFGE . Advances in Red Recombination Applied in Knockout of Bacteria Chromosomal Gene

  28. 绒山羊细菌人工染色体BAC文库构建条件的优化

    Optimizing the Constructing Condition of Bacterial Artificial Chromosome Library in the Cashmere Goat

  29. 利用细菌人工染色体文库(BAC)筛选猪乳蛋白基因

    BAC library screening of porcine milk protein genes

  30. 一种新型的载体系统&细菌人工染色体(bacterialartificialchromosome,BAC)已经发展成为构建复杂基因组文库的重要方法。

    A new vector system-BAC ( bacterial artificial chromosome ) has been developed into an important method for the construction of complex genomic library .