
xì qiǎo
  • delicate;exquisite;dainty;fine and delicate
细巧 [xì qiǎo]
  • [exquisite] 精细巧妙

细巧[xì qiǎo]
  1. 辛浦生用他细巧的手摸着不可思议的大嘴巴。

    Simpson fingered his strange , wide mouth with his delicate hand .

  2. 母亲什么期间才不会忧虑她那只细腻细巧的瓶?

    When can Mother stop worrying about her delicate vase ?

  3. 毛线衣可用手工编织,在多数情况下,这种手工制作的服装较为细巧,也便宜一些。

    Woolen sweaters can be hand knitted , producing in most cases a finer and less expensive garment .

  4. 细巧而挺直的鼻子透出股灵气,鼻翼微鼓,像是对情欲生活的强烈渴望;

    Sketch a delicate , straight , spirited nose and nostrils slightly flared in a passionate aspiration towards sensuality ;

  5. 但在他看来,笼罩在河上的迷雾使那座桥的模样显得像蜘蛛网般细巧。

    But as he looked the structure of the bridge was still spidery and fine in the mist that hung over the stream .

  6. 在这之后,新婚夫妇将取回各自的订婚银戒珍藏起来,然后互换一枚式样简单细巧的金戒,并佩戴在各自的右手食指上。

    The betrothed then received back on from the other their silver rings ( and treasured them ); but they gave in exchange slender rings of gold , which were worn upon the index of the right hand .

  7. 她再次对他的才智进行反抗,用她细巧秀丽的眼睛,用一个优胜者极度的傲慢,用她刚萌生的移情别恋,用积累多年的怨愤同他较量;

    Again she struggled with it , fighting him with her small , fine eyes , with the plush arrogance of a top dog , with her nascent transference to another man , with the accumulated resentment of years ;

  8. 水温15℃、比重1.010、食物浓度150000个细胞/ml和试验动物密度0.25个/ml的条件下,细巧华哲水蚤滤食率达到最大。

    It was found by orthogonal test that G of S. tenellus reached the maximum when the experimental factors were below : temperature 15 ℃, water specific gravity 1.010 , food concentration 150 000 cells / ml and copepod density 0.25 ind / ml.

  9. 至于那些细巧的设计,使水流如虹而不溢,或使水上升而以各种形式喷射(如鸟羽,酒杯,天盖等等的形状),那都是看起来很好看的东西,但是对于养生和娱心是没有什么帮助的。

    And for fine devices , of arching water without spilling , and making it rise in several forms ( of feathers , drinking glasses , canopies , and the like ) , they be pretty things to look on , but nothing to health and sweetness .

  10. 它讲出它出生的经过,它讲出太阳光的力量——太阳光使它细巧的叶儿展开,发出香气。于是他想起了生活的斗争;这斗争也同样唤醒我们胸中的情感。

    It related the mythus of its birth , told of the power of the sun-light that spread out its delicate leaves , and forced them to impregnate the air with their incense -- and then he thought of the manifold struggles of life , which in like manner awaken the budding flowers of feeling in our bosom .