
  • 网络The New Yorker;New Yorkers
  1. 根据《纽约客》报道,2003年,他们的产品在意大利的销量超过了古驰、普拉达、阿玛尼和范思哲。

    In 2003 , according to The New Yorker , they sold more products in Italy than Gucci , Prada , Armani and Versace .

  2. 据《纽约客》杂志报道,他有信心足以能进入哈佛、耶鲁等常春藤联盟名校就读。

    According to The New Yorker , he was confident that he could get into an Ivy League university , such as Harvard or Yale .

  3. 他为《纽约客》杂志撰稿。

    He writes for the ' New Yorker ' .

  4. “正是它们脆弱的本性吸引了我”,《纽约客》动漫画家罗兹·查斯特说。

    " There 's something about their delicate nature that appeals to me , " says New Yorker cartoonist Roz Chast .

  5. longtimenosee.奥格登•纳什1949年在《纽约客》上发表了诗歌《longtimenosee,再见》。

    And in 1949 , the poet Ogden Nash published his poem Long Time No See , Bye Now in The New Yorker .

  6. 但《纽约客》(NewYorker)杂志的读者可能知道。

    But if you read the new Yorker , maybe .

  7. 这可能也是在最近《纽约客》(TheNewYorker)的一篇人物报道中,他的语气中带有深深的疲倦感的原因。

    This could account for his tone of profound weariness in a recent profile in The New Yorker .

  8. JohnCassidy是《财富》杂志供稿人,《纽约客》(NewYorker)杂志的在编撰稿人。

    John Cassidy is a fortune contributor and a new Yorker staff writer .

  9. 桑坦伯格最终想通了【她在近期《纽约客》杂志(NewYorker)的一篇文章中描述了自己当年获悉入选时最初的不适应】。

    Sandberg came around eventually ( She describes her " a ha moment " in a recent New Yorker profile ) .

  10. 阿龙索金最近接受《纽约客》(newyorker)采访时表示,这部电影“并不打算攻击”扎克伯格。

    Mr Sorkin told the new Yorker recently that the film was " not meant as an attack " on Mr Zuckerberg .

  11. 沃伦·巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)向我推荐了布鲁克斯为《纽约客》(TheNewYorker)撰写的这一系列精彩文章。

    Warren Buffett gave me this fantastic collection of articles that Brooks wrote for The New Yorker .

  12. 那些喜爱杂志的读者,会和赫斯特集团,还有时代集团(TimeInc)一起,在最近几星期关注《纽约客》的动向。

    Along with Hearst and Time Inc. , people who care about magazines will be watching The New Yorker closely over the next weeks .

  13. 《今日美国》(USATODAY)称表演对他而言“轻而易举”。《纽约客》(TheNewYorker)评价詹姆斯是整部无聊透顶的影片中“最有趣的人”。

    USA TODAY called his performance " a slam dunk . " The New Yorker called James " the funniest person " in the whole dang thing .

  14. 我的体育记者朋友说见到《纽约客》(NewYorker)作家罗杰•安杰尔(RogerAngell)让他颤抖。

    My sportswriter friend , who said that meeting the New Yorker writer Roger Angell literally made him shake .

  15. 它是SaulSteinberg的作品——是《纽约客》的一幅封面图片。

    It 's a Saul Steinberg of course -- it was a New Yorker cover .

  16. 他停下来,给《纽约客》杂志的主编戴维·雷姆尼克(DavidRemnick)打去电话。

    He dropped that and called David Remnick , the editor of The New Yorker .

  17. 《纽约客》和西班牙语报纸《先锋报》(LaVanguardia)已经刊登了它的节选。

    It has been excerpted in The New Yorker and the Spanish newspaper La Vanguardia .

  18. 根据这些邮件披露,林顿先生曾在去年秋季时,对《纽约客》(NewYorker)的撰稿人马尔科姆·格拉德威尔(MalcolmGladwell)谈到了自己想要入主纽约大学的愿望。

    According to the emails , Mr. Lynton discussed his desire for the job last fall with the New Yorker writer Malcolm Gladwell .

  19. 但证据似乎表明,员工对技术“后盾”过于自满导致一些技能会慢慢退化,《纽约客》(TheNewYorker)最近一篇关于飞行员依赖自动驾驶仪的文章凸显了这一证据。

    But there is evidence , highlighted in a recent New Yorker article about pilots " reliance on their autopilot , that some skills may atrophy as workers become complacent about technological back-up .

  20. 作家克莱·塔弗(ClayTarver)是一针见血的HBO喜剧《硅谷》(SiliconValley)的编剧。他最近在《纽约客》(NewYorker)的一篇文章中说:

    Clay Tarver , a writer and producer for the painfully on-point HBO comedy " Silicon Valley , " said in a recent New Yorker article :

  21. 长期担任苹果首席设计师的乔纳森·伊夫(JonyIve)在《纽约客》(NewYorker)二月的人物特写文章中也对艾萨克森的传记进行了指责。

    Jony Ive , Apple 's longtime design chief , added his criticism of Mr. Isaacson 's biography last month in a New Yorker profile .

  22. 就我所知,20世纪的电影选角史上,没有比让我出演这个角色更加大胆的了,2000年,霍夫曼在接受《纽约客》(TheNewYorker)采访时说。

    There is no piece of casting in the 20th century that I know of that is more courageous than putting me in that part , Hoffman said in an interview in The New Yorker in 2000 .

  23. 对于一个每年以每场约5万美元的出场费参加多达130场音乐会(这些数据发表于《纽约客》杂志(TheNewYorker))的人而言,他仍花费很多时间走入校园。

    For a man who does as many as 130 concerts a year at about $ 50,000 each ( according to figures published in The New Yorker ), he still spends a lot of time in schools .

  24. 在《别了,我的至爱》中,穆斯·马洛伊诙谐地对他的前女友维尔玛说:“你好,宝贝儿。Longtimenosee.”奥格登•纳什1949年在《纽约客》上发表了诗歌《LongTimeNoSee,再见》。

    In Farewell , My Lovely , Moose Malloy drolly tells his ex-girlfriend Velma , " Hiya , babe . Long time no see . " And in 1949 , the poet Ogden Nash published his poem " Long Time No See , Bye Now " in The New Yorker .

  25. 据《纽约客》的JayCaspianKing报道从2001年起,他开始带上护臂来缓解肘关节滑囊炎的影响。

    In 2001 , he began donning a sleeve on his right arm to temporarily relieve bursitis in his elbow , according to Jay Caspian King of the New Yorker .

  26. 本周的纽约客杂志上,JS认为消费者财政保护局推广了更公平的竞争和更高效的市场,银行也将从中受益。

    In this week 's New Yorker magazine , James Surowiecki suggests that the CFPB would even benefit banks by promoting fairer competition and more efficient markets .

  27. 尽管《纽约客》的报道促使纽约市长比尔•德布拉西奥(BilldeBlasio)宣布对赖克斯岛监狱采取新的监督措施,并修改司法条例,有关监狱虐待的报道依然层出不穷。

    Although The New Yorker report helped to prod New York mayor Bill de Blasio into announcing new oversight of Rikers and changes in justice protocols , accounts of abuse continue apace .

  28. 《纽约客》9月的一篇报道称,Facebook首席执行官及其美籍华裔女友普里西拉•陈(PriscillaChan)正筹划12月的中国两周行。

    A New Yorker profile of Zuckerberg in September suggests that the Facebook CEO and his Chinese-American girlfriend Priscilla Chan are planning a personal two-week trip to China in December .

  29. 去年,乔治·帕克(GeorgePacker)在《纽约客》(TheNewYorker)中曾愤怒地写道,硅谷新的关注点就是,“用手头的钱来解决所有存在了20年之久的问题”,并说Uber就是一个典型。

    In The New Yorker last year , George Packer huffed that Uber typified Silicon Valley 's newfound focus on " solving all the problems of being 20 years old , with cash on hand . "

  30. 这位时尚杂志《Vogue》的主编将为康迪纳仕集团做整体的视觉创意,《Vogue》旗下还拥有《纽约客》,《名利场》,《Glamour》和《GQ》。

    The Vogue editor-in-chief has been brought in to develop an overall creative vision for the company , whose portfolio includes The New Yorker , Vanity Fair , Glamour , and GQ .