
  • 网络The New York Review of Books;New York Review of Book
  1. 这是美国法官杰德•雷科夫(JedRakoff)的评价。他在《纽约书评》(NewYorkReviewofBooks)上撰写了一篇题为为何无辜之人会认罪(WhyInnocentPeoplePleadGuilty)的文章。

    It is that of Jed Rakoff , a US judge , who wrote an essay in the New York Review of Books entitled Why Innocent People Plead Guilty .

  2. 我妹妹在《纽约书评》社工作。

    My sister works for the New York Review of books .

  3. 俄罗斯黑手党讲义〉刊于《纽约书评》。

    Handout on Russian Mafia from New York Review of Books .

  4. 在最新一期的《纽约书评》中,他还就欧洲的悲剧发表了一篇长文。

    He has also published a lengthy essay on the tragedy of Europe in the latest New York Review of Books .

  5. 我订了个接手《纽约书评》的复杂计划,但是这意味着我要冒充莱昂内尔·特里林。

    I devised a complicated scheme to take over The New York Review of Books , but it meant I had to pass for Lionel Trilling .

  6. 他就这个主题撰写的一篇更长的评论发表在本期《纽约时报书评》(TheNewYorkReviewofBooks)上。

    A longer essay by him on this topic appears in the current edition of The New York Review of Books .

  7. 根据JohnUpdike1990年的纽约时报书评,格林亲自去墨西哥研究了两个月。

    Greene personally suffered his way through a two-month research tour in Mexico , according to John Updike 's New York Times review in 1990 .

  8. 坐在我身边的是《纽约时报书评》栏目的编辑帕梅拉·保罗,还有我的同事伊丽莎白·弗洛克,现在让她们为您讲述,更多关于读书俱乐部NowReadThis的故事。

    And with me now is Pamela Paul , editor of The New York Times Book Review . And joining us is my colleague at the NewsHour Elizabeth Flock to tell you more about the book club 's many features .

  9. 《纽约时报书评》给这类图书单独排了畅销书榜,以免它们把其他真正的书籍都挤出去。

    The New York Times Book Review gives such books their own best-seller list so they won 't crowd out the real books .

  10. 帕梅拉·保罗:对。我的意思是说,在《纽约时报书评》栏目中,我们的选书标准稍有不同,因为它的的确确就取决于书本身。

    I mean , at The New York Times Book Review , our criteria is a little bit different , in that it really does come down to the book itself .

  11. 年度最佳书籍,由《纽约时报》书评版编辑评选。

    The year 's best books , selected by the editors of The New York Times Book Review .

  12. 本年度值得关注的虚构文学、诗歌和非虚构作品,由《纽约时报》书评版编辑评选。

    The year 's notable fiction , poetry and nonfiction , selected by the editors of The New York Times Book Review .

  13. 自1952年以来,《纽约时报》书评版每年都会组建一个独立评审小组,挑选出时报最佳儿童绘本。

    Every year since 1952 , the Book Review has convened an independent panel of judges to select the New York Times Best Illustrated Children 's Books .

  14. Broyard是纽约时代报的书评家和编辑,他曾经抨击一位卓越的外科医生,因为他不喜欢那人在手术室里戴帽子的样子。

    Broyard , a book critic and editor at The New York Times , had fired a prominent surgeon because he hadn 't liked the way the man wore a cap in the operating room .

  15. 他为《纽约时报》写书评。

    He reviews books for the New York Times .

  16. 《纽约时报》的书评更是称这本书是集忧郁、甜蜜、哲思与有趣为一体。

    The New York Times ' review of the book called it a blend of melancholy , sweet , philosophical and funny .

  17. 《纽约时报》的书评更是称这本书是集“忧郁、甜蜜、哲思与有趣”为一体。

    The New York Times " review of the book called it " a blend of melancholy , sweet , philosophical and funny . "