
zhǐ tǒnɡ
  • Paper tube;paper sleeve
  1. 利用拓展Petri网诊断卷纸筒设备故障的研究

    Study on the Fault Diagnosis of Equipment of Winding Paper Tube Based on Extended Petri Net

  2. 日本CT-4S和CT-2S型甜菜纸筒苗移栽机的试验示范

    Experiment of CT-4S and CT-2S Model Beet Transplanting Machines for Paper-pot Seedling

  3. 纸筒或纸板筒,无论是否涂蜡

    Jar of paper or paperboard , whether or nor waxed

  4. 甜玉米纸筒育苗移植规范化栽培技术

    Sweet Corn Standardized Cultivated Techniques of Paper Tube Grow Seedling and Transplant

  5. 专用纸筒苗根形好于营养钵苗,但产质量营养钵育苗明显优于专用纸筒苗。

    But the yield and quality of nutrition pot were better than others .

  6. 纸筒育苗移栽甜菜高产群体结构的研究

    Studies on the Population Structure of High Yield Sugarbeet Transplanted from Paper pot

  7. 剪下跟纸筒差不多大小的纸。

    Cut the wrapping paper into the right sizes .

  8. 甜菜地膜覆盖栽培补栽纸筒苗试验

    Test of Film Covering Sugarbeet Field Filling the Gaps with Seedlings from Paper-pot

  9. 甜菜纸筒育苗移栽机械化试验研究甜菜纸筒育苗移栽技术的研究及运用

    The Study and Application on the Transplanting Beet Seedling Technique in Paper Pots

  10. 纸筒大小和水分胁迫对免耕抛秧水稻灌浆期间蛋白质的影响

    Effect of tube size and water stress on protein contents of no-tillage cast-transplanted rice

  11. 硬纸筒专机的设计

    Design of Hot-Press for Producing Hard Pressboard Cylinder

  12. 甜菜纸筒育苗栽培技术规程

    Rules for the Cultivating Technology of Growing Beet Seedings by Means of Paper Tubes

  13. 甜菜纸筒育苗施用稀土方法的研究

    Studies on the Methods of Rare Earth Element Application in Sugarbeet Nursery in Paper Pot

  14. 膜装药卷与纸筒药卷的综合对比分析

    Comprehensive Analysis of the Comparison between Plastic Film Packed Cartridge and Paper Thimble Packed Cartridge

  15. 我强忍住眼泪从纸筒里拿出纸巾来把水擦掉。

    I mopped it up with napkins from the dispenser and tried not to cry .

  16. 2Z&1型甜菜纸筒育苗栽植机的设计与试验

    Design and Test of 2Z & 1 type of Transplanting Implement for Sugarbeet Seedling in Paper-Pot

  17. 然后将它卷起来,放进邮寄用的纸筒。

    It with fixative , then roll it up and put it in a mailing tube .

  18. 甜菜壮苗剂对纸筒育苗的壮苗效应及其机理研究

    Study on Effects and Mechanism of Strong-Seedling about Sugarbeet Strong-Seedling-Drug on Sugarbeet Seedling Cultured in Paper Pot

  19. 樟子松塑料膜筒和纸筒护苗防风造林技术

    Afforestation techniques for Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica through wind blocking with plastic film tubes or paper tubes

  20. 甜菜纸筒育苗应用底纸的试验简报

    A Report on the Test of Bottom Paper Used in Raising Seedlings of Sugarbeet in Paper pots

  21. 甜菜纸筒稀土育苗移栽前后植株的生长效应

    The growth effect of Sugarbeet Seedlings nursed in paper-pot . with rare-earth elements before and after its transplantation

  22. 纸筒插秧机可以让一名使用者在几分钟内在85英尺(约合26米)长的一块田地里种植264棵幼苗。

    The paperpot transplanter allows a single person to transplant 264 plants covering over 85ft in just minutes .

  23. 圣诞拉炮是用硬纸板做的纸筒,再用色彩鲜艳的彩纸包裹在外面,两端拧紧。

    A Christmas Cracker is a cardboard paper tube , wrapped in brightly coloured paper and twisted at both ends .

  24. 同样满足鞭炮生产厂家把纸筒封底和灌入火药的工序。

    Likewise , the utility model satisfies a procedure of paper tubes bottom closing and gunpowder injection for firecracker manufacturers .

  25. 本实用新型属于生产供移载机使用青苗的育苗纸筒的设备。

    The utility model belongs to a paper drum device for growing seedlings , which produces young plants for transportation machines .

  26. 采用纸筒育苗栽培法,增加甜菜生育期36-40天,增加积温424.1-506.1C。

    Growing sugar beet from paper cylinder grown seedlings , the growth period prolonged 36-40 days , accumulated temperature increased 424.1-506.1 ℃ .

  27. 本文报道了甜菜纸筒育苗应用底纸的试验结果。

    The results from the test with the bottom paper , which used in raising seedlings of sugarbeet in paper pots , were reported .

  28. 成品会成对地包在蜡纸筒里上桌,迄今依然是罗马犹太区在不二选的夏季开胃菜。

    Served in pairs , wrapped in cones of wax paper , they remain the summer appetizer of choice in Rome 's Jewish ghetto .

  29. 将运输纸筒管放在地上,将控制装置小心的背朝下放在纸筒管上。卡尔·哈梅尔筒管式纺丝机

    " Place shipping carton tube on floor and gently lay the controller on its back , on top of the tube . " Carl Hammel system bobbin frame

  30. 厕纸用完了就得换新的,而不应该仅仅是把剩下的空心硬纸筒放在马桶水箱的顶部。这是个非常简单的原则。

    This is a very simple principle : If you use up the toilet paper , you replace it , not just lay it on top of the toilet tank .