
nà shuì zī liào
  • Tax information;data of tax payments
  1. 向税务机关调取犯罪嫌疑人的纳税资料和处罚文书;

    Acquire suspect 's tax-paying data and punishment letter from the tax department ;

  2. 帐簿、会计凭证、报表、完税凭证及其他有关纳税资料应当保存十年。但是,法律、行政法规另有规定的除外。

    Except if the provisions of relevant laws and administrative legislation stipulate otherwise account books vouchers , statements , proof of tax payment and other relevant tax material must be kept for10 years .

  3. 本研究的创新,在于利用台湾全体股票上市公司实际的纳税资料,来验证实施最低税负制后,对课税公平的影响程度。

    In this research , an innovative approach was adopted to test and prove the influence of the minimum tax system , when implemented , on taxation fairness , using the actual tax-filing information of all listed companies in Taiwan .