
  • 网络Yorkshire;york;Yorkshire Dales;capture York;York Region
  1. 她居住在约克郡乡间一个僻静的地方。

    She lives in a quiet corner of rural Yorkshire .

  2. 另一个在约克郡盛行的民间传统是做泡菜和酸辣酱。

    Another strong Yorkshire country tradition is making pickles and chutneys .

  3. 他们决定将新成立的公司总部设在约克郡。

    They decided to base the new company in York .

  4. 我曾住在约克郡,现在仍然喜欢那里。

    I used to live in York and I 'm still fond of the place .

  5. 她原本来自约克郡。

    She comes originally from York .

  6. 昨天南约克郡法院准予他获得保释。

    He was yesterday given bail by South Yorkshire magistrates .

  7. 我家人住在约克郡,他们不打算搬家。

    My family home is in York-shire and they don 't want to move

  8. 剧院领导很体谅地同意我休演几场抽身到约克郡去。

    The theatre management kindly let me off a couple of performances to go to Yorkshire

  9. 他继续用一种直白而又诙谐生动的笔触描绘着约克郡的生活。

    He has continued to write with a bluff , vivid humour about Yorkshire life .

  10. 约克郡在很大程度上仍以农业为主,出产优质肉类、奶制品和蛋类。

    Yorkshire is still very much a farming community with good meat , good dairy produce and eggs

  11. 他拿出约克郡地图,弓身趴在上面努力看清那些细小的字体。

    He got out his map of Yorkshire and hunched over it to read the small print .

  12. 那部小说里的人物讲的是一种约克郡方言。

    The characters in that novel speak a Yorkshire dialect .

  13. 朱莉·赫顿�约克郡谷地国家公园管理局(YorkshireDalesNationalParkAuthority)

    Julie Hutton , Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority

  14. 这些绝美的图片,展现了银河在夜幕下一泻千里。这些照片拍摄于约克郡谷地国家公园和北约克沼泽国家公园,两地均被列为“黑暗天空保护区”。

    These photos have been taken from the Yorkshire Dales and the North York Moors – two national parks which have now been designated Dark Sky Reserves .

  15. 你需要一个巨大的工厂来制造巨型风力发电机,这使得一个新产业在英格兰北部的东约克郡诞生了。

    You need a giant factory to make a giant wind turbine , which has created a new industry here in East Yorkshire ( North of England ) .

  16. W:这次的《UpYourStreet》节目将带你去哈罗盖特,约克郡的一个小城镇。

    W : This week 's program Up Your Street takes you to Harrogate , a small town in Yorkshire .

  17. 在一所现代中学教书之后,她开始创办《儿童之书》(booksforyourchildren),正是这本杂志促使她为约克郡电视台创作了电视节目《书之塔》(thebooktower)。

    After working in a secondary modern school , she started books for your children , a magazine that led to her creating the book tower programme for Yorkshire Television .

  18. 直到21世纪初,西方国家才拥有了强大的地方报纸,包括《波士顿环球报》和《约克郡晚间邮报》(YorkshireEveningPost)。

    Until the early 21st century , western countries had strong local newspapers too , from the Boston Globe to the Yorkshire Evening Post .

  19. 雷切尔•贝特森(RachelBateson)是总部位于约克郡的SterlingGraphic公司的一名董事,不久前曾去中国参加一个会议。

    Rachel Bateson , a director of Yorkshire-based Sterling Graphic , was in China for a meeting .

  20. 他承认,全英俱乐部对这位在约克郡(Yorkshire)出生并长大的前电视台高管来说是一份极好的工作。

    The All England Club had been a fantastic job for this Yorkshire-born and bred former television executive , he admits .

  21. 他承认,全英俱乐部对这位在约克郡(Yorkshire)出生并长大的前电视台高管来说是一份“极好的”工作。

    The All England Club had been a " fantastic " job for this Yorkshire-born and bred former television executive , he admits .

  22. 当连接伦敦和约克郡的M1高速公路的通车时,一家报社坦露:“太过激动,都流不出眼泪了”;

    Reporting on the opening of the M1 , the motorway that links London with Yorkshire , one newspaper confessed to feeling " sentiments too deep for tears " .

  23. 1737年,自学成才的英国约克郡钟表匠约翰•哈里森(JohnHarrison)震惊了伦敦科学界。他提出的特别方案,解决了18世纪最重要也是最著名的技术难题。

    In 1737 , John Harrison , a self-taught clockmaker from Yorkshire , stunned London 's scientific establishment by presenting an idiosyncratic solution to the most important and notorious technological problem of the 18th century .

  24. 该店店主、约克郡农民提姆威尔逊(TimWilson)在伦敦还拥有另外4家店面。威尔逊表示,3年前,他手下的一位屠夫应顾客的要求开始开设一次性课程。

    Tim Wilson , the Yorkshire farmer who owns the shop and four others in the capital , says that one of his butchers started offering one-off classes three years ago after requests from customers .

  25. 有一个牌子,YorkshireTea(约克郡茶),逆市而上;他们的统计数据显示了在批量销售中增长了6.8%,这也不能都归咎于RussellCrowe(新西兰演员)。

    One brand , Yorkshire Tea , has bucked the trend ; their stats show a 6.8 % increase in volume sales , which can 't all be down to Russell Crowe .

  26. 埃利斯曾与好友结伴前往英格兰北部的约克郡(Yorkshire),途中两人曾就《呼啸山庄》有过一次激烈讨论,由此定下该书的写作事宜。

    It begins with a heated conversation Ellis had with her best friend while on a pilgrimage to Yorkshire in the north of England , where the novel is set .

  27. 在风景如画的约克郡做最后的停留,可以去每一个卵石铺就的小巷尽头找一家都铎式客栈,或者走进摩登的啤酒馆,比如YorkTap、Pivni及HouseofTremblingMadness。—

    A final stay in the photogenic city of York offers a Tudor-style pub at the end of every cobbled lane , as well as modern beer temples like York Tap , Pivni and the House of Trembling Madness . -

  28. 《维特罗斯(Waitrose)食品和饮料报告》显示,蛋奶冻夹心饼干在约克郡(Yorkshire)的人气无人能敌,而在兰开夏郡(Lancs)、牛津郡和剑桥郡,巧克力消化饼干才是王道。

    Custard creams are king in Yorkshire , says the Waitrose Food and Drink report , while chocolate digestives rule in Lancs , Oxford and Cambridge .

  29. 雀巢曾承诺rowntree可以保留约克郡一家具有战略意义的巧克力制造中心,但它没有信守承诺。

    Promises that Rowntree would remain a strategic chocolate centre , based in York , have not been kept .

  30. 韦克林一直都在收集档案材料,10月,他在英格兰剑桥的柴芬斯拍卖会上花了5100美元买下道奇森为约克郡女学生康斯坦斯·玛丽·鲍威尔(ConstanceMaryPowell)拍下的三幅照片,她家与道奇森家是朋友。

    In October , at Cheffins auction house in Cambridge , England , he paid about $ 5100 for Dodgson 's three photos of Constance Mary Powell , a Yorkshire schoolgirl whose family was friends with the Dodgsons .