
  • 网络SMT;Brush Box;COB,SMD;underfill;Epoxy Dispensing
  1. 其次,术中结膜囊内包埋的红胶眼模型须与义眼接近,大小须大于义眼,以保证术后放置义眼非常稳定。

    Secondly , an eye-model was embedded inside the conjunctival sac , and its figure should approximate that of artificial eye .

  2. 在我国黄土高原丘陵沟壑区,分布着黄绵土、红胶泥土以及土壤与岩石过渡类型&风化岩沫土等土壤类型。

    In loess hilly-gully region , there existing many types of soil , such as loessal soil , red clay , mantle rock soil , and so on .

  3. 本文介绍了一种虫酰肼在红栎和胶枞树叶中的残留量分析方法。

    A method was developed to determine tebufenozide in some forest leaves .

  4. 金波、红林农场胶厂废水含汞量的测定

    The Determination of mercury contained in the waste-water from the natural rubber-processing factory

  5. 茜素红-S影响胶磷矿和白云石分离机理的研究

    Study on separation mechanism of phosphate rock and dolomite with alizarin red modifier

  6. 中国北方红黏土中铁锰胶膜对化学元素的影响

    The impact of Fe-Mn coatings on chemical elements of the red clay in North China