
  • 网络the Red Flag Canal
  1. 靠钎和锤,还有红旗渠精神。

    Steel rods , hammers and the Red Flag Canal spirit .

  2. 那红旗渠引的是哪条河的水啊?

    Which river is the source of the Red Flag Canal ?

  3. 韩佳,这红旗渠现在能灌溉多少田地啊?

    Han Jia , how much land can the canal irrigate ?

  4. 这渠是靠红旗渠精神开凿出来的?

    The Red Flag Canal was dug by a spirit ?

  5. 红旗渠就修建在这太行山上。

    The canal was built right in the Taihang Mountains .

  6. 每天都有成群的人来参观红旗渠。

    Crowds poured in to see the red flag canal every day .

  7. 红旗渠精神是民族精神的时代体现。

    Hongqi canal spirit is the era reflection of the national spirit .

  8. 论红旗渠精神对建设社会主义先进文化的重要意义

    The Significance of Red-Flag-Channel Spirit in Building Advanced Socialist Culture

  9. 你看咱们眼前就是红旗渠了。

    See , that 's the Red Flag Canal in front of us .

  10. 你不是说要带我来看红旗渠?

    Didn 't you say you 'd show me the Red Flag Canal ?

  11. 这就是红旗渠的分水闸。

    This is the sluice gate of the canal .

  12. 河流被落日映照成深红色。韩佳:我们现在是在人工天河,红旗渠畔。

    Here we are at the man-made heavenly river , the Red Flag Canal .

  13. 这就是红旗渠精神吧?

    That is the Red Flag Canal spirit ?

  14. 怪不得红旗渠被称为中国的水长城啊。

    No wonder the Red Flag Canal is called the Great Water Wall of China .

  15. 等看完了红旗渠,你自然而然就会明白了。

    After you have seen the canal , you 'll know what it is exactly .

  16. 红旗渠纪念馆。

    The Red Flag Canal Memorial Hall .

  17. 红旗渠就像一条绿色的飘带缠绕在太行山间。

    The Red Flag Canal is like a green ribbon which winds through the Taihang mountains .

  18. 你把红旗渠精神的另外两点都说出来了。

    You 've also told us the other two aspects of the Red Flag Canal spirit .

  19. 韩佳,林州人为什么要修建红旗渠啊?

    Han Jia , why did the local people in Linzhou want to build the canal ?

  20. 自从有了红旗渠啊,林州人就过上了丰衣足食的生活。

    Since the completion of the canal , the life of Linzhou people have turned much better .

  21. 林州人是怎样把漳河的水引到红旗渠里的呀?

    How did the Linzhou people manage to divert the Zhanghe water up to the Red Flag Canal ?

  22. 只有这样的碑才配得上林州人创造的红旗渠精神。

    Only such a monument can match the spirit of the Red Flag Canal displayed by Linzhou people .

  23. 韩佳:我们现在是在人工天河,红旗渠畔。日、韩、中农村剩余劳动力转移比较研究

    A Comparative Study of the Shifting of the Surplus Rural Labor Force between Japan , Korea and China

  24. 韩佳,你还没有告诉我这红旗渠精神是什么。

    Han Jia , you still haven 't told me what the Red Flag Canal spirit is exactly .

  25. 红旗渠不仅是一项伟大的水利工程,而且现在已经成为旅游胜地了。

    The Red Flag Canal is not only a great irrigation project , but also a famous tourist attraction .

  26. 水长城说的就是林州人修建的水渠,叫红旗渠。

    It 's a canal dug by the people of Linzhou . It 's called the Red Flag Canal .

  27. 1960~2000年,红旗渠总干渠因地质灾害造成的决口事件有19次。

    1960 ~ 2000 , the geological disasters resulted in 19 times overflow affairs along the Red - Flag master canal .

  28. 船头插上吓人的旗帜,这该有多么威风!每天都有成群的人来参观红旗渠。

    With his grisly flag flying at the fore ! Crowds poured in to see the Red Flag Canal every day .

  29. 红旗渠精神是我们党坚持为人民服务的生动体现,是中华民族精神中的重要组成部分。

    The Hongqi canal spirit is an important component of our national spirit and also fully embodies our partys doctrine of serving people .

  30. 那现在呢,就让我们通过赏心悦目来领略一下红旗渠的风采吧。

    Now , let 's have a taste of the Feast for Eyes and Minds and enjoy the charm of the Red Flag Canal .