
hóng zì
  • Scarlet letter;red mark
红字[hóng zì]
  1. 公司的名称是用白底红字写的。

    The name of the company is written in red on a white background .

  2. 我们常常用红字表示危险。

    We often denote danger by red letters .

  3. 请同学们注意PPT里面的红字。

    Pay attention to the red words in PPT .

  4. 《红字》(TheScarletLetter)是十九世纪美国著名的浪漫主义小说家纳撒尼尔·霍桑(NatharntalHawthorne)的代表作。

    The novel ″ The Scarlet Letter ″ is the masterpiece of Nathanial Hawthorne , the well known romantic novelist of America in the 19th century .

  5. ScoutWillis:《红字》好像威利斯的女儿们都没有获得足够的银幕机会:21岁的二女儿Scout在4岁时与妈妈黛米以及加里•奥德曼一起出演1995年的戏剧片时才有了自己出演的影片。

    SCOUT WILLIS : THE SCARLET LETTERSeems like the Willis girls just can 't get enough of the silver screen : At age 4 , middle daughter Scout , 21 , held her own during a dramatic scene with mom Demi and Gary Oldman in the 1995 film .

  6. 左上角用红字写着:“马特里预言中心(MatriVision),擅长婚姻咨询和仪式。”收信人写的是(他们把我的名字拼错了):“美国艾米塔·帕特尔(AmitaPatel)”。

    In red typeface on the upper left corner were the words : " Matri Vision , specializing in matrimonial counseling and rituals . " It was addressed ( with my name misspelled ) to " Ms. Amita Patel USA. "

  7. 《红字》两种中文译本的对比研究

    Contrastive study of the two Chinese versions of The Scarlet Letter

  8. 红字的故事渐渐变成了传说。

    The story of the scarlet letter grew into a legend .

  9. 他面带微笑,把一个指头放在红字上面。

    He laid his finger on it , with a smile .

  10. 《红字》中海丝特·白兰的多重性格特征解读

    Unscramble the Multiple Dispositions of Hester Prynne in The Scarlet Letter

  11. 论《红字》中荒野的象征与原型

    On the Symbol and Archetype of Wilderness in The Scarlet Letter

  12. 论《红字》中的空间叙事结构及艺术效果

    Space Narrative Structure and Its Artistic Effects On The Scarlet Letter

  13. 《红字》对基督教和美国神话的理性思考

    Rational reflections of The Scarlet Letter on Christianity and American Myth

  14. 他要求你们再看一眼海丝特的红字!

    He bids you look again at hester 's scarlet letter !

  15. 在大庭广众之中与红字的佩戴者讲起话来。

    Look your last on the scarlet letter and its wearer !

  16. 在旧圣经中被印成红字的。

    That 's how they printed them in the old Bibles .

  17. 你要不是中了梅艳芳的红字。

    If you didn 't win with Anita mui 's numbers .

  18. 论《红字》中的死亡与救赎主题

    On the Theme of Death and Redemption in The Scarlet Letter

  19. 从《红字》看霍桑独特的人性观

    Peculiar Humanity Outlook in 《 Scarlet Letter 》 by Nathaniel Hawthorne

  20. 多义性是《红字》的显著特点和艺术魅力所在。

    Polysemy is an obvious artistic feature in Scarlet Letter .

  21. 谈《红字》宗教意识压抑下的人性之光

    On the Rays of Humanity Constrained by Religious Consciousness in Scarlet Letter

  22. 红字中的二元对立华裔美国作家男性主体意识与女性主体意识的二元对立

    The Binary Opposition of Male and Female Subjectivity In Chinese American Literature

  23. 《红字》中双重否定的文体功能探讨&试析霍桑矛盾心理与双重否定语言表述之间的联系

    The Stylistic Function of Double Negative in The Scarlet Letter

  24. 《红字》女主人公爱情悲剧诠释

    Interpret the Heroine 's Tragedy Love in the Scarlet Letter

  25. 论《红字》中异质文化的独特结合

    On Unique Combination of Different Cultures in The Scarlet Letter

  26. 他向前迈了一步,发现了红字。

    He made a step nigher , and discovered the scarlet letter .

  27. 红字在海丝特-白兰的胸上燃烧。

    The scarlet letter burned on Hester Prynne 's bosom .

  28. 事实上,她仿佛完全给红字遮住了。

    In truth , she seemed absolutely hidden behind it .

  29. 论那撒尼尔·霍桑《红字》中的象征

    On the Symbolism in Nathaniel Hawthorne 's the Scarlet Letter

  30. 从《红字》中的四种关系看霍桑的写作思想

    Exploring Hawthorne 's Writing Thought in Four Relations of The Scarlet Letter