
hóng guāng mǎn miàn
  • glow with health;glowing with health;in ruddy health;one's face glowing with health;radiance;a healthy and hearty look;glowing ruddy cheeks
红光满面 [hóng guāng mǎn miàn]
  • [one's face glowing with health; in ruddy health] 形容人的气色好,脸色红润,满面光彩

  • 她红光满面

红光满面[hóng guāng mǎn miàn]
  1. 父亲在世时,身体一直很健康,红光满面,神采奕奕,参加农业生产劳动顶个壮劳力。

    His father was alive , the body has been very healthy , face glowing with health , spirits , to participate in agricultural production and labor Top of strong labor .

  2. 另一个人往回走来,他身体结实,红光满面。

    The other figure , a burly man with a reddish face was returning .

  3. 室内,朋友们红光满面,那阴暗的四壁也似乎有了生气;

    Within , the faces of friends brightened the gloomy walls ;

  4. 孩子度假后个个红光满面。

    The children all looked in the pink after their holiday .

  5. 那我怎么看见一位绅士红光满面呢?

    Ifever I saw a gentleman in the pink ?

  6. 那个商人红光满面。【正译】那个商人最近亏本了。

    That businessman is in the red recently .

  7. 多宾脸色苍白,显得很忧郁,而他的玩伴们却个个笑逐颜开,红光满面。

    Dobbin looked as pale and grave as his playmates were flushed and jovial .

  8. 那个商人最近红光满面。

    The businessman is in the red recently .

  9. 当你健康状况很好的时候人们有时会说你看起来气色很好,红光满面的。

    People sometimes say you are in the pink when they are in good health .

  10. 她过得舒服安逸,长得红光满面。

    She is perfectly comfortable and blooming .

  11. 一位红光满面,精神矍铄的老人朝我走来。

    A fine old man came to me , with a face as red as a rose .

  12. 而贝拉里丝那张脸刚刚还是喜悦的红光满面,此刻却变得丑陋的暗红。

    Bellatrix 's face , so recently flushed wit happiness , had turned an ugly , blotchy red .

  13. 他饭后衔着一根牙签,红光满面,硬是觉得可以骄人。

    After the meal , sporting a toothpick between their teeth , they will be glowing with smug satisfaction .

  14. 克拉默护士生了一个逗人喜欢的鼻子,红光满面,生气勃勃的脸庞上布满了一片片迷人的,俊俏可笑的雀斑。

    Nurse Cramer had a cute nose and a radiant , blooming complexion dotted with fetching sprays of adorable freckles .

  15. “那么他就是病了。”“病了?哈!那我怎么看见一位绅士红光满面呢?”

    " Then he 's ill . "" ill ? Ha ! If ever I saw a gentleman in the pink ?"

  16. 在准备今年五月大选时期,许多政治问题专家指出,布莱尔突然间变得红光满面,这很让人怀疑。

    In the run-up to the May general election , many pundits noted that Blair had acquired a suspiciously orange glow .

  17. 随着越来越多的年轻人选择在婚礼上拥有一群红光满面的伴娘,伴娘租赁业务就越发有前景。

    With a growing number of young couples choosing to have a group of blushing bridesmaids , the for-hire business looks promising .

  18. 人人口中念念有词:“黄色(指面黄肌瘦,身体萎弱)予你;红色(指红光满面,体格健壮)给我”;

    human population mutter prayers : " yellow ( referring to pale and thin , weak body wilt ) to you ; Red ( referring to ruddy , able-bodied ) to me " ;