
  • 网络red tongue
  1. 非临终患者以红舌、厚黄腻苔多见。

    Red tongue proper and yellow thick tongue coating were more in the other group .

  2. 结果:脑梗死与黯红舌质、黄腻舌苔、滑脉关系密切,而脑出血与红色舌质、黄舌苔、弦滑脉关系密切。

    Result : Brain infarction was relationship with dull red tongue , yellow and greasy fur , smooth pulse . Cerebral hemorrhage was relationship with red tongue , yellow fur tongue , wiry and smooth pulse .

  3. 其中淡红舌占28.8%,非淡红舌共占71.2%,总体分布以红舌为主。

    Slight Red tongue was28.8 % , and non-Slight-Red tongue was71.2 % .

  4. 火和紫舌、红舌、黄苔有联系;

    Fire is associated with purple tongue , reddened tongue and yellow fur ;

  5. 舌质以暗、暗红、淡红、红舌较为多见。

    Dark , dark red , pink and red tongue were more common .

  6. 舌象以淡黯舌、黯红舌,白腻苔、黄腻苔多见。

    Pale dark tongue , white coating and yellow coating can always be observed in tongue manifestation .

  7. 舌色的纪录为23.16%,以红舌和绛舌的比例最高。

    The recording rate of the color of tongue proper was 23 . 16 % , among which the proportions of red and crimson tongue were the highest .

  8. 因此,5类舌象按心功能指标的优劣排序,则为淡红舌>红舌>暗红舌>淡白舌>紫瘀舌。

    According to cardiac function index , the cardiac function displayed that : pale red tongue > red tongue > dark-red tongue > pale tongue > purplish tongue .

  9. 症状频次依次是头晕、头痛、耳鸣耳聋、失眠、心悸等,以红舌、暗舌、淡舌、腻苔、白苔、黄苔及弦、细、滑、数脉为常见。

    The symptom sequence was : dizziness , headache , tinnitus , deafness , insomnia and palpitation . Common tongue was red , dark or pale with a slimy , white or yellow fur , while pulse was stringlike , fine , slippery or rapid .

  10. 与淡白舌相比,血液粘度在红绛舌、红舌时增高(P<0.01);

    Comp ared with pale tongue , the blood viscosity is higher significantly ( P < 0.01 ) in donkeys with crimson and reddened tongue ;

  11. MRT、MST在红绛舌时延长(P<0.01)。

    And the MRT , MST longer significantly ( P < 0.01 ) in donkey with crimson tongue .

  12. 结论:红绛舌、厚腻苔可尝试作为HP感染诊断的辅助指标。

    Conclusion : Red or deep red tongue and thick or greasy tongue coating could attempt to be regarded as a subsidiary index to diagnose H.pylori infection .

  13. 方法测定3种常见舌色(淡胖舌、青紫舌、红绛舌)68例2型糖尿病患者及21名健康者的GMP-140含量并进行比较。

    Methods The 68 patients of type 2 DM were divided into three groups according to the tongue color ( pale-enlarged tongue , dark-purplish tongue or dark-red tongue ) . Platelet GMP-140 expression was determined in 68 patients of type 2 DM and 21 normal controls .

  14. 红绛舌,红舌以代偿性呼吸性酸中毒为主;

    Heavy red or red tongue , in most cases , meant compensated respiratory acidosis ;

  15. 舌象:最多见的是红绛舌和腐腻苔;

    The most commonly seen tongue patterns were dark red tongue proper , and curdy and greasy tongue fur .

  16. 虚证强直性脊柱炎患者的裂纹舌、齿痕舌和红点舌比例显著高于实证患者。

    The percentage of deficiency syndrome patients ' fissured tougue , teeth-printed tongue and red dot tongue was significantly higher than those with excess syndrome .

  17. 此外脑梗塞组的淡、红、紫舌色与脑出血组的红、紫、绛3种舌色的GMP-140均呈递增性改变,红舌的组间相比也有显著差异。

    Furthermore , the color of pale , red and purple tongue in the infarction group and red , purple , and scarlet color of the tongue in the cerebral hemorrhage group all revealed progressive changes . Comparison of red tongue between the 2 groups also showed significant difference .

  18. 观察到白血病病人舌质瘀象为淡暗、红、紫暗舌;

    We observed that : the tongue proper of leukemia was slightly dark 、 red or red dark ;