
zǐ jiāo
  • lac;shellac
  1. 结果表明:紫胶蚧觅食时有向前、向上寻找的特性,觅食初期前进路线的选择也采取ESS对策。

    The results were as follow : when foraging , lac insects move forward , had no choice to moving way , seldom study foraging experience each other , and followed ESS strategy .

  2. 紫胶蚧于1999年自尼泊尔引入我国,在云南元江1a发生2代,世代周期稳定,生活史正常,引种繁殖成功;

    This strain of lac insect species was introduced from Nepal in 1999.It completed the life-cycle twice a year in Yuanjiang of Yunnan Province . The lac insect showed a stable life-cycle which indicated that the introduction and reproduction was successful .

  3. 发现国产紫胶中,紫胶桐酸C(9、10)上的二个羟基处于交叉位,用现代光谱学手段证实了前人用化学方法推测的壳脑酸分子结构。

    It was found that the two hydroxyl groups on C9,10 of aleuritic acid were in cross position . The molecular structure of shellolic acid was confirmed by modern spectrometry .

  4. DSC分析发现紫胶硬树脂改性酚醛树脂的放热反应温度更低一些。

    The DSC analysis discovers that the modification of PF resin with hard resin cure faster than general PF .

  5. 目前我国被发现或被利用于优良紫胶虫种4号胶虫(Kerrialacca)的优良寄主植物种类较少,制约了我国优质紫胶的发展。

    The shortage of host tree species for Kerria lacca has restricted the development of shellac in our country presently .

  6. 用RAPD技术研究了紫胶虫7种主要生产种12个群体之间的亲缘关系,研究中每个群体使用了24个标本,共有288个个体用于研究。

    The technique of random amplified polymorphic DNA ( RAPD ) was used to study the relationships of 12 populations from 7 species in the genus Kerria . A total of 288 samples were used in this study and 24 samples for each population .

  7. 研究了以三聚氰胺、甲醛和R&改性剂制备的醇溶性MR-1树脂和用MR-1树脂改性紫胶涂料。

    The preparation of alcohol soluble MR-1 resin from melamine , formaldehyde and R-modifier and the modification of shellac varnish with MR-1 resin have been studied .

  8. 研究了有机碱试剂,氢氧化四甲铵(tetramethylammoniumhydroxideTMAH)共存下的反应热裂解气相色谱(Py-GC)应用于天然树脂紫胶的化学组成分析。

    Reactive pyrolysis gas chromatography ( Py-GC ) in the presence of an organic alkali , tetramethylammonium hydroxide (( CH3 ) 4NOH , TMAH ), was applied to the compositional analysis of natural resin shellac .

  9. 在中国云南省不同气候类型的元江、红河、元谋、绿春、墨江、云县、孟连,采用昆虫学、生态学等方法对紫胶蚧Kerrialacca(Kerr.)开展了生物学、生态学研究。

    In this paper , the author studied biology and ecology of Kerria lacca Kerr . with entomological and ecological method under different kinds of climate in Yunnan Province China .

  10. 用MR-1树脂改性的紫胶具有优良的耐热(100℃)、耐水和耐某些有机溶剂的性能,最适于作木器家具底漆。

    The modified shellac , which possesses excellent properties of resistance to heat ( up to 100 ℃), water and some organic solvents , is most suitable for use on wooden furniture as primer .

  11. 结果表明,在75℃、250W超声强度下皂化10min,所得紫胶桐酸质量分数可达98.50%&99.63%,收率大于24.0%。

    It shows that aleuritic acid containing in the products can reach 98.50 % - 99.63 % , and the yield of aleuritic acid can reach more than 24.0 % even though the saponification time is just only 10 min at 75 ℃ aided with ultrasonic wave .

  12. 紫胶树脂链状组分紫胶桐酸漂白机理的研究

    Study on bleaching mechanism of chain component in LAC resin-aleuritic acid

  13. 蚂蚁和紫胶蚧互利关系中的行为机制

    Behavioral mechanism of mutual-aid interactions between ant and Kerria lacca Kerr

  14. 紫胶树脂的溶解性及溶剂挥发性能的研究

    Study on solubility of lac resin and volatilizing properties of solvents

  15. 三种紫胶虫胶质比较研究

    Comparison on the Lac Quality of Three species Of Lac Insects

  16. 不同紫胶原料及产品挥发物的化学成分分析

    Analysis of Volatile Chemical Components in Different Lac Materials and Products

  17. 将原紫胶碾碎并冲洗后得到的粒状物质。

    Granular material obtained from stick lac by crushing and washing .

  18. 天然紫胶色素的特性及提取技术研究进展

    The Review of the Lac Dye ' Characteristics and Extracted Technology

  19. 我国紫胶产区气候与紫胶虫引种驯化的研究

    Study on Climate of Lac-producing Areas and Lac Insect Introduction in China

  20. 解决了生产制备紫胶桐酸中的几个关键技术问题。

    This studying resolved a few key problems of producing Aleuritic acid .

  21. 定量差热(分析)仪差示量热扫描法分析紫胶蜡的热性质

    Differential Scanning Calorimetric Study of Thermal Characteristics of Lac Wax

  22. 漂白紫胶涂膜对苹果常温贮藏品质的影响

    Effect of Bleached Shellac on Quality of Apple at Room Temperature Storage

  23. 溶剂对紫胶清漆及漆膜性能的影响

    Effects of solvents on the shellac varnish and its film

  24. 我国紫胶科研的进展与今后的研究方向

    The Current Advances and Prospect of Lac Researches in China

  25. 超声皂化法提取紫胶桐酸

    Extraction of aleuritic acid by saponification aided with ultrasonic wave

  26. 马达加斯加紫胶虫产的一种次等紫胶。

    Seed lac-Specification an inferior lac produced by lac insects in Madagascar .

  27. 紫胶虫经济评价指标及评价方法探讨

    A Discussion on Indexes and Methods of Economic Evaluation of Lac Insect

  28. 我国紫胶虫寄主植物研究概况与进展

    Current researches of host plants of lac insects in China

  29. 用草酸改性,可以改善紫胶的颜色。

    That the colour of shellac was improved by adding oxalic acid .

  30. 紫胶色素是应用最广泛天然色素之一。

    The shellac pigment is one of the most extensive natural pigments .