
  • 网络SONIA;Sonja;Sonya;SONIA RYKIEL
  1. 他瞥了索尼亚一眼,见她一身红衣,光彩照人。

    He glimpsed Sonia , resplendent in a red dress .

  2. 法官索尼亚-索托马约尔(SoniaSotomayor)开始进入美国最高法院确认程序。

    This is IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English . Judge Sonia Sotomayor appears headed for confirmation to the United States Supreme Court .

  3. 拉吉夫死后,索尼亚在丈夫友人的支持下开始了一段坚忍的历程。

    On Rajiv 's death a stoic journey began for Mrs Gandhi , supported by her husband 's friends .

  4. 2004年,索尼亚推出了一款电子书阅读器,比亚马逊(Amazon)的Kindle早三年,但最终因为价格高、选择少而落败。

    In 2004 Sony came out with an ebook reader three years before Amazon 's Kindle , but lost out because of higher prices and a narrower range .

  5. 许多原料都能用作替代品,如荷荷巴油珠、可可粉、树莓籽、米粉、燕麦等等,来自英国化妆品公司LoveLula的索尼亚•怀特介绍道。

    There are many ingredients that can be used as an alternative . There 's * jojoba beads , * cocoa , raspberry seeds , rice flour , oats - to name but a few , says Sonia White of British cosmetics firm Love Lula .

  6. 她当即把发生的事告诉了索尼亚。

    She lost no time in telling Sonia what had happened .

  7. 浅谈当今印度政治中的索尼亚因素

    A trial discussion of Sonia Gandhi factor in contemporary Indian politics

  8. 我回家了,索尼亚继续待在车站。

    I went home and Sonia stayed at the station .

  9. 事实证明,索尼亚拥有巨大的民众感染力。

    Mrs Gandhi has proved to have enormous popular appeal .

  10. 索尼亚对我来说已无所谓了。

    Sonya means nothing to me any more .

  11. 但是,这一案件得到特殊关注的原因是其中一位法官是索尼亚。索托马约尔。

    But the case got special attention because one of the judges was Sonia Sotomayor .

  12. 还有索尼亚是一名网页设计师。

    And sonia 's a web designer .

  13. 问索尼亚能帮忙找份工作。

    Ask Sonia for a job .

  14. 但今年五月,一个新的邮件运营商接手后的秘密路线:索尼亚沃伦。

    But this May , a new mail carrier took over the Post Secret route : Sonia Warren .

  15. 布瑞尔深爱着已经过世的索尼亚,虽然他们的婚姻磕磕畔畔,但是这些过往的记忆仍然使他无法安眠。

    Brill is kept awake by the memory of his loving but troubled marriage to Sonia , who is now dead .

  16. 这位40岁的公主是挪威国王哈拉尔德五世与索尼亚王后的女儿,也是挪威王室的第四顺位继承人。

    The 40-year-old Princess is the daughter of King Harald and Queen Sonja , and fourth in line to the Norwegian throne .

  17. 索尼亚-索托马约尔:“我不相信任何民族,种族或性别群体在可靠的判决中享受优待。”

    SONIA SOTOMAYOR : " I do not believe that any ethnic , racial or gender group has an in sound judging . "

  18. 纽约主场比赛结束后,他会先到城里寻欢作乐一番,直至凌晨时分才返回安索尼亚饭店。

    After home games in New York City , he would carouse through town and return to the legendary Ansonia Hotel in the wee hours .

  19. 到夜间,为了把思绪从索尼亚身上移开,布瑞尔就自己给自己讲故事–换句话说,他讲述了一个颇有篇幅的特殊传奇故事。

    At night , to keep his mind off Sonia , Brill tells himself stories-or rather , one tale in particular , which he develops in several instalments .

  20. 尽管她没有一个在手的部长级职位,当出现某些不受欢迎的政府政策时,索尼亚·甘地就会出现分离政府政策让政府重新回到艰难的决定环节。

    Since she does not hold a ministerial post , Sonia Gandhi can appear detached from government policy , and row back from difficult decisions when they prove unpopular .

  21. 世界卫生组织全球消除小儿麻痹计划的发言人索尼亚.巴里,联合国各援助机构和地方社区都认为,为了孩子的利益而展开这项行动是非常重要的。

    A spokeswoman for W.H.O. 's Global Polio Eradication Initiative , Sona Bari , tells VOA U.N. aid agencies and local communities decided it was important to go ahead with the campaign for the sake of the children .