
  • 网络hierarchical cluster analysis;cluster analysis;hierarchical clustering;hierachical cluster analysis
  1. 系统聚类分析中应注意的两类问题

    Two Attentive Problems in Hierarchical Cluster Analysis Methods

  2. 本文根据调查统计资料,以新疆86个县市为地域单元,应用主成分分析和系统聚类分析等数学方法,对新疆经济地域类型和综合经济区的划分进行初步探讨。

    In this paper , according to the statistic and investigated data , taking 86 countries ( or cities ) of Xinjiang as the study unit , by the methods of Principal Component analysis and Hierarchical Cluster analysis , economic region types and economic district were discussed .

  3. Q型系统聚类分析方法及其在水化学分类中的应用

    The Q-type system cluster analysis and application in the classification of groundwater chemistry

  4. 根据系统聚类分析的结果,将其分为4个群:生物种B与A。

    Seven isolates were divided into four groups based on the result of hierarchical clustering analysis , i. e. species B and A .

  5. 系统聚类分析和产品ABC分析在区域经济分析中的综合应用

    A Sum Total Application of System Cluster Analysis and Product ABC Analysis in District Economy Analysis

  6. 对城乡一体化概念、内容,AHP分析方法和系统聚类分析法进行了阐述。

    Of urban-rural integration concept , content , the AHP analysis method and system clustering analysis is discussed in this paper .

  7. 采用MATLAB统计工具箱中系统聚类分析法编程进行了京杭运河(常州市区段)水质监测断面的优化设置。

    Adopted by systematic accumulation programming under MATLAB statistic tool , the optimizing design of water quality monitoring section of Chang Zhou city part of Beijing-Hang Zhou Canal was developed .

  8. 在此基础上,进行了系统聚类分析方法、Hierarchy-Pyramid聚类分析方法、模糊c均值聚类分析方法的研究。

    The paper studies hierarchy clustering analysis , Hierarchy-Pyramid clustering analysis and fuzzy c-mean clustering analysis .

  9. 步骤2.完成后,对这28个芦荟样品根据其HPLC数据进行系统聚类分析和逐步判别分析。

    After step 2 . had been carried out , based on the HPLC data obtained , a hierarchical cluster analysis and a stepwise discrimination analysis were performed on the 28 aloe samples .

  10. 提出了两种专家判断矩阵一致性调整的新方法:一般的Hadamard凸组合(Easy-HCC)方法和基于系统聚类分析的Hadamard凸组合(HCC)方法。

    Two new methods for regulating the consistency of the judgment matrix are presented . They are the general Hadamard convex combination ( Easy-HCC ) and clustering analysis-based Hadamard convex combination ( HCC ) .

  11. 本文对我国黑粉菌属(Ustilago)51个样本,选取33个形态学和生物学编码性状进行了类平均法的系统聚类分析。

    A hierarchical clustering analysis was tried with 51 species-specimen under the genus Ustilago hitherto collected and identified from China by many authors . The result was based on 33 morphological and biological coding characters as well as with group-average method .

  12. 广西森林病虫害监测状况的系统聚类分析

    The System Cluster Analysis of Forest Pests Monitoring Information in Guangxi

  13. 气相色谱-系统聚类分析方法在蓼属植物分类中的应用

    Application of Hierarchical Cluster with GC-MS in the Classification of Polygonum

  14. 系统聚类分析法在辣椒亲本选配上的应用

    Application of Systematic Cluster Analysis Method in Pepper Crossing Parents Selection

  15. 大青叶质量的主成分分析和系统聚类分析

    Principal Component Analysis and Cluster Analysis on Quality of Folium Isatidis

  16. 白银市中心区土壤养料肥力系统聚类分析

    Hierachical Cluster Analysis of Soil Nutrient Fertility in the Centre of Baiyin

  17. 几种金银花的高效液相色谱法鉴别与系统聚类分析

    Identification and Cluster Analysis of Several Species of Flos Lonicerae

  18. 系统聚类分析法在玉米自交系分类中的应用

    The Application of Systematic Cluster Analysis Method in Maize Inbred Line Classification

  19. 系统聚类分析在镰刀菌鉴定中的应用

    The application of hierachical cluster analysis to identification of the genus Fusarium

  20. 双季茭白品种资源材料的系统聚类分析

    Hierachical clustering analysis of double season water bamboo Germplasm Resources

  21. 系统聚类分析方法与分类布点决策的研究

    The Development of Hierarchical Clustering Analysis Methods and Classifying or Locating Problems

  22. 一类大气总悬浮颗粒污染状况的系统聚类分析

    Systematic Cluster Analysis for a Class of Atmospheric TSP Pollution

  23. 紫花苜蓿幼苗抗旱性的模糊隶属函数及系统聚类分析

    Analysis of the Subordinate Function and cluster analysis of Alfalfa Drought Resistance

  24. 系统聚类分析在区域性土壤养分管理中的应用

    Application of Systematic Cluster Analysis in Regionalized Soil Nutrient Management

  25. 大豆根瘤菌接种试验的系统聚类分析

    Analysis of systems cluster on inoculation test with Rhizobium japonicum

  26. 中国纽荷尔脐橙主要食味品质的系统聚类分析

    Systematic Cluster Analysis on the Major Taste Quality of Newhall Orange in China

  27. 不同产地黄芪的系统聚类分析

    Hierarchical Clustering analysis of Radix Astragali from different habitats

  28. 7种鹿茸茸毛的显微鉴别及系统聚类分析

    Microscopical Identification and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis of Seven Kinds of Pilose Antler Velvet

  29. 枇杷果实性状的系统聚类分析

    The Research of system cluster analysis to fruit characters selection in Loquat Breeding

  30. 成人智力测验的系统聚类分析

    A Systematic Cluster Analysis of Adult , Intelligence Test